The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope

"The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope"

The only thing absurd is the premise of this thread.
The Pope has done something behind the scenes to obtain this attention.
We will never know what is going on. that is the POINT of having a Pope.

He is a Puppet man / Image man - Of millions of people who truly dislike the Scriptures in their original form. That they worship and praise and go wild for a man who will tell them that perverting the original message of scriptures is better for them.
The Pope has done something behind the scenes to obtain this attention.
We will never know what is going on. that is the POINT of having a Pope.

He is a Puppet man / Image man - Of millions of people who truly dislike the Scriptures in their original form. That they worship and praise and go wild for a man who will tell them that perverting the original message of scriptures is better for them.


If you're going to resurrect a dead thread, have something useful to contribute.

The idea that foreigners - are The Americans - is a true, honest statement..

However - There were many early European 17th century Puritan refugees who had fled the protestant religious government in England.

It is said that Even outcast Jews were instrumental in Columbus's first voyage and even traveled with him on his journey aboard the October Flower.

Many, many more different types of Characters and Personalities of a wide variety of people came into the Land - after the Pilgrims and Puritans, many with bad intentions, cruelty and evil in their hearts.

Evil and horrible Slave Traders, Slave Owners, Indian abusers and abusers of themselves and all nature and life around them. Gun slingers and drunks, rapists and thieves. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution was a useful tool and effective idea of establishing a system of Laws and Orders with EQUALITY, RESPECT, RIGHTS and CONDUCT - that was expected LAW to be followed for ALL White Citizens. Giving bodies of governments in each City, Town and court to execute judgment and punishments.

At first of the Rights - these great Laws did not protect Blacks nor Indians because the majority of Blacks and Indians were not culturally in the same thought pattern as the Europeans. They were not educated in the way or type and style or behavior of reasoning, The thought processing, The resolution of conflicts and methods of dealing out punishments and rewards There was a great, HUGE wall of culture clash that was also made worse by language differences and the way the White, Brown and Black races even Looked so different from one another.

Paranoia, Fear, Religious and Spiritual differences. The Methods of Raising Families and Monogamy idea with a mandated, expected Lifetime OATH of enduring Faithfull commitment between Man and Wife.

The Blacks and Indians both did not have these ideas scribed into written form with a romance language and style of expressions and communications as the Whites. Even if some of them did indeed have that idea of Marriage.

The Indians or the Blacks used more Grunts and Guttural speech sound) produced in the throat; wide elaborate communicated expressive hand gestures, Slaps, Waves and Claps. Pointing and using sticks, stones, and abstract distant, vague meaning lines in the dirt or upon a wall or a tree that are removed and erased with the elements of the weather.

The Indians or the Blacks used more verbal clucking sounds - hoots and yelps and strange gestures and used allot of DEEP facial eXpressions and strong emotions, that were very foreign, strange, and useless and seemed insulting and meaningless - to the Whites. *( in their world of communication. )

The Indians or the Blacks used - Mystery and the joy of Confusion and Self Proclaimed , self injected statements of obvious playful joy to the realm of the unknown and ignorance - They had Spiritual connections to a Spirit world that had Magic Men and Shamans and Witch Doctors - who used Smoke, Drugs, Hallucinogens, Strong Smelling Weeds and Grasses and Leaves. They Used Shakers - Rattlers and Drums and Painted on their Face and bodies. They used methods of self mutilation and Self torture, Cutting their bodies. Power Quests in an drugged induced state of mind - and cutting and piercing the body parts was a token of status and importance in the uppermost, in the level of tribal obtainment.

Either - The Indians or the Blacks or Both of them - Commonly used Twisting and Contorting of the body, in great Dances and Chants, with Circles of Bodies - Crying, Screaming, Moaning and Circling, Dancing around the Fires for long, long hours, until they passed out in a Drug induced trip of intoxication or eXhaustion.

They used Human and Animal blood to perform ceremonies, drinking raw blood intoxicant Potions, flowers and roots and herbs to heal.

