The left's reaction to the SC decision permitting travel ban


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
For leftists, it is always more immigration and any attempt to even slow it down is met with ferocious leftist resistance. The reaction to the Supreme Court decision re-installing modestly a portion of Trump's temporary travel ban is typical of their over-the-top hysteria and zealotry.

For the left, the US must have endless immigration. Why, you ask? The leftist will mumble something vague about "who we are" or "nation of immigrants", which isn't really an actual reason, it's more like a religious chant. How many? And until when? Questions never asked, never answered.

As Steve Sailer put it:

As we all know, the Zeroth Amendment was carved into the living body of the Constitution by Founding Father Emma Lazarus, superseding all lesser liberties granted to individual American citizens in the Bill of Rights, such as the First Amendment. Thus, anybody anywhere gets to immigrate to America anytime they feel like it, and if you don’t like it, you’d better shut your racist trap if you know what’s good for you.

Supreme Court Can’t Find Exactly Where Zeroth Amendment Is in Constitution | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
Does anyone doubt that America as we know it will be destroyed if 200 million Muslims show up?

Yet, the left will fight even the slightest attempt to get a handle on the problem. It's almost like (((they))) hate America and WANT to destroy it.
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)
2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?
3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?
4. I am not a "leftist", so don't bother going there.
The only Muslms anyone should be afraid of are the jihadists and terrorists.

Problem is you can't tell one from the other so ban them all from coming into the US.

In fact, kick every Muslim out of the US.

Good Morning Claudette, need a hug or just get the hell out of your way?
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)
2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?
3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?
4. I am not a "leftist", so don't bother going there.
The travel ban is not directed at Muslims. Stop pushing that shit LIB-lite.
The SC decision opens the door for people from these countries to enter the USA. In the end, it will be a defeat for Trump.
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)
2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?
3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?
4. I am not a "leftist", so don't bother going there.

Saudi Arabia has a fully functioning government with diplomatic relations with the US. None of the other countries on that list do. Being predominantly Muslim has nothing to do with it or Malaysia would be at the top of the list.

This has been explained numerous times. You cannot vet someone with no record of their activities or criminal background.
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)
2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?
3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?
4. I am not a "leftist", so don't bother going there.

Saudi Arabia has a fully functioning government with diplomatic relations with the US. None of the other countries on that list do. Being predominantly Muslim has nothing to do with it or Malaysia would be at the top of the list.

This has been explained numerous times. You cannot vet someone with no record of their activities or criminal background.
Nineteen of the alleged terrorists alleged to be direct players in the 9/11 attacks were from Saudi Arabi. Some good vetting there, huh?
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)

They're not a failed state and background checks are possible.

2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?

US Muslims constitute more than 11 times the average incarceration rate.

3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?

The fact is that Trump's Muslim ban would not have prevented any terrorist attack that has ever happened on U.S. soil.
1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)

They're not a failed state and background checks are possible.

2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?

US Muslims constitute more than 11 times the average incarceration rate.

3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?

"US Muslims constitute more than 11 times the average incarceration rate."
I don't know where you are at, but that is definitely not true in the U.S.
I've seen ad nauseum for years how violently enraged liberals get when someone doesn't indulge their Islam fellatio....and at the same time can't give one reason WHY they want more Islam in this country when nothing good has ever come from it. Probably one of those "my little tin god Obama said so" things.
I've seen ad nauseum for years how violently enraged liberals get when someone doesn't indulge their Islam fellatio....and at the same time can't give one reason WHY they want more Islam in this country when nothing good has ever come from it. Probably one of those "my little tin god Obama said so" things.
Not siding with the liberals here, but you don't seem to be providing anything but lip service yourself. For instances, you assert nothing good comes from Islam, but you don't validate your statement with any evidence.
That's why I would never be a member of the left of the right - you're all fuckin' whack jobs. Incapable of thinking for yourselves you play follow the fuhrer/leader/messiah blindly.
Aint no Muslims attacking the local McDonalds in your little Podunk town or even wanting to. Stop being afraid of the Boogey Man, he aint real.
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1. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on that list (Saudi Arabia has an 85 - 95% Muslim population. Are they kinder, gentler Muslims and will they help "make 'murica great again" by immigrating to the U.S.?)

