The New "Come To Michigan"Vacation Ad.Anyone Anxious & Giddy To Go?

Feb 1, 2013

Have you seen the ad yet? Where the narrator is making Michigan sound like the Cape Cod/Florida of the mid-west. Yes! ever tasted an apple right off the tree? Ok, yes, all 57 States are advertising, or just hoping for a winning summer season. Many parts of the country don't need to, they get their tourism without having to advertise.
But Michigan? Do they really think that the average American who has to work&wait six months before taking a summer vacation wants to go to Michigan?
Maine? New Hampshire? Cape Cod? New Joisy Shore? Virginia Beach?, Most likely Yes! But Michigan?
We can only assume that the State is in dire straights and desperate for tourism. But isn't Michigan the place where many residents have fled and still attempting to flee?
You obviously never have been to the Great Lakes Region. It's every bit as fun as those place you have mentioned. One of the best vacations I have ever had was on an Island in Lake Erie named Put n Bay. One of the best party spots in America.
yes, I am aware of the Great Lakes region, hopefully that will help their tourist season. But of course, u have to keep in mind, Michigan is competing with the entire mid-west for tourism. I think most tourists generally hit the east and west coast, as close to the beaches as possible, along with historical sights.
The UP is to die for.

Truly what one can call God's country. Jaw droppingly breathtakingly beautiful.

You have the dunes also and you do remember the Kidd Rocks song? I know a few people who live 6 months in the south and go up to michigan for summer.
Michigan desperately needs tourism dollars. It wont be easy this summer thanks to the Liberals keeping the economy so stagnant. A lot of Americans want to see most of the states, they did in better economic times, now many can't even afford to go anywhere. Even I would love to someday see/visit all 50, or 57 states.
actually my first choice would be Virginia. never been there. would love to see the historical neighborhoods.

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