The Official "Hillary is not getting the 2016 Nomination" Thread and OP


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've been saying it for several months now, but I want to make this as official as possible: Hillary Clinton will not be the Dem Presidential Nominee in 2016. Hillary Duff has a better chance.

Sales of her book can best be described as moribund, in plain English is means they suck. No one is really interested in what she has to say. I think Rush has sold 10 times as many of his childrens book and without the media coverage

She is a very bad liar and gets caught repeatedly. She's not Bill, it doesn't fit on her but she can't seem to stop herself.

She's a worse campaigner than lair. She thinks she's like Obama and just has to show up for the Class Picture at the Harvard Law School. But as you'll see in my next point, this won't work for her.

The LMSM is against her. They can't treat her like Chris Christie or Sarah Palin, because she's one of their own, but she's been shivved repeatedly by people who are supposed to be her friends and protectors.

Folks, she's not getting the Nomination
I've been saying it for several months now, but I want to make this as official as possible: Hillary Clinton will not be the Dem Presidential Nominee in 2016. Hillary Duff has a better chance.

Sales of her book can best be described as moribund, in plain English is means they suck. No one is really interested in what she has to say. I think Rush has sold 10 times as many of his childrens book and without the media coverage

She is a very bad liar and gets caught repeatedly. She's not Bill, it doesn't fit on her but she can't seem to stop herself.

She's a worse campaigner than lair. She thinks she's like Obama and just has to show up for the Class Picture at the Harvard Law School. But as you'll see in my next point, this won't work for her.

The LMSM is against her. They can't treat her like Chris Christie or Sarah Palin, because she's one of their own, but she's been shivved repeatedly by people who are supposed to be her friends and protectors.

Folks, she's not getting the Nomination

IF any woman gets the Leftist Nod? It will be Fauxahontas that thinks just like Obama.
Your prediction track record is terrible, so who knows why you continue - - - - - - - - - - - - - having been so wrong so often?

She'll get the nomination. She's not drumming herself up in the public eye right now for no reason.
Your prediction track record is terrible, so who knows why you continue - - - - - - - - - - - - - having been so wrong so often?

She'll get the nomination. She's not drumming herself up in the public eye right now for no reason.

OK, I might have been off about Obama not choosing to seek a second term, but that was a joke.

This time I'm serious
Your prediction track record is terrible, so who knows why you continue - - - - - - - - - - - - - having been so wrong so often?

She'll get the nomination. She's not drumming herself up in the public eye right now for no reason.

If being wrong often caused people to stop predicting things, you'd have to be just as silent. And there would be much less discussion here.
Your prediction track record is terrible, so who knows why you continue - - - - - - - - - - - - - having been so wrong so often?

She'll get the nomination. She's not drumming herself up in the public eye right now for no reason.

If being wrong often caused people to stop predicting things, you'd have to be just as silent. And there would be much less discussion here.


what are some of my predictions while you're telling me about me
Hillary will not get the nomination if Indian Princess Warren runs. Look at the primary calendar. Iowa: they do not like front runners (see Howard Dean) and they went with Barack Hussein Obama in 2008. New Hampshire: next to Warren's home state...Hillary will not win there. South Carolina: Bill and Hillary been at war with SC Democrat Party since 2008 when Obama beat her there. She will be 0-3 coming out of the gate and the media will destroy her for it. Now it depends on the dates, but Nevada might squeeze in between NH and SC, but the Culinary Workers Union and the SEIU endorsed Obama in 2008 and they are a powerful force in Nevada Democratic Party. She can have Harry Reid prance around the state with her, but how deep is his support? especially when team Warren starts running ads about Reid's son and his Chinese business ties. So I don't see it happening. warren will get this thing. Biden will run and get nothing. His career is toast. Jerry "Moon Child" Brown might run. Joe Manchin of WV and former Montana governor Schweitzer are not far enough left for hard corp socialist base of party. Coumo of New York might run and that would be interesting in NH where he could siphon votes away from warren and allow team Billary a win.
bush92, you may be right. Just like Christie and Bush are not hard enough right for the GOP fascist base.
I hope you're right Frank. I used to think she would have been a better choice than Obama but now I even doubt that.

You realize that the Right will have to describe her as not only worse than Obama, but the worse Democrat ever. Every Rightwing information systems will say this because this is what the Right says about every Democratic nominee.

It makes me feel lucky because my side of the political spectrum permits more intellectual freedom. For instance, I saw Bush 41 as a good president. I saw Nixon as a better president fiscally than any Democrat president who followed him. [Can you imagine what would happen to a Republican who made these compliments about a Democratic president. It would never happen because the freedom of belief does not exist on the right. Did you see what happened to Christie when he shook hands with Obama after the hurricane? Do you see what happens to any Republican who does not follow the partyline to a T? That person is destroyed for being a RHINO. The rightwing no longer tolerate any dissent. This is why the tea party had to be co-opted by Freedom Works and outside funding. The right, if nothing else, is the most unified political machine this country has ever created in the following regard: It speaks with one voice when it comes to the other side. There is no freedom)
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I hope you're right Frank. I used to think she would have been a better choice than Obama but now I even doubt that.

You realize that the Right will have to describe her as not only worse than Obama, but the worse Democrat ever. All Rightwing information systems will say this because this is what the Right says about every Democratic nominee.

It makes me feel lucky because my side of the political spectrum permits more intellectual freedom. For instance, I saw Bush 41 as a good president. I saw Nixon as a better president fiscally than any Democrat president who followed him. The Rightwing voter, however, is conditioned to believe that every Democrat is the worst that ever was and ever will be.

Obama: $7 trillion in new debt, 15% of Americans on Food Stamps, the Middle East in flames, the Russians in Crimea and the Ukraine, chronic unemployment.

Yeah, that's the best Democrat Eveh!!
no you predicted sarah palin would be our next potus

pretty much top 5 dumbest predictions of all time

Link, please

so you're denying this?

I probably said I voted for McCain/Palin hoping he wouldn't serve his term

In 2012, I might have said if she runs she'll get the nomination and if she runs she'll win

But that's all irrelevant. Hillary is not getting the Nomination

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