With acceptance of Adult men and women - Wearing just a small, short girth - cloth over the genital area, with children freely - running in the open nude. And Using bones of humans and animals, feathers and claws and - a variety of SKULLS for spiritual connections to the world of spirits and demons.

The Blacks and Indians did not both do all of these Things but one of the other did.

Just based on major difference of the Communication and Sociological - and human social behaviors. The Whites used written signs, books, symbols,

The Clash was so great and overcoming that accepting one race into the other race, if not social differences made it impossible. the Skin tone different and Facial structures - tore them apart, in an innocent but natural harmless way.

Time was the only thing that could heal this gap. Slavery and stealing of Indian lands is a crime that can never be justified.

it is a horror that we can remember and vow to never repeat, allow or Promote again.

I and People such as Myself wish that all Americans had behaved as Pilgrims, Puritans and Refugees. Who came here because they had no other safe place to dwell. But that has never been the Case.
I pray that Christians will not be forced to abandon Iraq and the Middle East says, Pope Francis -

See more at: Click Here I pray that Christians will not be forced to abandon Iraq and the Middle East says, Pope Francis

I Personally Hope that the Military will not Abandon their posts in Iraq and the Middle East..

As for Catholics , They may be able to win Muslims hearts by telling them that they are holy and righteous and that Islam is a part of gods plan for Ishmael and Abraham.

It is Good that the USA gives the Middle East BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars. Over the last six decades, the U.S. has given $299 billion in military and economic aid for Middle Eastern countries. Egypt has received $114 billion since the end of World War II.I

I cant think of any Catholic charities or donation drives - that are giving large sums of cash to the Middle East. . The Roman Catholic world is running their mouths and asking for more donations and charity money from people who are already Paying taXes here in the USA. The taX money has 400 billion dollars in the Last 70 years. ! and TRILLIONS of more money to other Poor CATHOLISLAMIC Countries and Nations - of Islam and Catholicism.

American Christians are not Abandoning The Poor of Middle Eastern.

The U.S. Gives Financial Aid to 96% of All Countries, through TAX PAYER Monies. . While The Pope never Addresses Catholic or Islamic Countries and asks them to Empty their pockets too.
How can Catholics Abandon what they never save ? Catholic Countries and the Vatican do not give help and aid Billions of dollars and supplies and food to anyone.

American, Non Catholic - Tax payers are not interested in listening to this senseless rambling.
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"The Left's absurd sudden respect for the Catholic Church and the Pope"

The only thing absurd is the premise of this thread.
Well do or do not the democrats claim that the hispanics are all voting hard left? There's hard left and there is left. And there is middle. Where would you place hispanic catholics and other catholics after the Pope's visit to Congress, New York, DC and Philly?
You notice that the Pope has been rambling about How that people need to bring Immigration from the middle East into the USA.

- In January 2003, the U.S. Catholic Bishops released a pastoral letter on migration entitled, "Strangers No Longer:

In their letter, the Bishops stressed that, "[w]hen persons cannot find employment in their country of origin to support themselves and their families, they have a right to find work elsewhere in order to survive.

Sovereign nations should provide ways to accommodate this right." No. 35. The Bishops made clear that the "[m]ore powerful economic nations…have a stronger obligation to accommodate migration flows." No. 36."

Catholics do not intend for this letter to be followed by Catholic countries. Just the USA is their targeted audience and hope for influence.

You know that there has NEVER, EVER never Been a Mexican Pope or Black or Cuban or Chinese or Black or a Indian POPE. *

( For the Last 2000 Freaking Years ) ! -- And there is nothing wrong with that. You know that there has never been a White, PROTESTANT - President - in Mexico or Brazil or - ITALY. - - OR a BLACK PRESIDENT. in Any Latin Land.

For the Last 2000 Years. ! NEVER. - it is COMPLETLY OUT of the Question. ! How DARE You even think of it ? - !

The USA is the Only Country On the Face of the planet who Allows NON Whites to - FAIRLY - Participate in the Elections or Have a Black, King or Queen . / President. ( Being a majority White Country * )
Remember - There are No White Kings in Africa. - Never, Ever, Ever has been. For the last 7000 years of Known World History.

