The Modern Means of Targeted Population Reduction


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.
The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.
By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.
'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed | Environment | The Observer

So... if it's only a crazy conspiracy people that the NWO wants to make the principles of the Georgia Guidestones a reality (specifically, a 90% reduction of the world population)... why develop this?
Besides the creation and use of GMO corn and other staples in places like South America, Mexico, and Africa, an interesting data point was discovered in the US shortly after GMO foods (BT-Corn) were approved in 1996. Since that time, birth rates in the US have been falling, and accelerating in decline since 1999, just three years after the introduction of the GMO to the food supply.
Since GMO food is not considered a natural commodity for consumption by the UN's regulatory body (Codex), and scientists have purposefully introduced spermacidal modifications into corn for the purpose of controlling world populations, then unequivocally, one of the many purposes of GMO created foods is for the use as a biological weapon.
Many global foundations have been pushing for the expansion of GMO foods, especially corn, soybeans, and rice to help end hunger and poverty around the world, and primarily in third world countries. The Gates Foundation, the Rockfeller Foundation, and former UN Chief Kofi Annan's Agra organization are just three powerful entities supplying funds and promotions to expand GMO use in many countries.
There is also an ongoing battle between citizens and the FDA to demand labelling of GMO based food products, but to this point, the government agency has been able to keep the public in the dark on what is in their food. Since GMO based products are not considered food under UN regulations, many questions still remain as to the reasons why the FDA allows them in consumable foods at all.

GMO created foods may be used as a biological weapon - National Finance Examiner |

Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty. In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy―population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.
Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.” Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."1 (author’s emphasis).
In plain English, one of the most powerful men in the world states clearly that he expects vaccines to be used to reduce population growth. When Bill Gates speaks about vaccines, he speaks with authority. In January 2010 at the elite Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion (circa €7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world.


The WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. That was a curious component for a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds or other contact with certain bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was indeed, also rather rare. It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.9
Gates Vaccines

