Kamala's Dad is JAMAICAN AFRICAN and not AFRICAN AMERICAN. Period. Full Stop. End of Story.

Let's put a little wager down then.

No can do. I'm a chief Election Inspector for my township, you're asking me to do something that violates Wisconsin code.

No person shall be allowed to vote in any election in which the person has made or become
interested, directly or indirectly, in any bet or wager depending upon the result of the election.
Wis. Stat. § 6.03(2) (Thomson/West 2023).
Must be capable and of good understanding.
Wis. Stat. § 7.30(2)(a) (Thomson/West 2023).
Funny, back in my day, we didnt have asshat Marxists, trying to ruin the country with millions of illegals crossing the borders, 100s of blacks murdering blacks each weekend and, a senile old shit for brains who had to stand down, because he couldnt beat a felon at the ballot box. Still want to play?
Not with you. You appear unbalanced. Your "Marxist" rhetoric prove it. Seek help.
Not with you. You appear unbalanced. Your "Marxist" rhetoric prove it. Seek help.
I wasnt the guy who voted to have my taxes raised, my fuel and food prices necessarily skyrocket, and want millions of diseased criminals crossing our southern border. You need to check your unbalanced with your doctor.
In almost all her speeches when she mentions race she refers to herself as multiracial. If she goes further into race, she will mention her mother who immigrated from Indian and her dad who immigrated from Jamaica.

She was born in Oakland, CA.
She like most politicians is introducing herself to voters.

Why does that make you mad?
I wasnt the guy who voted to have my taxes raised, my fuel and food prices necessarily skyrocket, and want millions of diseased criminals crossing our southern border. You need to check your unbalanced with your doctor.
Grow up fuckup
So am I, Mr. Mike Ox Enormous.... 😉
Apparently, in one of the excerpts from the diary entry, Ashley wrote about "showering with her dad" at an inappropriate age, fear of being "sexually abused" as a young girl and so much more. After the 43-year-old confirmed the authenticity of the diary's contents, people will demand answers from the White House, as per Daily Mail.
So if not 14, then 10, and 8 and possibly 6. Daddy Joe loved his little girl.
Her father's grandmother or great grandmother was the slave of a plantation owner, and was taken advantaged of by him.....got pregnant.....

Now, you can try to bull shit us with this newly found heritage of being related to some big wig, rich white plantation owner who owned slaves, like her father's family was some well to do plantation owner and they lived in the main mansion with him.....putting this lipstick on a pig....all you want....

But it is a fools errand imo.
Both of her PARENTS are privileged foreigners who first came to America to attend graduate school at Stanford. Her Mother is Indian and Father is Jamaican. Kamala has ZERO TIES to the African American heritage of slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation etc. ZERO. Those are the facts. She is being marketed as the first AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE PRESIDENT and uninformed Americans are being duped by the gaslighting campagin.
Both of her PARENTS are privileged foreigners who first came to America to attend graduate school at Stanford. Her Mother is Indian and Father is Jamaican. Kamala has ZERO TIES to the African American heritage of slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation etc. ZERO. Those are the facts. She is being marketed as the first AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE PRESIDENT and uninformed Americans are being duped by the gaslighting campagin.
Wrong. The Spanish brought Africans from Africa to Jamaica for slaves.

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