History of Israel May Help Some Understand

More neo Nazi myths. Judaism hasn’t changed. The two other faiths that came after and were based on it are reinvented.
LOL it is you who does not know history.

When was the Talmud written? Before or after the life of Jesus Christ?

You claim Judaism hasn’t changed….are they still doing temple sacrifices? Do they still consider homosexuality an abomination? Are they still following the 600+ commandments on how to act and what to eat?

Of course not. Jews today do not look or act anything like Jews from 2500 years ago. That’s because they totally reinvented “Judaism” with the Talmud once they realized they killed the Messiah and Christianity wasn’t going away.
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This is not about religion but history of Israel.
I skipped to the part in video where it is discussed.
I don't understand why so many are offended about the smallest nation in middle East.
Israel consists of .2% of the land mass in Middle East. That is Point two percent!
I';m not Jewish and have no particular interest in it. But I do like to study history and that brought me to this information.

Do you like the part where Zionists drove out 750,000 Palestinians off their farms at the point of a gun?

Or do you like the part how they seized territory in a war against international law?

Or do you like the part where they force Palestinians in the West Bank to live under martial law.
By calling to eliminate them and the rest of the Jews and Arabs in Israel?
No, by agreeing with them on the repugnance of Zionism.
Then you call for a million martyr march, saying you "support Palestine",
but can't compute how it only results in more Gazan dying.
Quiet dull for a sherlock, as they say "with such friends..."
As I just tried to explain, I no more "call to eliminate them", than they are calling for their own elimination, I stand with them, have protested along side them.
No, by agreeing with them on the repugnance of Zionism.

As I just tried to explain, I no more "call to eliminate them", than they are calling for their own elimination, I stand with them, have protested along side them.

Then you already contradict your previous post, proving nothing you ever say worth anything.

If you can't compute how posting a picture of Jews in Jerusalem and calling to eliminate their country results in their death, and the death of more Gazans, then this is a good example why it's a bad idea to lower academic standards for the Hamas drag queens and goat lovers to feel "welcome" passing the multiplication table for a university graduation.

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Then you already contradict your previous post, proving nothing you ever say worth anything.

If you can't compute how posting a picture of Jews in Jerusalem and calling to eliminate their country results in their death, and the death of more Gazans, then this is a good example why it's a bad idea to lower academic standards for Hamas drag queens, and other goat lovers in Harvard.

Nothing wrong with calling for the elimination of Zionist Israel to make way for something far superior, we did it with the Third Reich and we can do it with the Zionist Reich, it's just a change, why are you afraid of change?
Nothing wrong with calling for the elimination of Zionist Israel to make way for something far superior, we did it with the Third Reich and we can do it with the Zionist Reich, it's just a change, why are you afraid of change?

What change, your pipedreams of establishing exclusive Arab domination,
to return the entire region back into 7th century Arabia?

Israel is the change, and only alternative for minorities
seeking independent future from the yoke of Arab imperialism.

What change, your pipedreams of establishing exclusive Arab domination,
to return the entire region back into 7th century Arabia?

Israel is the change, and only alternative for minorities
seeking independent future from the yoke of Arab imperialism.
You're clearly obsessed with the idea that societies must exist to favor some distinct sub class of citizens. The Israeli model of Jew supremacy is just one of many ideas, nobody says the only alternative is an Arab supremacist model.
You're clearly obsessed with the idea that societies must exist to favor some distinct sub class of citizens. The Israeli model of Jew supremacy is just one of many ideas, nobody says the only alternative is an Arab supremacist model.

How long is your attention span?

In the first sentence you frame minorities as a "sub class",
and in the 2nd as "supremacists" for not submitting to Arab imperialism.

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How long is your attention span?
In the first sentence you frame minorities as a "sub class",
Yes, a class within a class, a set within a set, a subset.
and in the 2nd as "supremacists" for not submitting to Arab imperialism.
If I move to a foreign land and setup a fake country populated mainly by foreigners and governed by foreigners like me, after expelling the indigenous people, it is rather silly to argue that I did that to avoid "submitting" to anything. The only thing the Jews in Europe had to submit to was Nazism, not Arab imperialism FFS.

Yes, a class within a class, a set within a set, a subset.

If I move to a foreign land and setup a fake country populated mainly by foreigners and governed by foreigners like me, after expelling the indigenous people, it is rather silly to argue that I did that to avoid "submitting" to anything. The only thing the Jews in Europe had to submit to was Nazism, not Arab imperialism FFS.

Do you want that logic applied to all the Arabs
who can not even pronounce 'P- alestine',
without learning another language?

If you want decolonization,
don't cry about the consequence.


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