The questions raised by "permicides hidden in GMO corn provided to starving Third World populations through the generosity of the Gates’ foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Kofi Annan’s AGRA" are many and profound.
1. Isn't GM technology directed beyond third world countries but at all countries in the world, and first and most heavily in the US?
2. Is there a relationship, since the introduction of GM-crops in the US, of how steeply birthrates in the US have fallen?
U.S. birthrates overall are at an all time low. Continuing a 12-year decline, the U.S. birth rate has dropped to the lowest level since national data have been available ... 
Bt-corn was introduced in the US in 1996, three years before the dramatic decline began. "Some seven million acres were planted to Bt corn in 1997 with hybrids primarily from Mycogen, Novartis (formerly Ciba), and Northrup King. Mycogen and Novartis both produce pharmaceutical contraceptives.
5. How would researchers begin to answer questions under number 3 and number 4? when in the US and in many countries, despite consumer demand for labeling, the corporations involved have exerted tremendous pressure to keep GMOs unlabeled and are pushing through Codex to have all GMOs internationally be unlabeled?
Doesn't keeping GMOs unlabeled undermine in any country in which this is the case, scientists' capacity to trace them epidemiologically and to investigate their impact biologically?
Teen birthrates in the US are inexplicably plummeting. Corporate media, offering no evidence, suggests this is due to the economy, but does not offer a comparison to previous serious economic downturns generating any previous teen birthrates decline. Is there any data showing that teens forgo sex or become more careful about contraception out of concern about jobs? Are unemployed teens, stressed and with time on their hands, more careful, or the opposite?
3. If GMOs are highly associated with infertility and spontaneous abortions in animals, is a similar rate of infertitlity (20%) occurring in people and are there increases in spontaneous abortion? Would GMOs not affect humans who eat not only the crops but the animals who are already so seriously affected by the crops?
4. Where did the Epicyte/USDA corn go? To what countries? To the US as well? To US consumers?
Isn't keeping GMOs unlabeled a virtual form of mandating them, since that lack of information leaves a population prey to them? Does a population have a right to sue the government based on such forced exposure? ? Is there any connection between a current raw milk lawsuit in which the FDA claims the public has no right to choose its food or any right to its health, and the government/corporations creating an additional means of trapping the public into consuming GMOs?
6. With what other products do manufacturers claim a range of astounding superior qualities (huge yields, ability to compensate for global warming, ....) while marketing them rapidly and aggressively, and yet want them kept unlabeled?
The FDA approved GMOs and kept them unlabeled while Monsanto lawyer Michael Taylor was there, bypassing the requirement for safety tests on human beings. Keeping GMOs unlabeled has meant that the only arena for study has been crop yield data (studies are showing that the biotech claims are exaggerated) and animal studies, but non-labeling has ensured there is little information on human impact. The FDA did not follow the law in providing pre-marketing tests for human safety in consuming GMOs, and in keeping them unlabeled, has ensured that post market safety testing is nearly impossible.
Meanwhile, GE-corn, GE-soy, GE-cotton seed oil, GE-canola, are in most processed foods in the US. Consumers have little idea they are there, little means to distinguish them from other items, and they were never tested for safety for human consumption. Yet studies in animals repeatedly show severe organ damage and infertility/sterility.
7. If the USDA is funding the creation of a corn crop that sterilizes, is it not committing a crime in poisoning those who are on the receiving end? And according to the UN, is it not also committing genocide, a crime against humanity, in damaging the reproductive ability of any group?
But the UN appears to operate on two levels, one that sets international standards for moral/legal behavior and one that is complicit in immoral/illegal acts. The UN itself is involved in forced sterilization and is interested in accelerating fertility decline in the least developed countries. The UN is also impacted by "the generosity of the Gates’ foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Kofi Annan’s AGRA."
The USDA was also involved in developing terminator seeds as were the Rockefellers who have a long history of [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]eugenics and genocide[/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] and are the developers of genetic engineering. In developing corn that sterilizes, has the USDA, in fact, also now developed "terminator food"?[/FONT]
Food is defined as "any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc. and by Webster as "material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy."
But based on the incontrovertible harm done to animal organs as animals eat GMOs, do GMO-crops even meet the definition of "food" for animals since they do not sustain life, repair or vital processes, but the opposite?
And if one assumes that "sustaining life" encompasses reproduction, a basic human function that the very basis of life it self, does the USDA's funding of GMOs to sterilize human beings indicate that GMOs for human beings do not meet the basic definition of "food"?
9. While the biotech companies have balked at labeling GMOs as a means of foisting them upon the world - untested and unknown - there appears a larger problem for them now. The corporations have gotten GMOs into the market and patented using the legalism of "substantial equivalence" to normal organisms, but at the more complex biologic level of food itself, don't GMOs transparently fail to meet the definition and or the biologic function of actual food, since they do not sustain life? And does that make labeling of GMOs truly complex at that point?
10. If GMOs are not "food" by essential biologic criteria and are being designed by the US government and private corporations to damage or end the continuation of life, then would the GMO label more appropriately be weapon?

Children of the Corn: GMOs Don't Qualify As Food - Salem-News.Com
Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.
The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.
By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.
'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed | Environment | The Observer

Sure could use that on the Latin Americans who can't stop poppin' those kids out.
Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation.
The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.
By isolating the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies, and by putting them in corn plants, the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives.
'We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,' said Epicyte president Mitch Hein.
GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed | Environment | The Observer

Sure could use that on the Latin Americans who can't stop poppin' those kids out.

It wouldn't do any good because I'm sure the Catholic church won't approve of the corn.
Dude, heavy stuff. Plots, schemes and hidden agendas! OK, I read the article. Come on now, somebody is being a little paranoid. I suppose that overpopulation is a GOOD thing? Or, that balance and harmony with nature is an abomination? That website is whacked out. Jesus, what's next, the Protocols of the elders of Zion?
Georgia Guidestones were properly disposed of, but the left's new tactic for population reduction is to get all the idiots to become eunuchs.
Well they do seem hell bent on pushing trannies and fags which on the whole don't reproduce but instead adopt kids from normal men and women that have normal sex which will likely in turn lead to them raising a baby to grow up and be a tranny or a fag. Or giving hormones or chopping off dicks of trannies so they can't reproduce, even in early childhood they say kids should be trannified.

Trying to hold down Christian based religions where same sex marriage isn't approved where people believe in men and women being together.

Places like California where they are doing away with single family home zoning.

Trying to really push for abortions.

Pushing that men pretending to be women are real women.

Last 2 years they have been pushing a lot of anti family stuff.
I consider it a net gain for the gene pool every time a leftist slut gets her genetic waste sucked out.

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