Is this Racist ? There are No Black or Indian Presidents or , Kings in Italy. Never has been.

Is this Racist ? No Jewish Kings or Presidents in Germany or Ireland or England. India has no WHITE Prime Ministers.

It is normal for a RACE or Group of similar type people, to seek to be governed and to trust those who are the same as them. This kind of RACE - ISM is normal. .. It is NORMAL.. A natural survival instinct. It keeps the Countries, borders, Civilizations, Cultures and RACES Healthy and Humanity Surviving. The Blacks in Africa have never had a White King. -

You will notice that the Catholic Church eXpects Non Catholic Countries to set Up Minority Catholics in their political arena.

But Catholic and Muslim Countries NEVER allow a Protestant or another Person of another Majority Race to become President or a Leader. And Catholic and Muslim Countries NEVER offer for Thousands and Thousands of other races to come pouring into their country.

The Roman Catholic world is running their mouths and asking for more donations and charity money from people who are already Paying taXes here in the USA. The American taX money has reached 400 billion dollars in the Last 70 years. ! and TRILLIONS of more money to other Poor CATHOLISLAMIC Countries and Nations - of Islam and Catholicism.

Catholics and Muslim Charity and Organizations - never Help anyone unless they take it from Non CATHOLISLAMICS and filter it through their System, raking off profits and then redistributing Your money to people who refuse to use birth control.
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I would like to point out that The Social Services are draining the Working class - in order to keep up with the people who do not save their OWN PERSONAL monies and wait to have seX. Producing millions upon Millions of children with Single Mothers with no father in the Home to work the labor jobs that manufacture and pay higher wages. Because manufacturing jobs make money.

Remember that People who have seX and have not SAVED their Money for the bill to have the seX are expecting others ............ SIMPLY... To pay the eXpensive High Costly Trillion Dollar Bills for all of their all sexual adventures. I Pay Thousands of Dollars in Basic taxes Each and Every Single Year. Year after Year after Year, Non Stop. We who are the Working Class - We All Pay. Why are people eXpected to Pay for OTHERS SEXUAL ADVENTURES of others ? . Having seX costs a Lot of Money. The Condoms, Pills, The Abortions - Cleaning the dirty Sheets that pile up with a higher rate of speed after discharging body fluids all over them.

I hear People talk about being Pro Choice - But they are not really about Being Pro Choice. because - I Choose For You NOT to have seX and I want to Choose for You to WAIT and save Your own money and go out and purchase Your own Condoms, Your Own birth control - Pay for Your own abortions and clean Your own dirty sheets.

That is my Choice. I am not having seX with You. seX is very, very, very expensive. and it is not a need - it is only a W A N T....... Not a need, , The extra USAGE OF HOT WATER to clean Body Parts. The taXpayer is eXpected to fit The Bills of people who are in a sexual frenzy. Money that should be spent for basic Health Care and Day To day Necessities of people who are poor. They Need to Stop having seX and Save Their Money for seX.

SEX IS VERY, VERY eXpensive.

Cleaning, Laundry after seX is not my RESPONSIBILITY. And when and If a Baby is born, That Costs Thousands of Dollars as well. The Birth or The Abortion. The Medicines and Medical Supplies.

It is Not Mine or Your RESPONSIBILITY To Pay for the seXual Adventures of Others.

Having seX is Very, Very eXpensive. = Men And Women like Me

who WAIT to have seX - who SAVE their Own Money, Who Work and are Responsible and are saving their OWN Money for their OWN FUTURE Families - Saving their Money and Paying their own Way – Who wait Get Married and Save together, So That They Can Pay for Their Own Selves to have seX.

