The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Kaz what you say is true BUT I'm no liar
+$175,250.56 (1.44%)
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And that proves what? You know absolutely zero about finance or anything related to it. That is what speaks volumes
you think I got what I have not knowing what you say I don't know ? 40 years in the same successful business accumulating 8 figures ,own profitable RE You think it happens by magic ? Like the virus going away by magic?

You're just babbling incoherently, you think that refutes my point?

People who understand things can explain them. Everything you say about fiance, economics and business is wrong. You don't know shit about any of those
LOL then I guess luck is better than brains??? And I hate telling you this but I probably forgot more about financial matters than you know And one more thing I don't recall mentioning at any length finance or business or economic matters here Perhaps you have me mixed up with another poster?
how about last week ,,,last month NY is doing fine now How about all your red states? Florida Ga Texas etc etc etc

After last week, Florida still had a third the deaths of New York even though Florida is a bigger State. New York is that incompetent
Still waiting on how this is the Biden virus.

Biden called Trump a racist for restricting travel from China, then again when he restricted travel from Europe. This is a party with two parties, you can't operate when one is acting that way. Biden clearly harmed dealing with the pandemic. You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Biden was right the first time, because Trump didn't do it for all together the first time. That maneuver proved he is a racist and an idiot. biden didn't deal with the pandemic. Please try and keep this discussion out of the ditches of pure stupidity. Biden holds no office, therefore, he is in no party. Get a fucking clue.

Right, so it's the Biden virus now. We agree
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it
If they are contorted, then show us documentation backing up your claim. You can't can you? More bs.

Who is "us?" You and the voices in your head?

I told you what the chart was based on. I'm not clear what you're looking for exactly. You actually believe there is only one way to count Federal money going to States? Again, Virginia is flooded with Federal money and they were in the chart as getting very little. Total BS. And Maryland was way under represented for Federal money. Go to DC and take a spin around the beltway and tell me they aren't getting much Federal money
The question was simple, but your answer won't be. You telling us who has what, going where is telling us nothing without documentation. We are however, well informed about how New York had a surplus, and Kentucky needed some of that surplus; "NYS puts $116 billion more into the federal pot than we take out," the New York governor tweeted, referencing findings from the Rockefeller Institute of Government's 2020 analysis of federal budget receipts and expenditures nationwide. "Kentucky TAKES $148 billion more from the federal pot than they put in," Cuomo continued. "But we don't deserve help now because the 15,000 people who died here were predominantly democrats?"

Provide documentation of this contortion you refer to, or consider this just more added bull shit from this thread from you.

So you do have a livingroom full of people reading your every keystroke and cheering your every post? Is that who "us" is?
I have a living room full of people on this thread who know you are getting your ass kicked over non-arguments + no documentation from every claim you have had covering this thread. You're a loser. It is what it is. You are hog tied from debate. You just admitted to being a loser by asking me about my living room. It's pitiful chief.
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Kaz what you say is true BUT I'm no liar
+$175,250.56 (1.44%)
Day Change
+$4,579,911.31 (58.66%)
YTD Change

And that proves what? You know absolutely zero about finance or anything related to it. That is what speaks volumes
you think I got what I have not knowing what you say I don't know ? 40 years in the same successful business accumulating 8 figures ,own profitable RE You think it happens by magic ? Like the virus going away by magic?

You're just babbling incoherently, you think that refutes my point?

People who understand things can explain them. Everything you say about fiance, economics and business is wrong. You don't know shit about any of those
LOL then I guess luck is better than brains??? And I hate telling you this but I probably forgot more about financial matters than you know And one more thing I don't recall mentioning at any length finance or business or economic matters here Perhaps you have me mixed up with another poster?
You realize you're on a political message board, no? Most of your positions relate to economics and prove your dearth of knowledge on the subject
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Kaz what you say is true BUT I'm no liar
+$175,250.56 (1.44%)
Day Change
+$4,579,911.31 (58.66%)
YTD Change

And that proves what? You know absolutely zero about finance or anything related to it. That is what speaks volumes
you think I got what I have not knowing what you say I don't know ? 40 years in the same successful business accumulating 8 figures ,own profitable RE You think it happens by magic ? Like the virus going away by magic?

You're just babbling incoherently, you think that refutes my point?

People who understand things can explain them. Everything you say about fiance, economics and business is wrong. You don't know shit about any of those
The problem with you is, you won't explain them, because you can't intelligently explain anything you have said. You can't back up anything with documentation. Arguing your points with shit that comes straight out of your ass instead of a real source, just keeps kicking your ass on all subjects. Are you so dense that you cannot see that?

Poor guy. Poor, poor guy ...

So you do have a livingroom full of people reading your every keystroke and cheering your every post? Is that who "us" is?
I have a living room full of people on this thread who know you are getting your ass kicked over non-arguments + no documentation from every claim you have had covering this thread. You're a loser. It is what it is. You are hog tied from debate. You just admitted to being a loser by asking me about my living room. It's pitiful chief.

I feel ya, bro

how about last week ,,,last month NY is doing fine now How about all your red states? Florida Ga Texas etc etc etc

After last week, Florida still had a third the deaths of New York even though Florida is a bigger State. New York is that incompetent
Still waiting on how this is the Biden virus.

Biden called Trump a racist for restricting travel from China, then again when he restricted travel from Europe. This is a party with two parties, you can't operate when one is acting that way. Biden clearly harmed dealing with the pandemic. You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Biden was right the first time, because Trump didn't do it for all together the first time. That maneuver proved he is a racist and an idiot. biden didn't deal with the pandemic. Please try and keep this discussion out of the ditches of pure stupidity. Biden holds no office, therefore, he is in no party. Get a fucking clue.

