The Ongoing Assassination Attempts Against Donald Trump

If I ever mistreated people, I got it back from most. Deserved. And at some point, you admit you were wrong, you move on. However, I have received a lot more than I have ever doled out. So, I take whatever happens in our nation and the West as people empowered that were not in the past. It is the stupidity part of excessiveness that is destroying us. Progressives never admit to any agendas as failure. On example, 60 years of a war on poverty and we still have the same poverty only now we must send chutes of money and benefits to keep people alive or real rioting will occur. Commercials with children going to bed hungry are run constantly. We deserve answers for failures. And we do not get them. Just more programs added to the previous programs that were added to the previous programs for each agenda.
each individual is not a collective, and like Christ noted:

Matthew 26:11 The poor you will always have with you, but ...​

Bible Hub › matthew

For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land
Gawd almighty! Lies lies lies.

The DNC and all democrats including the President and VP,
CONDEMNED the assassination attempts on Trump....and Kavanaugh!

Did Trump condemn any violent attacks against the attack and hammering the skull of Pelosi's husband?

Hell no!

Trump is still joking about it at his rallies.

Pretending your shit don't stink, when it stinks worse than most, is hilariously demented imo...
It took two whole weeks for Biden to comment on the assassination of Kavanaugh?


It is almost worse than not saying anything at all.

And no, during that two weeks not one democrat said a thing about it.

Very telling

Essentially, Joe finally said something about it just for the optics, but in my mind, it was not even close to being sincere or he would not have waited so long.

The message was sent.
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Gawd almighty! Lies lies lies.

The DNC and all democrats including the President and VP,
CONDEMNED the assassination attempts on Trump....and Kavanaugh!

Did Trump condemn any violent attacks against the attack and hammering the skull of Pelosi's husband?

Hell no!

Trump is still joking about it at his rallies.

Pretending your shit don't stink, when it stinks worse than most, is hilariously demented imo...
If someone tried to assassinate your girl Brown on the court, would Biden take two weeks to address it?

Yes or no?

Clearly, you're an idiot.

And it is not just Biden. After the assassination attempt, Merrick Garland refused to enforce laws on stopping protests outside the homes of the conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Democrats clearly want their political opponents dead.
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If someone tried to assassinate your girl Brown on the court, would Biden take two weeks to address it?

Yes or no?

Clearly, you're an idiot.

And it is not just Biden. After the assassination attempt, Merrick Garland refused to enforce laws on stopping protests outside the homes of the conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Democrats clearly want their political opponents dead.
God has already planned that.
It took two whole weeks for Biden to comment on the assassination of Kavanaugh?


It is almost worse than not saying anything at all.

And no, during that two weeks not one democrat said a thing about it.

Very telling

Essentially, Joe finally said something about it just for the optics, but in my mind, it was not even close to being sincere or he would not have waited so long.

The message was sent.
You mean the guy who rang 911 and told them he had suicidal thoughts and turned himself in..

Yes he said he wanted to kill him but he didn't...

It is a very interesting legal case...

If someone tried to assassinate your girl Brown on the court, would Biden take two weeks to address it?

Yes or no?

Clearly, you're an idiot.

And it is not just Biden. After the assassination attempt, Merrick Garland refused to enforce laws on stopping protests outside the homes of the conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Democrats clearly want their political opponents dead. ya go again.....:rolleyes:

Wouldn't that be First Amendment protected? Are you saying Garland should have possibly broken the Constitution of the United States? How about the Virginia governor?

But the Justice Department isn’t the only one to tread lightly around the subject. So too has Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R). He is facing increasing pressure from his conservative allies to do something about the protests at the homes of justices who happen to live in his state, like Samuel A. Alito Jr., the author of the draft opinion overturning Roe that set off the current backlash.

Virginia law states that it is a misdemeanor to picket “before or about the residence or dwelling place of any individual” or “assemble with another person or persons in a manner which disrupts or threatens to disrupt any individual’s right to tranquility in his home.”

Youngkin has said he is “closely monitoring” the situation, and this would be a local law enforcement issue rather than a state police issue. It’s also possible Virginia’s law is unconstitutional.

But it highlights how there are no easy answers when it comes to potentially policing protests such as these. And as we confront these difficult issues of which protests are okay and which aren’t, it’s worth establishing what’s technically allowed under the actual law.

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The Ongoing Assassination Attempts Against Donald Trump

9 Oct 2024 ~~ By Harold Witkov

Last weekend, Donald Trump made his triumphant return to Butler, Pennsylvania for a rally at the very location where a would-be assassin’s bullet grazed his right ear last July 13. In September, the former president was the target of another assassination attempt, this time at his Florida golf course. So the big question is, are there any other would-be assassins out there, gunning for Donald Trump? The answer is yes. Besides the Iranians, there is no shortage of homegrown losers who, prodded by hate rhetoric, are looking for an opportunity.
There is another kind of assassination attempt being waged against former president Trump. It is the ongoing assassination attempt on Trump’s character — i.e., “he’s a Hitler,” “he’s a racist,” “he’s an antisemite,” “he’s a dictator waiting to happen.”
Think of what happened to Donald Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” remark. It was horrific. The media took that remark and transformed it into the granddaddy of all defamations.
Judaism has a name for this type of lying rhetoric: hotzaat shem ra (making a bad name). The creation of a bad name for another to wear, so to speak, is an attempted murder of that person’s good name (or character). To do it by falsities is a most grievous sin — almost as bad as a murder. The left does it to Donald Trump all the time.
So the next time the attempts on Donald Trump’s life come up in a conversation, remind whom you are speaking to that the first attempt actually was not on July 13, 2024, in Butler. The first of numerous assassination attempts on Donald Trump began when he was riding down a “golden escalator” back in June of 2015.

Here's a very abbreviated list of political assassins:
Memebers of 'The View', Joe Biden, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Joe Scarborough, etc, etc,. I could include all those leftist parrots on this board that even the latest post here have claimed DJT is a Putin puppet, Fascist, and other obscenities but it would take up half this page, and my comment would deleted by moderators om this board,
One thing that stands out to me is that if Trump were president and an enemy foreign country, let's pick Russia, had assassination plots against a former president, we'll pick Barrack Obama, and Trump did nothing about it and didn't even talk about it much, the left would be attacking Trump all over the place over it. And yet we know that Iran has assassination plans against Trump and Biden/Harris & Co basically don't do or say anything about it.

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