The "Make Billionaires Pay Act" by Crazy Bernie & Gruesome Gillibrand imposes a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires during corona

Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon Musk found time between COVID truther tweets and CPAP machine donations to take his fortune from $25 billion to $92 billion.
I got no problem with a billionaire tax. Why do you expect me to vote against my interest?
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon Musk found time between COVID truther tweets and CPAP machine donations to take his fortune from $25 billion to $92 billion.
However Elon has found a way to get people into space at less then a third or more then what a Prog agenda system can do.
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?

Please explain how I am "fighting us liberals"?
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon Musk found time between COVID truther tweets and CPAP machine donations to take his fortune from $25 billion to $92 billion.
However Elon has found a way to get people into space at less then a third or more then what a Prog agenda system can do.

When did they go to space? Also, it's far, far , far easier AFTER someone else has already done it.
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

We suffer from Communists
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

As soon as Bernie gives up a few of his homes
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity
Do you think spending 22 trillion dollars on "The War on Poverty" and we still have poverty, that the money was well spent? Do you think the billionaires would stay or leave for some country that wouldnt make them taxed so much, like what we see going on in NY? Fuck some people are so stupid....
people like you, who hate poor folks, are xenophobes, they are homophobes, they are Islamophobes, and you are religious bigots...
People like me, believe that everyone who lives in the United States needs to contribute to this country, instead of being "HOLES", and only take what this country offers. This is why we are up to 25 trillion dollars of debt because people dont get off their lazy prog asses and work for a living. Dont give me shit about, what about those who cant work, because they have a handicap. Here is someone who was a prime candidate for welfare and he didnt take a dime.

It’s a fucking dog whistle to billionaires to pay to play with elite Liberal Democrats. The Middle Class and the small business owners end up getting fucked.
Right, like I should feel sorry for billionaires like Bezos who only get to keep $40 BILLION DOLLARS instead of something like $70 billion. Such poor poor poor billionaires!

Why do you think you' or anyone else is entitled to someone else's work and dreams?

This should be interesting

What makes you think you or anyone else is entitled to use and benefit from the infrastructures and markets of America, built by the blood and sweat of its citizens through over 200 years without paying your fair share of taxes?

What uneducated remark will you be coming back with? - This should be disgusting.
So if i pay more in taxes ($60,000) a year and someone else only pays ($15,000) a year, i get 4 times more usage out of the roads as the other guy? Do police and fire respond 4 times faster to my house since i pay 4 times more? You need to stop drinking that liberal kool aid before it kills you.

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The "Make Billionaires Pay Act" by Crazy Bernie & Gruesome Gillibrand imposes a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires during corona

And you'll pay how much ????
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?
Apparently, Elon is a better salesman than you.
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon Musk found time between COVID truther tweets and CPAP machine donations to take his fortune from $25 billion to $92 billion.
However Elon has found a way to get people into space at less then a third or more then what a Prog agenda system can do.
We wouldn't even have got into outer space if it wasn't for government. Government and the scientists you don't trust did it.
Meanwhile since this attitude (started with Reagan) our infrastructure is crumbling.

Which crumbling infrastructure should the feds repair, which should state and local governments fix?
States used to get money from the Federal Government to help with infrastructure. But instead billionaires don't pay taxes anymore so now it's up to the people (you and me) to pay more taxes to fund the infrastructure.

So they shifted the tax burden from Musk to you, stupid.
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?

Please explain how I am "fighting us liberals"?
You know what I mean. Us liberals are what's wrong with the cities in America, santuary cities, unions, socialism, amnesty, class warfare.

You guys think it's us liberals fucking you meanwhile the rich are getting richer after 4 years of Trump. Yes America has never been greater, for Billionaires. Not you and me.
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?

Please explain how I am "fighting us liberals"?
You know what I mean. Us liberals are what's wrong with the cities in America, santuary cities, unions, socialism, amnesty, class warfare.

You guys think it's us liberals fucking you meanwhile the rich are getting richer after 4 years of Trump. Yes America has never been greater, for Billionaires. Not you and me.

I don't think you actually read what I said or have a clue what you are saying
Here’s how much these billionaires would pay under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Make Billionaires Pay Act”:
-Jeff Bezos $42.8B
-Elon Musk $27.5B
-Mark Zuckerberg $22.8B

Stop saying “we can’t afford” Homes for All, Green New Deal or Medicare for All.

If we didn't spend trillions on endless wars and tax breaks for millionaires, we could afford to house our homeless, care for our seniors, and save our planet.

We suffer from greed, not scarcity

Roughly 3 out of 4 American billionaires have seen a rise in their net worths. Elon Musk alone has tripled his net worth during the pandemic.

So you are crying about taxing Elon Musk 27 billion? Are you retarded?

I'm a fan of Tesla but has Musk made a profit on anything yet?
Elon has tripled his net worth since Corona. TRIPLED. Wake up middle class Americ

You're fighting us liberals meanwhile the billionaires are WINNING.

Citizens United is another bad move towards the rich controlling our government with their influence. No one can defend this can they?
Apparently, Elon is a better salesman than you.
And Billionaires should be taxed more. I don't even think they care. Only you right wing cons want to protect/defend their fortunes. Even when that means eventually they'll have to raise your taxes and cut your social security/Medicare.

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