We pay for the Condoms, Pills, Abortions and for the Free Welfare the water bill for them to Clean their Body Parts and Sheets and change their clothes. . Having seX is not a Human Right. It is a Privilege and having seX is Very, Very eXpensive. Save Your own Money, Buy Your Own Pills and Condoms and Pay for Your Own Abortions. It is not my Responsibility. not my choice. .... The Government under Barak Oboma and Hillary Clinton - Forcefully take Your Money from You, Fine You eXtra Fees and Or Lock You Up in Prison or Put a Bullet in Your Back - If You refuse to pay. They will Harm You. Just so that their supporters can Have seX. And They are Creating a Total Society of Millions of misbegotten Children. they are Never Taught the Necessity of A Father in the Home. or the Responsibility of THEMSELVES to Pay for their Own seXual Adventures. In many Cases - The Daddy, is always, Just Simply - Mommy,s Worst Customer.

I think that it is my choice to wait for 5 to 10 years before I have seX with another person. Save for my own Birth Control Pills - Save for my own Condoms and if I need an abortion I will save my money and WORK, SAVE and pay for my own sexual adventures and make My CHOICE and not take the CHOICE away from others.
That is all these people are about. They are fake, flake deceiving people who are not pro choice - They are thieving from other and expecting others to pay themselves to carry on a bump, bump, bump and go - bump HUMP and go, go hump and go lifestyle. It has nothing to do with Pro choice.

I have waited for 7 years and have not had seX in 7 freaking years. I have thousands of dollars saved up from working labor, manufacturing, roofing, digging and temp jobs,

I will save my money Wait - ACCEPT my OWN CHOICE take my hard earned money and buy myself some condoms or pills and go have seX here in a few more years. I Choose for me.

These people want the right to make the Choice for others to fund their sexual adventures and activities. nothing more. I have waited for many years to have sex and here in just a couple more years of saving all my money up - if I want to take it all and go have seX it is my CHOICE not Your choice and I will not eXpect You to pay a single penny to fund my sexual adventures and pleasure.
LMAO!! Seriously you want to talk about hypocrisy?
How many times have you seen nothing but ridicule, hatred, and contempt from the Left for the Catholic Church and its leader, the Pope?

All of a sudden the Left loves and respects the head of the Catholic Church because he's a far left-wing loon so desperate to salvage the Church from its falling number of adherents that he has made a survival pace with the OTHER FAILING IDEOLOGY; SOCIALISM????

spare me the phony sanctimony
Socialism requires social morals for free, not capital morals for a market friendly price; to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Capitalism can never buy us a Stairway to Heaven.
There are many, many reasons why that The Left Wing Democrat Liberal organization has respect for The Roman Catholic Organization.

And I say this knowing and telling You that there are many, many individuals in both organizations who are wonderful, honest and caring people. Many good Catholics and Liberals, I am not talking about them - but only the SPIRIT, CHARACTER and ORGANIZATION and the leaders and the policies and ideas they stand for.

However, I believe that one of the REASON that The Left Wing Democrat Liberals chose to side with and show abnormal respect for Roman Catholicism is of a seXual nature. Meaning they both are seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved. Islam is also very seXually corrupt and eXteemly perverted and depraved.

This is the greatest commonality and CORE bond that Liberal Democrats, Catholics, and Muslims unite in and have in common. A total perversion that seXually draws them together in a frenzy of lust, perversity, and depravity.
Obviously, when a man molests a child, the child does not understand the full seXuality of the adult and the child's seXuality is not yet matured and developed enough to make the child a part of the seXual sin. The child is innocent and the victim. The adult only is guilty.

Deu 22:25 But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die:
Deu 22:26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbor, and slayeth him, even so, is this matter:
Deu 22:27 For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her.

With Liberal Democrat and Atheists, they spend millions of dollars building great campaign propagandizing the idea that little children can know if they are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male
- at a very, very early age.

They set up programs and laws and mandates in order to cause a breakdown in their Conservative Republican political opponents and in the family structure and family unit, to attack the system by enacting and eXagerating the idea that children are being neglected and disrespected seXually because children have knowledge of their sexual preference and pre-knowledge about their gender and sexuality but the political opponents { Conservatives / Republicans } somehow have not accommodated the children's seXual needs.
But when a Catholic or a religious man molests a little boy suddenly all of their fantasy and role-playing self-projection that they project onto little children suddenly goes out the door and the Liberal Democrat and atheist finger ONLY points at the religion itself, instead of the homoseXual lust that the adult is forcing onto the child.
Suddenly the child has no seXuality and awareness of His gender because He is suddenly too young.

