History of Israel May Help Some Understand

Once again you have been spoonfed lies and Jew hate from neo Nazi bullshit sites like Stormfront. Jews don’t practice from the Talmud. It is a book of interpretations as to how Jews should live written by ancient mystics. Has zero validity and nothing to do with the faith. In fact most Jews haven’t even seen or opened a “Talmud”. Just like Christianity has writings or interpretations by so called monks, mystics or “saints”, it has nothing to do with the actual faith.

Jesus was killed by the Romans because he claimed to be Son of God and in Ancient Rome you get crucified for that because that was evidence of rebellion against the ruler, who was the only holy person related to God. Thousands and thousands of people were crucified in Ancient Rome, Jesus was just another victim who happened to also be Jewish.

There was no “Christianity” during Jesus’ time.
As usual you can’t answer my question about Judaism and how it is practice today, so all you can do is attack me and call me a “Nazi” which is ridiculous.
As usual you can’t answer my question about Judaism and how it is practice today, so all you can do is attack me and call me a “Nazi” which is ridiculous.
Judaism is practiced by following the tenants of the Torah, and that has not changed for the last 3000 years. It is also how Jesus the Jew practiced it. Try going into a synagogue and see how it’s done. The bullshit about Talmud is a common Nazi theme.
Jesus was born and died as a Jew. There was no Christianity or Christ until AFTER Jesus died. Look it up. Christianity is the reinvented religion, which is based on the Old Testament or Torah of Judaism and mixed with the paganism of Ancient Rome. Jews don’t practice from the Talmud, nor will you find it in most synagogues, that is yet another neo Nazi blood libel myth.

Jesus claimed he was the Messiah or Son of God, which in Judaism is blasphemy and paganism. They don’t believe in worshipping a human being as a God, nor does their faith accept it.

Your ideology is no different than Islamists who think all non believers are “infidels”. Flip side of the same coin. Millions of Jews have been killed, tortured and persecuted throughout history by so called Christians during the crusades, inquisitions and culminating in the holocaust for this same reason.

Live and let live.
It’s only blasphemy in modern Judaism.

It’s laughable you say they don’t teach from the Talmud, you should spend time down in the Religion forum and see your Jewish “Rabbi” buddies quote the Talmud all the time and they can never acknowledge actual scripture from the Torah.

The Old Testament has what we now call the Trinity in it. The Spirit that hovered over the waters in Genesis. The Angel of the Lord who had the power to forgive sins (only God has that power), and was separate from the Lord.

But the Talmudic Jews always make up excuses and consult their Rabbi for “interpretation” of these and many more versus that clearly point to Jesus.
Judaism is practiced by following the tenants of the Torah, and that has not changed for the last 3000 years. It is also how Jesus the Jew practiced it. Try going into a synagogue and see how it’s done. The bullshit about Talmud is a common Nazi theme.
Do Jews make a sacrifice every year then yes or no?
Do they outlaw homosexuality yes or no?
Do they follow the detailed guidelines about what they can eat or not eat? Yes or no?
The fake country and people is Palestine and Palestinians that never existed in history. They are invaders and squatters.
What do you mean, squatters? they lived there before most of the European migrant Jews came to Palestine, the Arabs were already living there dickhead.

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Judaism is practiced by following the tenants of the Torah, and that has not changed for the last 3000 years. It is also how Jesus the Jew practiced it. Try going into a synagogue and see how it’s done. The bullshit about Talmud is a common Nazi theme.
Many Jews regard the New Testament as a product of gentiles, not Jews, many regard it as one of the worst examples of antisemitism ever perpetrated against Jews.
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It’s only blasphemy in modern Judaism.

It’s laughable you say they don’t teach from the Talmud, you should spend time down in the Religion forum and see your Jewish “Rabbi” buddies quote the Talmud all the time and they can never acknowledge actual scripture from the Torah.

The Old Testament has what we now call the Trinity in it. The Spirit that hovered over the waters in Genesis. The Angel of the Lord who had the power to forgive sins (only God has that power), and was separate from the Lord.

But the Talmudic Jews always make up excuses and consult their Rabbi for “interpretation” of these and many more versus that clearly point to Jesus.
There is no such thing as Talmudic Jews. You keep spouting utter ignorance. An Internet forum does not represent a religion. Judaism is a monotheistic faith, which means a human being cannot be a god. Worshipping a human as god is what paganism and idol worshippers like ancient Romans, Greeks, Buddhists and Sikhs do.

I guess you are committed to your Jew hate, there is nothing anybody can do to educate or inform you. Sadly these are the beliefs held by ignoramuses with a medieval mentality that has led to the persecution and genocide of Jews throughout history. Jews haven’t been the ones that have been committing these atrocities on non Jews, it has always been a one way street, Muslims or Christians doing it to Jews.

Like I said the crazy “believers” on the right are no different than the ones on the Left or Islamists, flip side of the same coin and an embarrassment to all conservatives and republicans.

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