Thanks Biden/Harris

Since you’re dumb. Let me explain. Say I am in the area for 3 yrs.

Get the ARM, then sell. ARMs are generally cheaper. They aren’t stupid. They are stupid for long term REM holders.

Glad I could help, you financially illiterate dolt.
So you're saying the people in the OP are stupid.
How is it Biden/Harris's fault that these "stupid" people got an ARM 5 years ago?
It’s their fault that these ARMs are super expensive now. Not their fault they got the ARMs. Keep up.

I ll add to it. Biden/Harris stifled growth so families who thought they would earn more aren’t and interest rates skyrocketed.
It's not Biden's fault someone got an ARM 5 years ago. I mean, what was the logic there? Rates were about as low as they ever could be. There's only downside.

Poor financial decisions are the fault of people who made them.
Perhaps lenders changing the rules for their own profits was a motive. I remember when the Progs screwed over people that led to the 2008 mortgage crisis. W warned a few times to no avail. A lot of people who played y the rules were ph ucked. Quick Revenge is too good for those politicians and others involved who extended those loans for years. Giving loans out to people who were credit risks and junk bonds were involved also.
It’s their fault that these ARMs are super expensive now. Not their fault they got the ARMs. Keep up.

I ll add to it. Biden/Harris stifled growth so families who thought they would earn more aren’t and interest rates skyrocketed.
That's the risk you take with keeping an ARM for more than 5 years.

They made a gamble and lost.
Perhaps lenders changing the rules for their own profits was a motive. I remember when the Progs screwed over people that led to the 2008 mortgage crisis. W warned a few times to no avail. A lot of people who played y the rules were ph ucked. Quick Revenge is too good for those politicians and others involved who extended those loans for years. Giving loans out to people who were credit risks and junk bonds were involved also.
Yeah, the 2008 mortgage crisis was enabled by complex investment vehicles that incentivized mortgage brokers to make lots of loans rather than good loans.

W didn't warn about it. If anything, he enabled it.
I love how when the right says something you guys call it anecdotal but you're perfectly fine with posting anecdotal stuff yourself.
If the right had any solution rather than just blame, they'd maybe have more success with this.

But we all know there really isn't a solution.
Thanks to a pandemic.

Putting all the blame on Biden/Harris is juvenile but probably works on low information voters.

The lesson here is don't gamble unless you're prepared to lose.
They declared war on fossil fuels. 88% of our good are transported by trucks. What did they think would happen? Costs went up. Inflation. Rates skyrocketed.

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