Right, so it's the Biden virus now. We agree
We do? I never agreed to that. That's your invention, and one you cannot answer to. Again, what a loser and a liar. Get lost. You've been had for being nothing more than a bull shitting liar on this thread. And boring as fuck, saying nothing. This is mop up time for you.
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Kaz what you say is true BUT I'm no liar
+$175,250.56 (1.44%)
Day Change
+$4,579,911.31 (58.66%)
YTD Change

And that proves what? You know absolutely zero about finance or anything related to it. That is what speaks volumes
you think I got what I have not knowing what you say I don't know ? 40 years in the same successful business accumulating 8 figures ,own profitable RE You think it happens by magic ? Like the virus going away by magic?

You're just babbling incoherently, you think that refutes my point?

People who understand things can explain them. Everything you say about fiance, economics and business is wrong. You don't know shit about any of those
The problem with you is, you won't explain them, because you can't intelligently explain anything you have said. You can't back up anything with documentation. Arguing your points with shit that comes straight out of your ass instead of a real source, just keeps kicking your ass on all subjects. Are you so dense that you cannot see that?

Poor guy. Poor, poor guy ...

The shit finally hit the fan for you, and you've been exposed for saying and proving nothing.
So you do have a livingroom full of people reading your every keystroke and cheering your every post? Is that who "us" is?
I have a living room full of people on this thread who know you are getting your ass kicked over non-arguments + no documentation from every claim you have had covering this thread. You're a loser. It is what it is. You are hog tied from debate. You just admitted to being a loser by asking me about my living room. It's pitiful chief.

I feel ya, bro

And I feel sorry for your loss.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
he did the crime he should do the time so do those others the scum pardoned
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Have a link for that?
Gee who would suspect the trumps are lying scum ..?....Only ones who ignore it are called repubs ,his base

That article says nothing specific at all. It doesn't name any of the Republican Senators or what was said that was supposedly misleading. And it says nothing about it being material to Russia. Did you read it? Or you just didn't care. Oh yeah, you admitted you went by the headline ...
The Communist Democrats are showing how desperate they are going into the November 3rd Elections.:auiqs.jpg: They know Senile Joe and Kamala are going to take a bad beating. :smoke:
You know that was a bipartisan report, right? Signed off on by both sides?

You know the link wasn't to the report and the post offered no quotes from the report, right? It was an opinion piece on a blog. You know that, right, Creep?
You know the link wasn't to the report and the post offered no quotes from the report, right? It was an opinion piece on a blog. You know that, right, Creep?
So.... then read the report and point out the errors, dope.
how about last week ,,,last month NY is doing fine now How about all your red states? Florida Ga Texas etc etc etc

After last week, Florida still had a third the deaths of New York even though Florida is a bigger State. New York is that incompetent
Still waiting on how this is the Biden virus.

Biden called Trump a racist for restricting travel from China, then again when he restricted travel from Europe. This is a party with two parties, you can't operate when one is acting that way. Biden clearly harmed dealing with the pandemic. You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Biden was right the first time, because Trump didn't do it for all together the first time. That maneuver proved he is a racist and an idiot. biden didn't deal with the pandemic. Please try and keep this discussion out of the ditches of pure stupidity. Biden holds no office, therefore, he is in no party. Get a fucking clue.

Right, so it's the Biden virus now. We agree
We do? I never agreed to that. That's your invention, and one you cannot answer to. Again, what a loser and a liar. Get lost. You've been had for being nothing more than a bull shitting liar on this thread. And boring as fuck, saying nothing. This is mop up time for you.

You agreed that Biden was pushing the racism bull shit. A global pandemic is the time for the minority party to put their country first and we agree Biden didn't. He went to hyper partisan and greatly damaged our ability to respond as a country.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
how about last week ,,,last month NY is doing fine now How about all your red states? Florida Ga Texas etc etc etc

After last week, Florida still had a third the deaths of New York even though Florida is a bigger State. New York is that incompetent
Still waiting on how this is the Biden virus.

Biden called Trump a racist for restricting travel from China, then again when he restricted travel from Europe. This is a party with two parties, you can't operate when one is acting that way. Biden clearly harmed dealing with the pandemic. You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Biden was right the first time, because Trump didn't do it for all together the first time. That maneuver proved he is a racist and an idiot. biden didn't deal with the pandemic. Please try and keep this discussion out of the ditches of pure stupidity. Biden holds no office, therefore, he is in no party. Get a fucking clue.

Right, so it's the Biden virus now. We agree
We do? I never agreed to that. That's your invention, and one you cannot answer to. Again, what a loser and a liar. Get lost. You've been had for being nothing more than a bull shitting liar on this thread. And boring as fuck, saying nothing. This is mop up time for you.

You agreed that Biden was pushing the racism bull shit. A global pandemic is the time for the minority party to put their country first and we agree Biden didn't. He went to hyper partisan and greatly damaged our ability to respond as a country.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Hannity's friends say Hannity calls Trump bat shit crazy YOU kaz with your Bidens virus are bat shit crazy too
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We do? I never agreed to that. That's your invention, and one you cannot answer to. Again, what a loser and a liar. Get lost. You've been had for being nothing more than a bull shitting liar on this thread. And boring as fuck, saying nothing. This is mop up time for you.

You agreed that Biden was pushing the racism bull shit. A global pandemic is the time for the minority party to put their country first and we agree Biden didn't. He went to hyper partisan and greatly damaged our ability to respond as a country.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Hannity's friends say Hannity calls Trump bat shit crazy YOU kaz with your Bidens virus are bat shit crazy too

I heard Trump say he wanted to grab a pussy too. Women voters aren't going to like this at all.

Gooooooooooo Clinton!
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do
Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do
Bernie lost the "actual voting", dope.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
And during the campaign he colluded with the Russians to give them polling data.
Since when is polling data top secret?
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