The Not Trump gop plan to run a third party candidate explained

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Watching the results of tonight's race between Hillary & Sanders had me flipping through the channels on TV. A news report was just put forth by a reporter that the plan is as follows.

Introduce a 3rd party candidate in a few states. Just enough states to stop BOTH Trump & Hillary from winning the required number to win. 8 or 9 states was the number. If successful the election would then be decided by the House of Representatives.

The sad thing is we are at such a state with two candidates who are largely hated that while remote this is a possibility.
If I were them I'd wait for the next election. If Trump does suck as much as his detractors are worried then the independent/third party run will be much stronger 4 years from now
Watching the results of tonight's race between Hillary & Sanders had me flipping through the channels on TV. A news report was just put forth by a reporter that the plan is as follows.

Introduce a 3rd party candidate in a few states. Just enough states to stop BOTH Trump & Hillary from winning the required number to win. 8 or 9 states was the number. If successful the election would then be decided by the House of Representatives.

The sad thing is we are at such a state with two candidates who are largely hated that while remote this is a possibility.

Running a third party candidate at this point is beyond childish on either side. Trump won the dam nomination and the GOP need to suck it up and accept the will of the people and if not then Trump will do something that some thought never would happen and destroy the GOP once and for all.

Also if the GOP wanted to endorse a former Republican that would be on fifty states then endorse Gary Johnson and succeed at denying Trump while not imploding the GOP.

Now I know many will laugh at the idea of backing Johnson but it is the best choice while not running some establishment candidate.

As for the Democratic side, well the Progressives have more to be upset about because Sanders has won some key states and yet Clinton keep on getting the Super Delegates which will throw the race to her.

So I can understand them wanting a Green type candidate to derail Clinton but to do that they will be giving this nation Trump for four years and are they willing to live doing that?
Won't work. For the OP to work, you have to engineer a 269-269 tie or win enough EVs to screw both candidates. That won't happen.

What could happen is this. At this point, the only thing a 3rd party will do is introduce a spoiler and destabilize the election. Trying to engineer a 269-269 tie is nearly impossible given the fragmented EV allocation between states and NE and ME doing their proportional allocations.

Hillary can get to 270 with the Democrats closing ranks behind her. There isn't any appeal for them from a GOP insurgency. Although the insurgency can certainly thwart a Drumpf campaign. Think about this; if they draft Cruz (who is hated by the GOP Elders so much that it won't matter if he pisses them off) to run in Texas where he beat Drumpf by 500,000 votes, he can take 38 EVs out of Drumpfs column to screw Trump. Hillary isn't going to miss Texas because (they suck) and she wasn't going to win it anyway. Cruz will be a non-factor everywhere else but where it mattes to Drumpf.

Go for it!!!
Watching the results of tonight's race between Hillary & Sanders had me flipping through the channels on TV. A news report was just put forth by a reporter that the plan is as follows.

Introduce a 3rd party candidate in a few states. Just enough states to stop BOTH Trump & Hillary from winning the required number to win. 8 or 9 states was the number. If successful the election would then be decided by the House of Representatives.

The sad thing is we are at such a state with two candidates who are largely hated that while remote this is a possibility.

The GOP seems to be a 4 different party right now..

1. The Not Trump GOP

2. The Tea Party

3. The Trump GOP

4. And the regular GOP like you who are hoping not to see this all crumble after your party was hijacked..

Watching the results of tonight's race between Hillary & Sanders had me flipping through the channels on TV. A news report was just put forth by a reporter that the plan is as follows.

Introduce a 3rd party candidate in a few states. Just enough states to stop BOTH Trump & Hillary from winning the required number to win. 8 or 9 states was the number. If successful the election would then be decided by the House of Representatives.

The sad thing is we are at such a state with two candidates who are largely hated that while remote this is a possibility.

Yep. An Independent would have to aim to win FL, OH, and PA mandatory. Not necessarily win all three, but would have play it hard enough to win it. From there, blocking Clinton victories would be sufficient, targeting VA, NC, WI, NH, and probably IA and maybe NV as well.

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