The NCAA Officially Bans Men From Women's Sports Teams

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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I wouldn't have a problem with a woman playing pro football.

I'd feel sorry for her...but I wouldn't be against it.
I wouldn't have a problem with a woman playing pro football.

I'd feel sorry for her...but I wouldn't be against it.

There is a women's pro football league already, the LFL. But I don't think they allow trannies to play
Although biological women are still allowed on men's sports teams but no woman is actually stupid enough to do that. Victory once again!! :D OhPleaseJustQuit, JGalt, Thunk

So will there be a special ceremony awarding Erica Sullivan the runner up to Lia Thomas in the 2022 NCAA 500-yd freestyle final her NCAA Championship? You can never restore what was stolen from Sullivan. It's like the 1976 American Olympic women's swimmers who lost to the steroid druggie East German women. You can strip East Germany of those medals, but you can never make whole the American women who lost any opportunity for endorsements and fame over the last 49 years.
So will there be a special ceremony awarding Erica Sullivan the runner up to Lia Thomas in the 2022 NCAA 500-yd freestyle final her NCAA Championship? You can never restore what was stolen from Sullivan. It's like the 1976 American Olympic women's swimmers who lost to the steroid druggie East German women. You can strip East Germany of those medals, but you can never make whole the American women who lost any opportunity for endorsements and fame over the last 49 years.
Yeah, San Jose State won't be getting any more free wins in volleyball either.

Look at all the muscles in that man's back and arms that the female just does not have.

Rabbi Sneider says its good to block all men from women's sports.

Trump says no more cheating for the men.
I wouldn't have a problem with a woman playing pro football.

I'd feel sorry for her...but I wouldn't be against it.
They do. The Women's Football Association:

Home of the Houston Energy!

and the X League:

But if you mean the NFL, I wouldn't mind that either except that if a female third string place kicker was ever on an NFL team, the media would play it bigger than when Earl Campbell came to the Oilers.

I would hate for the WFA or the X League to start allowing men. Expecially the X League. But I would have nothing to say about it, it's a private business and if that's what they think will draw fans, NOMB. Tax funded school teams are different, and should be fair and safe.
Although biological women are still allowed on men's sports teams but no woman is actually stupid enough to do that. Victory once again!! :D OhPleaseJustQuit, JGalt, Thunk

Well, this will certainly end Ropey's dream of winning an Olympic medal in girls volleyball.
Trump could advise the NCAA to apologize to the athletes who were denied medals and wins or were bullied and threatened into compliance, but ultimately this will be forgotten as college sports become too trivial for people more concerned with paying bills, college enrollment drops, and many colleges go out of business.
Although biological women are still allowed on men's sports teams but no woman is actually stupid enough to do that. Victory once again!! :D OhPleaseJustQuit, JGalt, Thunk

/---/ Many Democrats are supporting this. I wonder what changed.
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