The Left Think the World is Overpopulated

There aren't too many people in the world, just too many democrats.

Another right wing piece of crap thread. You guys are so busy trying to claim what the left wants, but you idiots can't govern and your policies always fail.

Blue shows his true color again.
Nope. Every person on earth would fit in Rhode Island on about 6 square feet each. Do the math.
great plan. part of trump's "agenda 2025? "

and an average grave is closer to 8'X4.,' but not to worry, the only thing to eat would be each other.
The population of the US.

1970....203.12 million.

2020....331.50 million.

Of course that does not even account for FJB's open borders.

Yeah, I'd say there is too many people too. That's one hell of a increase in just 40 years.

You used to be safe being 25 miles from a population center....Now it's 80 miles....Even worse if there is train service or a interstate nearby.

The rush of the lemmings into NOtVA/DC starts at around 0430 in my AO and I'm 60 miles out.
To escape the gravitational pull of DC traffic you must get beyond Hagerstown to the west and beyond Richmond to the south. There’s no escape going north because the traffic gravity of Baltimore, Philly, NY and the Boston corridor just keeps pulling.
Another right wing piece of crap thread. You guys are so busy trying to claim what the left wants, but you idiots can't govern and your policies always fail.
Speaking of inner city racists who never travel further than the local liquor store…..
Yet if you put all the people "shoulder to shoulder" and "back to front", the total area covered would be the state of Texas. It is true that Marxists/Demofascists give away free shit so uneducated people flock to the city so they can rule over them, but when the city goes out of control like we are seeing of late, then the leftists start howling that the sheeple need to be led to the slaughter, all in the name of "Democracy".
Not true. 4 people per house on a standard lot size. All fits inside Texas. The rest of the world void of humans.
Another right wing piece of crap thread. You guys are so busy trying to claim what the left wants, but you idiots can't govern and your policies always fail.
We are maxing out on extracting resources from people to keep paying others off. I believe regionalism and local regionalism will become a more and more way of surviving from those who keep taxing citizens to pay for areas that do not want to improve.
We are maxing out on extracting resources from people to keep paying others off. I believe regionalism and local regionalism will become a more and more way of surviving from those who keep taxing citizens to pay for areas that do not want to improve.
Depends on what your version of "improve" is.
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

This memo from planned parenthood might interest you.

And the world is over populated. It's over populated with people like them, the new progressive types. The world would be perfectly fine if they were gone, if not better. They are the ones that have ruined everything.

Our society has never been perfect, but even 20 years ago or 50 years ago it was pretty damn solid. American society then was all in all in good shape. But now our society is coming apart at the seems and is fractured and going down hill at the very same time this new breed of democract and progressives started forcing their beliefs into America.

If something like a soxiety starts getting worse the answer is simple, go back to the last time it was better and then go forward and find what has changed. What changed is the problem.
I was a teenager in the 1950s.

Things were much quieter and peaceful because of a lower population.

There are now 8,000,000,000 human beings on this earth, and they are still coming.

Demographers tell us the population growth will be greatest in Africa.

And that many of those African young men will be heading for Europe.

Planned Parenthood (which I have listed in my will) and abortion are absolutely necessary.
I was a teenager in the 1950s.

Things were much quieter and peaceful because of a lower population.

There are now 8,000,000,000 human beings on this earth, and they are still coming.

Demographers tell us the population growth will be greatest in Africa.

And that many of those African young men will be heading for Europe.

Planned Parenthood (which I have listed in my will) and abortion are absolutely necessary.
You don't believe that or you would have led by example.
Liberals just don't get it.


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