This is a new level of racism among some in the black community and displayed by the laughing joyful violence that many black teens have when they victimize white people.
Now some will dismiss this because it is something that they dont want to realize, but it is real. How can it not be when you have blacks like Oprah Winfrey saying that old white people need to die on broadcast TV and nothing happens to her. There are no demands for her to be shunned, her businesses bankrupted as many did when Paula Deen simply admited that she may have used the dreaded N-Word back in the 1960s because it was a ubiquitous term, but she cant remember. BOOM! Deen had her books dropped form publishing companies shelves and her businesses attacked on a daily basis.
So if Oprah gets a pass from WHITE PEOPLE themselves, then obviously what she is saying MUST be true.
Until the day comes that blacks are held to the same standards that whites are we will never have racial justice and equality. And I doubt that will ever happen as the racial baiting game is too deeply bound into the lefts playbook. But what will happen, almost magically, is that the left is going to do a flip that will spin the heads of observers world wide.
When robots displace the need for cheap foreign labor, and the demographics no longer favor inviting in more 'Alien Hordes' the left will flip back to its old playbook of Eugenics and White Superiority. That is how these bastards roll.
And minorities will return to pleading with white people to treat them with dignity too.
But whites will remember this racist bullshit that was directed at them for four decades and it will not go so easily this next time.
Oh no! Another neo confederate shitting in the pants thread!!
The issue isn't that black violence has made whites scared. Oh no. Black violence has made white people cautious not scared. They should be scared shitless. Whites should be cornered honey badgers, pound for pound the most vicious animal on earth. Be so frightened that the words shoot first and ask who they are later have real meaning. That's how frightened whites should be. It will happen.