The Official USMB Inauguration Thread - President Donald Trump #47

So he didnt force you. You sound confused.
A mandate forces people to get it or lose their jobs.

Many military were let go for it. Many people lost their jobs.

I held out, and the courts overturned it, as it was unconstitutional. But fascists like you don’t care. The damage was done.
A mandate forces people to get it or lose their jobs.

Many military were let go for it. Many people lost their jobs.

I held out, and the courts overturned it, as it was unconstitutional. But fascists like you don’t care. The damage was done.
So you lied in your post.
Yes, show me the common good regarding our environment. You believe that increasing our man-made carbon dioxide output will help our people's health? the future of our world?

You see this as a positive?

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we aren't polluting the environment .. your Chicom Allies are !
He tried to hinder free speech - and thus tried to intimidate the wrong person, baby
Nobody tried to hinder you, you big sissy.
Who's is whining, bitchin, crying and constantly spreading lies? YOU are
Who is constantly attacking people with slurs and personal attacks, since he is unable to formulate a convincing and substantiated argument??? YOU are.

Understandably, you are really pissed off, since no educated and civilized person is taking you serious at all, baby :smoke:
Now you get to explain why being taken seriously by you is a desirable thing. :auiqs.jpg:
You're gullible, too.
The video is everywhere. It's as clear as a bell. Hell, he even GRUNTED when he stuck out his arm.

You'll deny what he did.

I'm hoping you people will feel safe enough to just admit what you are soon.

You're right. It's high time I admitted it.

My name is Dave, and Mac is a retard.

OMG, I feel so much better now!
Cheap and insulting is to call Trump a Christian...

You sold your soul to the devil and now you are trying to convince yourself it was a good deal.

Trump does not have christian values, that is plain to see... He lacks the morality...

Trump might represent the Christian (in name only) Tribe but not the values of christ...

And I am a Christian..
I think you have more faith in the Democratic Party than you do in Christ.
Any bank that loans money without assessing the value of proposed collateral faces immense problems generated by their own stupidity.

See above.

What foot the bill are you talking about? It was a private loan in which the lender did due diligence to ascertain if the collateral presented would cover the cost of the loan (because if the loan officers didn't, they would be guilty of financial malpractice and would likely lose their jobs if not face prosecution). The loan was paid back in full and on time, the contract was satisfied, the lender testified that they would gladly do business with the defendant again, and there were no crime victims.

What bill was footed by the taxpayers?
The cost of Democrats' bullshit trial.
But, you haven't heard me whining since he took the oath. I am a realist. He is here for 4 years, good and bad, then out, a powerful lame duck from day one. I plan on keeping my sense of humor. No matter what he does, it will be legal, per the supreme court. He has both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court in his pocket and was bankrolled into office by the richest man on the planet financing over 63% of the total national campaign funding, and making him a cabinet chair in a new department. My biggest kick at the moment, is it's 19 degrees outside and pool season is at least 3 1/2 months away. Maybe it will work out.
youve whined non stop,,

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