The major difference between the United States accepting immigrants now compared to the past.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Folks as we know we have a situation at the United States border. it’s been going on for sometime where we see millions of people who are trying to get into the United States to make their life better.

Many of these refugees and immigrants will end up working at places like McDonald’s, Burger King and Walmart. I submit though in the American past things would’ve been differently and these refugees and immigrants would’ve been able to get better jobs. When I go to Walmart I often see people who only speak Spanish , many are also from the Indian subcontinent. And they are working at places like Walmart and McDonald’s whereas in the past they would have a job at Ford motor company.

My dad worked at Ford motor company in the 70s he worked alongside a bunch of Arabs and people from all over the world.

Back in the day we had immigrants coming from Germany from Poland yes even some coming from Lebanon from all over the place immigrating to the United States in the early 20th century many of them ended up working the factory jobs and that the steel plans and they were set for life. We don’t have that situation now in America. We don’t have the jobs we used and we don’t have the integrity we used to have.

schmidlap Dragonlady

my fellow Democrats here’s the difference between 2023 compared to say the 1920s or the 1950s. The difference is back in those days United States had honor and integrity we had better jobs. Now we don’t have good jobs. Back in the day like at Bethlehem Steel sometime in the 1910s or 1920s my grandfather was trained by a black man. That was in the 1920s. That’s why United States is the best all of integrity and honor. We need politicians in this country who celebrate American history who actually want to help immigrants and refugees like those in the American Past did.

We need another Henry Ford in this country. The rich elites are not like they used to be they don’t provide the types of jobs that people could get right out of high school they could set them for life. If we don’t go back to that we’re gonna be in deep trouble and this country will keep getting worse and worse. Bottom line we had a strong middle class …but now the countries going to get worse as the middle class has less power.

If we do things the right way we can handle the immigrants just like we did in the 1920s but we have to have better leader ship in this country.
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In the 1910's people grew their own lettuce. Now they needs someone to grow it, pick it, process it, bag it, deliver it, and stock it on the shelves. We need more immigrants so it is even cheaper than it is being done now.
Actually, the REAL difference is that in the past, they were encouraged to assimilate and become loyal American citizens.

Today's invasion is being foisted on us simply to usher in as many potential Democrats as possible to help secure the one party rule the democrat party seeks.
This depends brother on who is coming and if it is the Mexicans , central and south Americans there overwhelmingly Catholic and they share similar values to American Irish or American Italians.

you and oddball are bringing forth legitimate points. We have people who are refugees and we have people who are looking for a better job. Low income people have come to this country to look for a better job they’re here now the question is what do we do about it

Yes with regards to the people that are coming some of them could be drug dealers so that’s certainly is an issue. Now we have Americans of all racial and religious backgrounds who sell crack and fetnal to fellow Americans ….and Well we already have the US government legalizing marijuana many states…the US government is a drug dealer that’s a problem. So when we talk about illegal immigrants and the possibility of them bringing in crime we should also keep in mind that the United States government is affectively running a criminal organization with the drug dealing and the and how marijuana is destroying the lives of young people.

I want more Catholics in this country. Because these people brought us the civilized world. Catholicism brought us western European values I want more Catholics in this country brother.
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This depends brother on who is coming and if it is the Mexicans in south Americans there overwhelmingly Catholic and they share similar values to American Irish or American Italians.

you and oddball are bringing forth legitimate points. We have people who are refugees and we have people who are looking for a better job. Low income people have come to this country to look for a better job they’re here now the question is what do we do about it

Yes with regards to the people that are coming some of them could be drug dealers so that’s certainly is an issue. Now we have white Americans in black America to sell math who sell crack this whole drug issue is a country wide world wide issue. Well we already have the US government legalizing marijuana in every state US government is a drug dealer that’s a problem.

I want more Catholics in this country. Because these people brought us the civilized world. Catholicism brought us western European values I want more Catholics in this country brother.
What I like most about the people I encounter who are from Mexico is that they are very warm, friendly and family oriented. These are good qualities.

I just want a system in place that regulates all immigration instead of the Democrats just throwing the doors wide open and yelling Ollie Ollie Oxen Free.
I am also reading reports that there are some Muslim refugees coming in from Syria or perhaps other parts of the Middle East. And they have made their way through the southern border through these various caravans somehow.

