The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Dammit! Beat me to the punch…


It's the goofiness that counts.
If there has been a rash of crime/burglaries in the neighborhood and somebody looks out of place or is behaving suspiciously, following them certainly makes me feel honorably responsible. Not superior, but it is something that responsible citizens do, most especially if they have agreed to be part of a neighborhood watch program. Neighborhood watch programs are not in the law enforcement business, but noting things out of place or improperly secured or possibly suspicious people is what they are all about. And sometimes following and observing people is part of that.

Then call the police and leave it at that.

Why? Thousands of home burglaries, auto thefts, and other crimes are prevented or the perpetrators apprehended every year because responsible citizens decided to get involved. I call the police but you can bet that if I can keep the suspects in sight until the police respond, I will do so. That is what George Zimmerman claimed to be doing the night Trayvon Martin assaulted him. The prosecution did their damndest, but they simply could not make the situation look any other way. Which is why George Zimmerman received a not guilty verdict.

Please don't move into my neighborhood. I want people living around me who will help us all look out for each other.

He won't. He lives in the projects.
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