The left now wants 'Unity'?

You need to quit whining and wearing your feelings on your sleeve.

It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself, no matter what they say
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run
When did he whine?

I didn't see it.
the old rope a dope.......Might work in Congress......hopefully not on the President
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
Could have told you that was coming which...... I did.
dimocrap scum are just trying to keep from being exterminated so they can worm their way back into the body of society to re-emerge and start feeding off the flesh of the American People again. Like the parasitic scum they are.

Why do you think I call them 'scum' in every single post? They are. They must be eliminated as a political party. The whole shebang. Their power must be taken and they should be consigned to the same garbage bin of humanity as Hitler, Stalin and every other fascist in history.

I don't want to get along with dimocrap scum. Ever. I want to END them. Permanently.

As should every patriotic American. Their existence is Anathema to America and Americans.

dimocraps are scum. Never forget that
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
Trump and the American right have been the dividers here.
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
There is nothing more offensive than hearing the most anti-American divisive party in history talk about the importance of "unity".
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?

Okay. Stop opposing everything President Trump does. Let him govern unopposed and see how things turn out.

But we all know they won’t do that.
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
When you lie and call your political opponents "racists", "bigots", "Nazis" and any other vile crap you can think of the country will be divided. Democrats need to look at their own behavior before unity can happen.
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
Cut my message board teeth at the now defunct C-SPAN forums...We actually had substantive conversations there, even though a few of us, myself included, still came in pretty hot.

Try that here and now, and you can't get off the first page of responses before one or more of the usual suspect monkeys come in hucking turds.
Meet the Press today is disgusting...Kristen Welcher spends a whole show talking about "Unity".... Highlighting that we are the most divided country since the time preceding the Civil War....Without ever asking the question, 'How'd we the media play a role in this'?

She opened the show today, talking with Sens, Warnock, and Lankford, preaching some kind of hearing from "both sides" when indeed the media drove this divide. Tone deaf to say the least....

In fact, just look in here....When I started posting on message boards, way, way back in the late 90s, there were real discussions. On to today, just look at this board. There is very little being honestly discussed with respect to opposing ideas, or cases being made for these ideas...It's just a name calling bitch fest. Who's responsible?
Not interested in unifying with terrorists and those who support terrorists. (Namely, the DNC).

Fuck em. Let them eat shit.
Cut my message board teeth at the now defunct C-SPAN forums...We actually had substantive conversations there, even though a few of us, myself included, still came in pretty hot.

Try that here and now, and you can't get off the first page of responses before one or more of the usual suspect monkeys come in hucking turds.
Bravo! I've been hanging out on MBs for a long, long time. First ones started on Sports MBs until they got out of control due to the usual dimocrap scum invasion.

I used to have really good back and forth with some old-school Democrats. People who loved the Country but had a different take an what was best for the People.

Not anymore. These days, there is no more Democrat Party, now it's just dimocrap scum. There are no ore Democrats. They stay in the background if they're even still around.

Ubercunt is really the one that ushered in the 'change' then The Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis seriously divided us even more.

It's institutional. It's not a "Ground-Up" movement. Totally "Bottom Down". The Republican Party is still from 'below' while dimocrap FILTH are totally from 'above'.

I really don't eant to be friends with those people. They smell bad.
"Who's responsible?" Mostly uninformed, low information assholes on both extremes, vying for attention, and getting it.
It has almost nothing to do with “extremes”…that’s just a fun buzzword parroted by those who pretend to play the middle… It has everything to do with core party, ideologies, and philosophies and how far apart and different they are now.
One party wants all of Mexico’s people within our borders and one party wants none of Mexico’s people within our borders.
One party wants men in dresses to shit next to our daughters and one doesn’t.
One party wants men who wear lipstick to compete in women's athletics and one doesn’t.
One party wants Black people to be hired for their skin color and one doesn’t.
One party wants dark people starring in every commercial ad campaign and one doesn’t.
One party wants to vilify white heterosexual Christians and one doesn’t.
One party wants people to believe homosexuality is as cool and normal as heterosexuality and one doesn’t.
One party wants abortions performed on baby killers while they pump gas at 7-elevens and one party doesn’t.

See, we hate each other, we want each other dead or in concentration camps. Embrace the hate and divide, unity is never coming back.

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