The Left Think the World is Overpopulated

I don't know what party affiliation has to do with the world's population. I've voted for Ron Paul 3 times, Reagan twice and a few LP candidates several times.

It seems obvious the world is overpopulated. Why humans tend to live in cities has nothing to do with party affiliation. If the world is NOT overpopulated, why are there so many homeless here in the land of the free and home of the brave? Why does every major city in the world teem with humans? Now that our borders have been over run for the last 4 years it's more obvious. Why don't all those people go live in the woods, the great unpopulated areas of the world?
Wow, you sound like JD Vance. He's an idiot too. Us people not having kids are doing the future of humanity a favor. Not you breeders. You having kids isn't a good thing especially the way you'll raise them to be ignorant selfish greedy assholes.

Yes, Earth Overshoot Day, which marks the day when humanity has used up a year's worth of natural resources, has been arriving earlier each year. In 2023, Earth Overshoot Day was on August 2, which was two days earlier than the previous year. In 2019, it was on July 29, and in 2012 it was on August 22. In the 1970s, Earth Overshoot Day was in December.

That means in 1970 we had just enough people on this planet. 3.7 billion people. Let's call it 4 billion. PERFECT according to Earth's Overshoot day.

We have 8.2 billion people on earth. CLEARLY too many. Only a dumb flat earther thinks otherwise. I'll even give you 6 billion. 6 billion would be much but not too much. We could handle that. We could probably handle 8 billion if we didn't have so many Republicans in America.

8 billion is clearly too many for a shrinking land mass.

the georgia guidestones (a magnificent rosetta stone monument destroyed by these barbarians) posits that 500,000,000" are sustainable."
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

They're filling that space up with South Americans

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