Will Trump Replace JD Vance?

It's a proven fact that you leftist retards don't get that happier women are those who stay at home and raise their families. And yet you routinely deride women who go that route.
Of course! I would love to find a woman who would go to work for me and my 2 kids. Fuck yea! I bet women are sorry they forced women's lib on us. Corporate America showed them. They thought if they went to work they'd have more money. They thought with 2 incomes they'd be RICH. But what did companies do to combat women's lib? They just made it so that today it takes 2 people to live comfortably. So forget about making twice as much and being rich. Now you both NEED to work.

The median wage is $50K a year? Imagine making that and paying for a woman and kid. Fuck that.

No, you want us to deride stay at home moms to counter all the negative press you're getting deriding single women who don't have kids. You put your foots in your mouths not us.
Your argument is classic projection because if it were Condoleeza Rice or Candace Owens running I would vote for either one of them in a heartbeat. So take your ASSumption and shove it where you get your colonoscopy.

Yes you would vote for an uncle tom because you know they'd toe the line.
There are millions upon millions of American voters ‒ certainly liberals and independents, and I’d bet a decent slice of conservatives ‒ who have spent the past eight or so years watching Trump and the MAGA circus and thinking: “Wow, this is all very weird.”
Don't even try to go with that leftist "weird" line you are parroting.

It's just simply projecting a batshit crazy leftist dem trait upon the sane.

You have really gone off the rails of late. Desperate much?
Don't even try to go with that leftist "weird" line you are parroting.

It's just simply projecting a batshit crazy leftist dem trait upon the sane.

You have really gone off the rails of late. Desperate much?

It's the perfect way to describe your party to voters who aren't that informed. Now when they tell me "hey did you hear RFK Jr. said this or JD Vance said that?" All I'm going to say is "yea, that guys weird".

Or, "what do you think about what Trump tweeted yesterday?"

My answer, "weird"
Of course! I would love to find a woman who would go to work for me and my 2 kids. Fuck yea! I bet women are sorry they forced women's lib on us. Corporate America showed them. They thought if they went to work they'd have more money. They thought with 2 incomes they'd be RICH. But what did companies do to combat women's lib? They just made it so that today it takes 2 people to live comfortably. So forget about making twice as much and being rich. Now you both NEED to work.

The median wage is $50K a year? Imagine making that and paying for a woman and kid. Fuck that.

No, you want us to deride stay at home moms to counter all the negative press you're getting deriding single women who don't have kids. You put your foots in your mouths not us.
It's a long history with the feminazis. they think motherhood, which is a woman's G-d given calling and purpose, is beneath you, and them.
It's classic projection and you can't even see it.

It's like when you guys say Affirmative Action is racist towards whites or sexist towards men. Well yea. But it was white men's misogyny and racism that forced us to come up with AA.

Hell, look at what JD Vance thinks about women who choose to be a CEO over be a mom. Now you want to say white male CEO's like JD Vance are giving "crazy cat ladies" an opportunity to run the company?

This is basically proof they are bias against women.
It is racist toward whites and sexism against men, the most qualified should always be the one rewarded. No it means being a mom over being a ceo is a choice some women make, and feminazi's make it seem criminal screw you!
Your argument is classic projection because if it were Condoleeza Rice or Candace Owens running I would vote for either one of them in a heartbeat. So take your ASSumption and shove it where you get your colonoscopy.
Perfectly said, it's about qualifications they just can't wrap their head around it
It is racist toward whites and sexism against men, the most qualified should always be the one rewarded. No it means being a mom over being a ceo is a choice some women make, and feminazi's make it seem criminal screw you!
Exactly what I've been hearing from the Left for decades! their claim is you're not a "real" woman if you cannot climb the ladder with men. All feminists are misandryst, especially against white males.
Perfectly said, it's about qualifications they just can't wrap their head around it
It's exactly the same thing with these libeRETARDS! They want to keep blacks on their plantations, poor, and in dysfunctional families, and whenever prominent blacks like even Bill Cosby, and hell, MALCOM X both state that the right way to be successful in America is to work hard and play by the rules. Obstacles be damned!
It's exactly the same thing with these libeRETARDS! They want to keep blacks on their plantations, poor, and in dysfunctional families, and whenever prominent blacks like even Bill Cosby, and hell, MALCOM X both state that the right way to be successful in America is to work hard and play by the rules. Obstacles be damned!
Yep, the only difference is on the urban plantations, all they have to do is vote
Frankenstein , Democrats made a major miscalculation courting the black vote in the first place. Now, blacks are seeing firsthand what over sixty, yes SIXTY years of pandering have done. Lyndon Baines Fucking Johnson's "War on Poverty" was successful alright. Successful in ripping families apart and keeping people poor and dependent on big daddy government. Sometimes, oftentimes for multiple generations. This is why they were dragged kicking and screaming when the highly successful Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was enacted.

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