Now America should welcome Arab nationalists these are proud Arab Muslims and Christians that were proud of Arab history they did everything they could to try and build a state in Iraq and we Americans invaded Iraq in 2003. And in my opinion that whole thing came down to a rivalry between George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein and it was the Iraqi people and American people who went to war.

I’ve spoken with Iraqis who are proud of their country and I think because of our invasion of Iraq and I know we’ve already taken some number of Iraqi refugees… but we could also taking more Iraqi refugees who are Arab nationalists because they believe in equality, they believe in religious freedom they believe in being healthy. They’re against this disgusting drug use we see in this country which makes men weak.

We should have a immigration questionnaire and we can ask people hey do you believe in religious freedom do you believe in treating Christians and Muslims equally ? if they answer no we should not let them in this country. And that is my friends a way to make sure that we are bringing Americans or potential Americans who are going to contribute to our society.

I don’t know about other fellow Americans but we need strong men and women in this country who have a good family value.
Folks as we know we have a situation at the United States border. it’s been going on for sometime where we see millions of people who are trying to get into the United States to make their life better.

Many of these refugees and immigrants will end up working at places like McDonald’s, Burger King and Walmart. I submit though in the American past things would’ve been differently and these refugees and immigrants would’ve been able to get better jobs. When I go to Walmart I often see people who only speak Spanish , many are also from the Indian subcontinent. And they are working at places like Walmart and McDonald’s whereas in the past they would have a job at Ford motor company.

My dad worked at Ford motor company in the 70s he worked alongside a bunch of Arabs and people from all over the world.

Back in the day we had immigrants coming from Germany from Poland yes even some coming from Lebanon from all over the place immigrating to the United States in the early 20th century many of them ended up working the factory jobs and that the steel plans and they were set for life. We don’t have that situation now in America. We don’t have the jobs we used and we don’t have the integrity we used to have.

schmidlap Dragonlady

my fellow Democrats here’s the difference between 2023 compared to say the 1920s or the 1950s. The difference is back in those days United States had honor and integrity we had better jobs. Now we don’t have good jobs. Back in the day like at Bethlehem Steel sometime in the 1910s or 1920s my grandfather was trained by a black man. That was in the 1920s. That’s why United States is the best all of integrity and honor. We need politicians in this country who celebrate American history who actually want to help immigrants and refugees like those in the American Past did.

We need another Henry Ford in this country. The rich elites are not like they used to be they don’t provide the types of jobs that people could get right out of high school they could set them for life. If we don’t go back to that we’re gonna be in deep trouble and this country will keep getting worse and worse. Bottom line we had a strong middle class …but now the countries going to get worse as the middle class has less power.

If we do things the right way we can handle the immigrants just like we did in the 1920s but we have to have better leader ship in this country.
You fail to see how the next pandemic will come from the south, not China. Unvetted migrants crossing can vector Brazilian viruses, Baric's UNC bat lab already has the lung cell substrates worked out by one of his cronies. The anal retention was designed for the future: the Appalachian Ridge coronavirus spike sequences were never published, although Baric lied and said they were working on it. Baric is the world's leading coronavirus expert, and this American coronavirus, ARCoV, is related to viruses from Brazilian Tadarida brasiliensis bats.

Please, try to keep up.
When all the able bodied people on welfare have jobs then talk to us about legal immigrants on temporary work permits

But no illegal aliens or so-called refugees
What do you mean "so-called refugees"?
You know what I mean

Migrants who show up at the border claiming political asylum

Thats [sic] a loophole that the left is exploiting
"Asylum" or "refugee" status? Make up your mind.
Yes with regards to the people that are coming some of them could be drug dealers so that’s certainly is an issue. Now we have Americans of all racial and religious backgrounds who sell crack and fetnal to fellow Americans ….and Well we already have the US government legalizing marijuana many states…the US government is a drug dealer that’s a problem. So when we talk about illegal immigrants and the possibility of them bringing in crime we should also keep in mind that the United States government is affectively running a criminal organization with the drug dealing and the and how marijuana is destroying the lives of young people.
I’m with you on that.

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