They're not a failed state and background checks are possible.

2. Currently there are 3.3 million (that's 3,300,000) Muslims in the U.S. Why aren't they blowing shit up or raping, robbing and killing?

US Muslims constitute more than 11 times the average incarceration rate.

3. Why are you afraid of Muslims?

"US Muslims constitute more than 11 times the average incarceration rate."
I don't know where you are at, but that is definitely not true in the U.S.

Definitely not? You're definitely collaborating propaganda spewing scum.

Based on data from 2011, Pew Research Center estimated that Muslims made up 9% of the 1,598,780 state and federal prisoners in the United States. Pew also reported that as of 2010, about 0.8% of the U.S. population was Muslim, up from 0.6% in 1990. Data allegedly provided by the federal Bureau of Prisons reported that, as of 1997, Muslims made up 7.27% of the federal prison population.

In other words, Muslims are overrepresented in the French prison population by 7.5 times their percentage of the population. In the United States, although their overall percentage is smaller, Muslims are overrepresented in the prison population by 11.25 times their percentage of the population.

The percentage of Muslims inside U.S. prisons is more than 11 times their percentage of the overall population.

Why Are So Many Muslims in Prison?
I've seen ad nauseum for years how violently enraged liberals get when someone doesn't indulge their Islam fellatio....and at the same time can't give one reason WHY they want more Islam in this country when nothing good has ever come from it. Probably one of those "my little tin god Obama said so" things.
The constitution is mostly blind to religion. It's not that liberals want more muslims, it's that there is no express power to ban them or any other religion. Beyond that it's just stupid to cut off 1.6 billion individuals even if small segments of extremists are propagating terror. If you need hand holding to understand why, I can swing by with warm milk to tell you the bed time story and tuck you in.
I've seen ad nauseum for years how violently enraged liberals get when someone doesn't indulge their Islam fellatio....and at the same time can't give one reason WHY they want more Islam in this country when nothing good has ever come from it. Probably one of those "my little tin god Obama said so" things.
The constitution is mostly blind to religion. It's not that liberals want more muslims, it's that there is no express power to ban them or any other religion. Beyond that it's just stupid to cut off 1.6 billion individuals even if small segments of extremists are propagating terror. If you need hand holding to understand why, I can swing by with warm milk to tell you the bed time story and tuck you in.
the bans are to prevent travel from specific COUNTRIES. not to prevent travel by muslims.

You should pay attention.
I've seen ad nauseum for years how violently enraged liberals get when someone doesn't indulge their Islam fellatio....and at the same time can't give one reason WHY they want more Islam in this country when nothing good has ever come from it. Probably one of those "my little tin god Obama said so" things.
The constitution is mostly blind to religion. It's not that liberals want more muslims, it's that there is no express power to ban them or any other religion. Beyond that it's just stupid to cut off 1.6 billion individuals even if small segments of extremists are propagating terror. If you need hand holding to understand why, I can swing by with warm milk to tell you the bed time story and tuck you in.
the bans are to prevent travel from specific COUNTRIES. not to prevent travel by muslims.

You should pay attention.
Help me understand what you're talking about.

My post was a direct response to that guy asking why liberals wanted muslims here so bad.

I didn't say trumps ban is a Muslim ban.

However, Trump campaigned on a total Muslim ban. The statement from his campaign:
“total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Not counting the countless anti-muslim tweets well documented.

I'm waiting to see what the scotus says about it since one of the injunctions referenced trumps well documented intent to ban muslims and they'll have to argue whether or not that ruling stands.

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