The lib-Porn is Strong with Rogue One


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Some have described romantic novels as "women's porn" because like the unrealistic aspect of male oriented porn presents sex in ways that most men prefer when in their "lizard mind", romantic novels are similarly unrealistic and ridiculous but oriented to appealing to women's preferential fantasies about romance. While male porn tends to focus on anonymous sex that tends to humiliate the submissive female in some way, in female porn the woman gets her man after incredible suffering and incredible odds against her as the man realizes just how precious she is despite it all, he still loves her.


Well in liberal porn we have the similar spin but for the liberal mindset. First all the white males are evil, creepy and underhanded, and the older they are, the more evil they are.

Secondly all the people with any melanin are good people. Even a black storm trooper is going to turn to do the right thing by the end of the flick.

Thirdly women can not only do anything a man can do, they can do it a million times better.

Fourthly, good white people are going to die in a blaze of Glory, as all white people should die off in liberal fantasy land.

And I am not going to spoil anything, but Rogue One is totally Lib Porn.
Some have described romantic novels as "women's porn" because like the unrealistic aspect of male oriented porn presents sex in ways that most men prefer when in their "lizard mind", romantic novels are similarly unrealistic and ridiculous but oriented to appealing to women's preferential fantasies about romance. While male porn tends to focus on anonymous sex that tends to humiliate the submissive female in some way, in female porn the woman gets her man after incredible suffering and incredible odds against her as the man realizes just how precious she is despite it all, he still loves her.


Well in liberal porn we have the similar spin but for the liberal mindset. First all the white males are evil, creepy and underhanded, and the older they are, the more evil they are.

Secondly all the people with any melanin are good people. Even a black storm trooper is going to turn to do the right thing by the end of the flick.

Thirdly women can not only do anything a man can do, they can do it a million times better.

Fourthly, good white people are going to die in a blaze of Glory, as all white people should die off in liberal fantasy land.

And I am not going to spoil anything, but Rogue One is totally Lib Porn.
Jesus fucking Christ you pussies are unbelievable. It's a dumb space movie with lots of explosions. And:
everybody dies. Not just white people you piece of shit

It was fantastically well made, tons of fun, and possibly the best of all the Star Wars movies. If you don't like it, give a real reason instead of your safe space conservative victim complex bullshit.
Next they'll brown out the Lord or the Rings series... It's a shame that movies have become so politicized...
Some have described romantic novels as "women's porn" because like the unrealistic aspect of male oriented porn presents sex in ways that most men prefer when in their "lizard mind", romantic novels are similarly unrealistic and ridiculous but oriented to appealing to women's preferential fantasies about romance. While male porn tends to focus on anonymous sex that tends to humiliate the submissive female in some way, in female porn the woman gets her man after incredible suffering and incredible odds against her as the man realizes just how precious she is despite it all, he still loves her.


Well in liberal porn we have the similar spin but for the liberal mindset. First all the white males are evil, creepy and underhanded, and the older they are, the more evil they are.

Secondly all the people with any melanin are good people. Even a black storm trooper is going to turn to do the right thing by the end of the flick.

Thirdly women can not only do anything a man can do, they can do it a million times better.

Fourthly, good white people are going to die in a blaze of Glory, as all white people should die off in liberal fantasy land.

And I am not going to spoil anything, but Rogue One is totally Lib Porn.

I think what Jimmie is saying is that Rogue One totally turned him on.

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