The obama myth: The beginning of the end....the true obama will come out eventually...

And the left does not try to over throw our government like your hero trump tried to do.

Moron......obama and hilary staged a coup using the fake Russian collusion hoax to deploy the FBI, DOJ, to lie to federal judges and spy on Trump.....they used this to impeach him twice and are now trying to put him in idiot....
Moron......obama and hilary staged a coup using the fake Russian collusion hoax to deploy the FBI, DOJ, to lie to federal judges and spy on Trump.....they used this to impeach him twice and are now trying to put him in idiot....

True -

None of it is really about President Trump.

Each impeachment, every indictment is a message to voters, don't go off script and pull a peoples President in the White House again.
They indict him - he gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They indict him again, saying "what the fuck don't you get?
He gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They just keeping making more shit up.

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