The New Democratic Party: Fascist, police-state loving authoritarians


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
And it's getting worse. Consider the fascist, police-state loving Democrats that want to allow the IRS to snoop into any bank account transaction that is $600 or over without us knowing. 'Cause billionaires most commonly engage in $600 transactions. Remember how Obama kept repeating "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", and Leftist indoctrinated fools fell for that?

A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans' bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”

“This is unprecedented Federal intrusion into the financial lives of every day Americans,” said Representative Andrews. “It is an expansion of the surveillance state and it is time to pushback. As state legislators it is our duty to stand up, be proactive and protect those we represent. This resolution should be filed and supported in every statehouse in the nation. Legislators need to be bold and find ways in their state statutes to legislatively nullify this unconstitutional abuse of power.”
Clearly a violation of 4th Amendment protections. Not even sure how anyone could think this is legal. Whoever suggested this needs to be censured and removed in the next election.
Clearly Democrats don't care about that. They think they can get away with anything, illegal, criminal, treasonous or not. And so far they've been proven right.
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Clearly Democrats don't care about that. They think they can get away with anything, legal, criminal, treasonous or not. And so far they've been proven right.
Democrats have become lawless thugs. They ignore the law and Constitution whenever it gets in the way of their agenda. When Dem politicians who take an oath to uphold the law instead willfully break or ignore the law something very wrong in this country.
Joe Biden is gifting the IRS $80 billion to spend on auditing YOU! Joe Biden ladies and gentlemen, friend of the people. :oops:
They're going to go after everybody and anybody. Actually the only people that they won't be able to touch are those very same billionaires that have armies of accountants and attorneys, not to mention lobbyists that have people like Biden in their back pockets.
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They're going to go after everybody and anybody. Actually the only people that they won't be able to touch are those very same billionaires that have armies of accountants, and attorneys, not to mention lobbyists that have people like Biden in their back pockets.
I said it here years ago, it's no longer Dems vs Reps its government vs the people.
The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.
Mush brain Biden, whack job Pelosi, AOC are in charge. :oops: Between DEAD Americans and DEAD Afghani's and DEAD illegals Biden and the Dems have racked up quite a body count only months into their 4 year regime.
They're going to go after everybody and anybody. Actually the only people that they won't be able to touch are those very same billionaires that have armies of accountants, and attorneys, not to mention lobbyists that have people like Biden in their back pockets.
They will go after those who politically disagree. With a $600.00 floor a family's Disneyland day could trigger an IRS investigation. They would need a stasi for that kind of political surveillance. Make every neighbor, family member and store keeper an informant. Nothing will happen. Not until you express something politically unpopular. Down with Big Brother.
Clearly Democrats don't care about that. They think they can get away with anything, illegal, criminal, treasonous or not. And so far they've been proven right.
If you want to know what Democrats want here, just look at the police state Australia has become, with citizens being beaten in the streets for smoking a cigarette a block from their homes. Dems would love to get that put in place here.
And it's getting worse. Consider the fascist, police-state loving Democrats that want to allow the IRS to snoop into any bank account transaction that is $600 or over without us knowing. 'Cause billionaires most commonly engage in $600 transactions. Remember how Obama kept repeating "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", and Leftist indoctrinated fools fell for that?

A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans' bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”

“This is unprecedented Federal intrusion into the financial lives of every day Americans,” said Representative Andrews. “It is an expansion of the surveillance state and it is time to pushback. As state legislators it is our duty to stand up, be proactive and protect those we represent. This resolution should be filed and supported in every statehouse in the nation. Legislators need to be bold and find ways in their state statutes to legislatively nullify this unconstitutional abuse of power.”
A $600 trigger would mean a LOT of Americans getting spied on every week as they deposit their paycheck. Any bets that Congress would immediately exempt themselves from that provision?
And it's getting worse. Consider the fascist, police-state loving Democrats that want to allow the IRS to snoop into any bank account transaction that is $600 or over without us knowing. 'Cause billionaires most commonly engage in $600 transactions. Remember how Obama kept repeating "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", and Leftist indoctrinated fools fell for that?

A resolution introduced in the Maine House of Representatives today, September 22, urges U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R), Angus King (I), and the rest of the Maine congressional delegation to oppose President Joe Biden’s proposal to empower the IRS to monitor aggregate transactions going into and out of personal and business bank accounts whose value or total transactions exceed $600 in value, which ensnares the majority of active bank accounts. As the new state resolution filed by Maine Representative John Andrews points out, “President Joe Biden wants the IRS to have automatic access to information about every Americans' bank account as well as every PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp account, even if without any accusations of wrongdoing.”

“This is unprecedented Federal intrusion into the financial lives of every day Americans,” said Representative Andrews. “It is an expansion of the surveillance state and it is time to pushback. As state legislators it is our duty to stand up, be proactive and protect those we represent. This resolution should be filed and supported in every statehouse in the nation. Legislators need to be bold and find ways in their state statutes to legislatively nullify this unconstitutional abuse of power.”

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