The NRA Should Have Never Messed With The Parkland Kids

The NRA leadership has turned on each other in an ugly civil war and is bleeding money. In 2016, the NRA was able to spend around 70 million mobilizing voters and buying online ads, but now, that’s roughly what they are losing annually. The group’s free fall has exposed extreme financial mismanagement. Excessive salaries, backroom deals, sexual-harassment charges (of course), ridiculous clothing allowances, expensive travel, and a secretive PR firm that refuses to say where its 40 million dollars annual budget goes.

The NRA brand is toxic, revenues are dropping, recruitment is way down, and the cherry on top—they are finally being investigated.

The NRA should have never messed with the Parkland kids
/——/ Blue State should never have messed with the abortion laws. Now Alabama has struck back and the USSC May overturn RvW.
Does the op even know who killed those kids at that school?

As the fbi and left wing Sheriff allowed the murderer to do what he did.

Anyone else find that odd? We know for a fact the left delights in mass shootings since they bolster their efforts to bring down America. We all know the only thing that matters to the left is that agenda. Do any of us believe the left care about the murdered kids, or minorities or the environment? You are fucked in the head if you do.

Wasn't it strange how the numerous warnings were ignored and then in that swing state, the Sheriff told his cops to NOT GO IN? Then, that Sheriff was all of a sudden some left wing hero for condemning the nra, Trump and conservatives?

How did they get to rent out that BBT Center in less than a week for cnn to put on a "townhall meeting" which was filled with applause and condemnation of America, the 2nd amendment, and Trump, while they didn't say one fucking word about the actual cocksucker who did it. Who, btw is predictably getting hundreds of love letters from white female future left wing admirers.

How was there a financed bus trips to Washington and heroes made so quickly?

Now, look at the OP loser. You all smell that? Wooooo weeeee!!!! What, is your nose not working?
This is the kind of stupidity we get from Libtards when it comes to guns.

I have and I will continue.. you will NEVER TAKE OUR GUNS
Better give more, I think I see a gun grabber sneaking up on you!
Founder of Black Guns Matter Speaks Out: 'Gun Control Is About People Control'

We are coming
I really don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home.

Gross to talk about it here though.
Empowering blacks to own guns.. wonder who they will vote for hmmm
The surest way to get gun control quickly will be for black folks to start getting licenses in large number. The white republican base will be horrified.

Why is that? Many blacks can't get a license anyway because of their criminal record. The ones that can were law abiding citizens their entire lives.
I have and I will continue.. you will NEVER TAKE OUR GUNS
Better give more, I think I see a gun grabber sneaking up on you!
Founder of Black Guns Matter Speaks Out: 'Gun Control Is About People Control'

We are coming
I really don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home.

Gross to talk about it here though.
Empowering blacks to own guns.. wonder who they will vote for hmmm
The surest way to get gun control quickly will be for black folks to start getting licenses in large number. The white republican base will be horrified.
Insanely wrong. We support everyone's right to self-defense.

It's liberals who oppose it.
Empowering blacks to own guns.. wonder who they will vote for hmmm
The surest way to get gun control quickly will be for black folks to start getting licenses in large number. The white republican base will be horrified.

Yeah, because the NRA didn't back McDonald in his lawsuit vs Chicago, nor did they back Heller in one of the most black cities in the country....

FYI, this was McDonald:

Sorry, but that really has no bearing on my comment.

It destroys your comment.

RKBA supporters support RKBA. The only disqualifiers being felony conviction or being mentally adjudicated.
No, it doesn't.

You seem to have missed the "large numbers" part.
You making up bullshit based on your liberal programming is not a credible argument.
Yeah, because the NRA didn't back McDonald in his lawsuit vs Chicago, nor did they back Heller in one of the most black cities in the country....

FYI, this was McDonald:

Sorry, but that really has no bearing on my comment.

It destroys your comment.

RKBA supporters support RKBA. The only disqualifiers being felony conviction or being mentally adjudicated.
No, it doesn't.

You seem to have missed the "large numbers" part.

And you seem to ignore the NRA realizes that when they support lawsuits like McDonald and Heller, that apply to areas with large black populations.

More law abiding citizens being armed is a good thing, and is truly color blind (and gender blind for that matter)

But keep with your ALL REPUBLICANS HATE BLACK PEOPLE bullshit.
I only say that because I'm right.
Stamp your feet and pout some more. It doesn't help.
The problem with arguing with the morons on the left in public somewhere or on sites like these is they actually believe the democrats or globalists actually give a shit about the things they claim they give a shit about.

Meaning, it is truly impossible to have a debate with such people, whose actual greatest fear is to be ostracized from their peers. Which will be done instantly if they agree with any conservative, regardless of how clear and logical the point the conservative makes.

For instance, we can point out the vast number of things al gore got wrong in that movie they all applauded gore for and made gore rich from. I stopped counting at 10. We can ask these left wingers how much money they spent on "carbon credits." Does not matter. They are under the spell of group think which is really the "way of the world" which in truth is a road to perdition.

This is absolutley true in regards to the guns issue. No one is questioning or care about why the fbi and law enforcement ignored the number of warnings and then use any and all of these tragedies to push along an agenda.

This is the devil's world. Those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear, see and hear what is happening. The never believer, never will.
Why don’t you just buy LaPierre a new paisley shirt. That’s what he’s going to spend your money on.

PT Barnum was right. There’s a sucker born every minute.

There sure is and you've bought the kos,HuffPo, AlterNet lies hook ,line, and sinker.

You never answered my question C**l, do you pool all of your profits up at the end of the week and divide them evenly between ALL of your employees?
The NRA leadership has turned on each other in an ugly civil war and is bleeding money. In 2016, the NRA was able to spend around 70 million mobilizing voters and buying online ads, but now, that’s roughly what they are losing annually. The group’s free fall has exposed extreme financial mismanagement. Excessive salaries, backroom deals, sexual-harassment charges (of course), ridiculous clothing allowances, expensive travel, and a secretive PR firm that refuses to say where its 40 million dollars annual budget goes.

The NRA brand is toxic, revenues are dropping, recruitment is way down, and the cherry on top—they are finally being investigated.

The NRA should have never messed with the Parkland kids
The problem with arguing with the morons on the left in public somewhere or on sites like these is they actually believe the democrats or globalists actually give a shit about the things they claim they give a shit about.

Meaning, it is truly impossible to have a debate with such people, whose actual greatest fear is to be ostracized from their peers. Which will be done instantly if they agree with any conservative, regardless of how clear and logical the point the conservative makes.

For instance, we can point out the vast number of things al gore got wrong in that movie they all applauded gore for and made gore rich from. I stopped counting at 10. We can ask these left wingers how much money they spent on "carbon credits." Does not matter. They are under the spell of group think which is really the "way of the world" which in truth is a road to perdition.

This is absolutley true in regards to the guns issue. No one is questioning or care about why the fbi and law enforcement ignored the number of warnings and then use any and all of these tragedies to push along an agenda.

This is the devil's world. Those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear, see and hear what is happening. The never believer, never will.

Rush Limbaugh said it best. You can't tell anybody they are wrong. All you can do is give them the evidence, and then they must decide for themselves they are wrong.

It's one of the things the left fears so much about conservative speakers in college and other places. They are scared to death of our message. That's because some who hear it may decide that yes, they were wrong, and join our side.

Brave people will come out and fully acknowledge that they turned right. Others will claim to be left, and then vote right when they get in the booth. And that's all we can hope for.

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