The Left: " Employers Are Responsible For Illegal Immigration"

Half way through his admin?? Haha

It’s not illegal to have an illegal on staff, it’s illegally to knowingly hire one.

As the link I provided showed, most illegals use fraud, through stealing someone’s ID to get hired. It’s tough to prosecute.

Was that why harris and xiden admin decided not to go after employers for knowingly hiring?
So all ya gotta do is shrug and say”how was I supposed to know”?
So all ya gotta do is shrug and say”how was I supposed to know”?
Well the govt has the burden of proof, how they do that, well take it up with trump, he was able to get the largest penalty in American history

He didn’t change the policy like harris and xiden did.
I do not support ending the birthright citizenship that is enshrined in the Constitution. Why would I. The small amount of “welfare” that goes to the children of immigrants matters not at all in the grand scheme of things

Illegal aliens will not be voting for years if ever and they absolutely don’t favor Dems

They are actually quite conservative

And YOU don’t want to go after employers. Why?

Small? An anchor baby supplies funding to the illegal parents because that baby American citizen needs care. So they fund the parents as well. Rent, food, and utilities.
Every time I bring up illegal employers, Republicans defend them. Why is that?

And based on these numbers it was Bush who stopped raiding illegal employers and Trump never brought it back. In fact half way through his first term Trump was an illegal employer himself.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
Have you ever run a business? Do you know what an I-9 form is?
Well the govt has the burden of proof, how they do that, well take it up with trump, he was able to get the largest penalty in American history

He didn’t change the policy like harris and xiden did.
Actually, the employer has the burden of proof. Called an I-9 form.
Trump's border wall has been broached more than 3000 times.

Hey, I'm not gonna cry if they waste a bunch of money building a wall that will be a huge win for a company like Haloburton. It won't work. I'll just say I told them so when it doesn't work. And it'll make Trump supporters happy even if it doesn't work. Cause trust me, Trump ain't gonna watch the wall after he builds it.

You have to patrol the border. Wall or no wall. So really, no wall is necessary so long as we are patrolling the border. And if we stop, then no need for a wall.
Walls work in conjunction with other methods.
How many times have I heard this? They claim if Republicans employers would quit hiring illegals, then illegals wouldn't be coming here, as if Democrat employers don't also hire illegals. Then we've got several sanctuary cities around the country and a sanctuary state with Nancy Pelosi saying, "Well, someone needs to pick the crops". We've got Democrats welcoming illegals with open arms, giving them benefits (including health insurance), driver's licenses, letting them vote in local elections, and now we have the entire state of California wanting to pay illegals unemployment benefits. So, the old "if employers would quit hiring illegals then they wouldn't come here" argument rings hollow.

Must be something to this since Trump named Homan as border czar and he said he was going after employers.
I know employers lie and say "they were given fake documents"

Funny Trump knows where all the illegals are but the people hiring are playing dumb. They know.
I have owned companies. An applicant is required to give two forms of ID. The employer has to record the information from these documents. He CANNOT determine if a document is legit or not. If he does, and he is wrong, the applicant could sue him for damages.

So, it doesn't happen.
Actually, the employer has the burden of proof. Called an I-9 form.
In a criminal case the govt had the burden of proof

All an employer has to do as it relates ti an I9 is that employee fill the form out, an employee can lie.

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