Thanks Biden/Harris

Way to make life less affordable. Luckily I am locked in at 2.66%. 20 yr fixed.


MA is expensive
don't wait 20 years to pay-off your mortgage
pay off your mortgage fast as you can
make extra payments if you can
it will save you lots of money
a house is great investment
Prices can't be higher now than before if a refinery which didn't exist before still doesn't exist. Refinery capacity took a nosedive due to the pandemic, not because of Democratic policies.

Still waiting for you to give some data to demonstrate there are "fewer entities".

The article isn't really very relevant. It's just rehashing points which we agree upon but which are not relevant. Yes, the administration reduced leases on federal lands and offshore. That has not resulted in lower US oil production. The article does not attempt to claim this is resulting in higher prices.
It resulted in fewer players in the market. Research it yourself
Why did Harris lie about Xiden’s health?

Why did have her admin lie about the assassination attempt on trump?

Does she know where Ukraine is?
It's not Biden's fault someone got an ARM 5 years ago. I mean, what was the logic there? Rates were about as low as they ever could be. There's only downside.

Poor financial decisions are the fault of people who made them.
It’s harris/xiden’s fault interest rates have skyrocketed

Well to be fair it’s the entire demafacist party’s fault

Hence why a record number of Americans are worse off since harris was elected to VP

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