The one question I don't have an easy answer for, "what should Israel do if Iran is on the verge of having a nuke"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
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Now, one speaker on European news said that Iran could just call N Korea and get a nuke head and employ it. I don't know about how this would work, but I doubt China would green light that sale.

Regardless, if I were Israel and I knew for certain that Iran had a nuke cooking, I would have to risk lives in order to drop it.

U.S and Israeli intelligence created a virus that destroyed Irans nuclear work years ago (Stuxnet?) which was a fantastic success. What would we expect of Israel if Iran is close to a nuke? As much as we shouldn't want war, Israel would be placed in a position in which they would have to destroy such constructions.
I'm struck how Iran is always cast in the wrong by pundits and media in the US, even if unconsciously.

There are always different unstated but implied rules in operation. Well, only one rule, really: 'We are the good guys'.

See? Even Canadians are shocked at the suggestion rules should

apply both ways.
Iran seems to have dispersed its nuke labs so that air strikes cannot stop it now

Nor does Mutual Assured Destruction deter crazies like the mullahs

I think we are living in the Last Days
I'm not pancking. Bibi has been screaming about an Iranian Nuke since the 1990's.

They still don't have a bomb.

By way of comparison, the US developed the first nuke in less than three years.

ANd no one had ever done it before.
Hope that cooler heads on both sides will prevail.
It's a very easy question to answer: Nothing.

Or be prepared themselves to be nuked for having nukes.
Israel is not a threat to any country that does not want to hurt it.

Iran will nuke Israel if it gets the bomb. Israel will not nuke Iran as long as it is a-bomb free.
Now, one speaker on European news said that Iran could just call N Korea and get a nuke head and employ it. I don't know about how this would work, but I doubt China would green light that sale.

Regardless, if I were Israel and I knew for certain that Iran had a nuke cooking, I would have to risk lives in order to drop it.

U.S and Israeli intelligence created a virus that destroyed Irans nuclear work years ago (Stuxnet?) which was a fantastic success. What would we expect of Israel if Iran is close to a nuke? As much as we shouldn't want war, Israel would be placed in a position in which they would have to destroy such constructions.
There is a big difference between having a nuke and being able to deliver a nuke, and as we have seen Israel's air defenses are quite formidable, so the question really is, what would constitute an Iranian nuclear threat to Israel?

Based on the amount of plutonian Israel's Dimona reactor produces, scientists years ago estimated that Israel had between 80 and 100 nukes, so if Israel has been intent on building its nuclear force, it is likely to have many more nukes today, and since Israel has been refining uranium since the 1950's, it may also have nukes using highly enriched uranium as well, and in the 1980's the CIA reported Israeli scientists had discovered how to make thermonuclear weapons, which are orders of magnitude more powerful than the nukes Iran might make, so in an all out nuclear exchange between a nuclear Iran and Israel, it is unlikely any Iranian nukes would reach their targets, but Iran has no defense against Israel's Jericho III missile, so while Israel might suffer some damage, Iran would be obliterated, leaving maybe 50 to 70 million dead and the infrastructure and government completely destroyed.

So even given the fanaticism of the Iranian leadership, it is unlikely they would directly threaten Israel with nukes.

Despite the fact that if Iran had nukes it would be unlikely, even suicidal for Iran to ever use them, in the Muslim world, it would make Iran seem more powerful, and that would help Iran persuade some Arabs to align with Iran against Israel and the West.
Jdams on all their nuclear sites from enrichment plants to centrifuges to missile launching facilities.
There is a big difference between having a nuke and being able to deliver a nuke, and as we have seen Israel's air defenses are quite formidable, so the question really is, what would constitute an Iranian nuclear threat to Israel?

Based on the amount of plutonian Israel's Dimona reactor produces, scientists years ago estimated that Israel had between 80 and 100 nukes, so if Israel has been intent on building its nuclear force, it is likely to have many more nukes today, and since Israel has been refining uranium since the 1950's, it may also have nukes using highly enriched uranium as well, and in the 1980's the CIA reported Israeli scientists had discovered how to make thermonuclear weapons, which are orders of magnitude more powerful than the nukes Iran might make, so in an all out nuclear exchange between a nuclear Iran and Israel, it is unlikely any Iranian nukes would reach their targets, but Iran has no defense against Israel's Jericho III missile, so while Israel might suffer some damage, Iran would be obliterated, leaving maybe 50 to 70 million dead and the infrastructure and government completely destroyed.

So even given the fanaticism of the Iranian leadership, it is unlikely they would directly threaten Israel with nukes.

Despite the fact that if Iran had nukes it would be unlikely, even suicidal for Iran to ever use them, in the Muslim world, it would make Iran seem more powerful, and that would help Iran persuade some Arabs to align with Iran against Israel and the West.
It doesn't matter. We need fewer nukes everywhere and certainly not expansion to a country that sponsors global terrorism.

These weapons aren't to be toyed with.
It doesn't matter. We need fewer nukes everywhere and certainly not expansion to a country that sponsors global terrorism.

These weapons aren't to be toyed with.
The real problem is not so much the few nukes Iran may someday be able to build, but Iran's sponsorship of terrorism against the US and Israel. Iran needs to be told that any future acts against the US or Israeli will lead to retaliation against Iran on its own soil, and when its proxies see that Iran cannot defend itself, they will have less confidence it will be able to help them.
It's because of idiots like you the US feels more empowered to be hegemonic wankers in the ME.
Yes, truth telling is awful to appeasers like you.

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