HERE - THE FINGERS are always pointed to the religion = They pretend that a priest or religious homoseXual man who hides His homosexuality to keep His religious status and job is somehow deserving a special right that deserves Him His privacy about the fact that HE is a homosexual who is attracted to little boys who have suddenly somehow been unable to understand anything about their male gender.. Which all makes it a Non-homosexual act because the gay priest denies that He is gay.

The Spirit of Roman Catholicism Organization prefers that a Priest be a homoseXual rather than an Abrahamic Father figure or someone like Jacob or others who were really big BIBLE FAMILY men. Roman Catholic Mothers go insane and wild for the glory days of the dawn of the gay father figure. But Abraham or Jacob would not be permitted to eXist in any capacity.

They all agree that the homoseXual is not allowed to or capable or able of understanding that the little boy is a MALE GENDER because the homoseXual is religious or part of religion. His holiness or His RELIGION does not allow Him or enable Him to understand the seXuality of a little boy " that he is truly a little male. "

Atheist and Liberal Democrats and Roman Catholics pretend that sex act involving a man and a little boy is somehow suddenly not a homosexual act committed by the adult while they ignore the millions of other homoseXuals who abuse little boys while focusing their attention only on RELIGION. - Atheist and Liberal Democrats demand that sex act involving a man and a little boy is somehow suddenly not a homoseXual act committed by the adult.
We see that Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists have aligned themselves against The Bible and Christians and Conservatives - as they ignore the differences between themselves. The core of their perverted goals that are goals that attempt to destroy the Bible Believing Christians are the same overpowering force that unites them against The Truth and God. The goal is to hide the fact that rape of children destroys their seXuality and is harmful and manipulating and controlling = as Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats and Atheists all use this as a tool to control and maintain power and manipulation. As Muslims follow Mohammad who raped a nine-year-old little child. Mohammad knew full and well the seXual gender of the child that he molested.

Liberal Democrat and Roman Catholics have no problem with this at all. They kiss the Quran and defend Islam and this molestation event is easily forgotten and put behind them, even no matter what other disagreements may eXist.

As long as Catholics continue to play along and remain silent and complicit and " ROLE PLAY " assimilate and cooperate with the Liberal Democrat that the fantasy that all Male on boy seXual rape or molestation encounters are not of a homoseXual nature, then Roman Catholics will always be the darling of the left and Muslims will always be the contact and lense and eXample that the Left will use to represent the Biblical marriage of Abraham.

The unity and bond that they share is deeper than this but this seXual unity is unbreakable and very powerful, too powerful for them to disband or leave unused against their common enemy -

The enemy -= Bible Christians and Jews and Conservative Republican Americans.

Liberals simply love and use and abuse the seXual manipulation that molesting children causes and Roman Catholics, Muslims and Liberal Democrats are ok with being deeply and diversely and variously involved in seXually confusing children and the negativity and mental abuse and confusion and spiritual DESTRUCTION it has upon them and their Bible Believing, Conservative families, ideas, principles and religious nature from the Bible. As they cover and hide the fact that the molester is in fact a homoseXual or Bi SeXual..... The door is always left open as the molester can never be profiled or identified as anything but a RELIGIOUS MAN.

All parties smile in agreement with the same Spiritual and Political agenda.

As the Democrat Party spends millions of dollars building great campaigns propagandizing the idea that little children and adults can know if children are Transgender or Gay / Homosexual / Female gender or male - at a very, very early age. But when a gay man knows that the boy is a male gender and is trying to force a FEMALE GENDER on the boy - suddenly it is not really seXual but an act of an attraction to the innocence, pureness and unawareness and confusion of little child to the enjoyment of the man who is actually in FACT, a homoseXual or a Bi seXual or both.
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