The Only Known Person to Escape North Koreas Camp 14 Prison Camp


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Amazing Story and really really fucked up


Shin Dong-hyuk was born in Camp 14, North Korea, out of an arranged marriage between two political prisoners on good behaviour, who were allowed to have sex a few times a year. He is also the first and only known person to have escaped from a "total control zone" internment camp inside of North Korea.


This is an ariel view of Camp 14. The North Korean government denies the existence of these labour camps (despite being able to see them even on Google), and where thousands of people are dying right now from starvation, illness, and execution.


In these camps, women are both raped, and trade sex for more food rations. If found pregnant, they disappear.

Due to the conditions of these camps, which are the equivalent of a death sentence, where most people die by the age of 45, and where food is sparse, he had no emotional relationship with any of his family, and saw them as competitors for food, just like everyone else in the camp. It was encouraged to snitch on anyone and everyone in order to be beaten less frequently, and get better work detail.


When Shin was 13, his brother and mother tried to escape the camp. Overhearing the conversation and fearing for his life (which surely would have been taken from him had he not snitched), he told a guard. He spent the next four days in prison, tortured by guards who believed they could get more information from him. According to Shin, the guards lit a charcoal fire under his back and forced a hook into his skin so that he could not struggle which caused many large scars that are still visible on his body

Shin displaying his bowed arms from hard labour as a child


But what needs to be understood here is that snitching was and is the way of life in these camps. They breed people into becoming emotionless, incapable of feeling love, compassion, remorse, or joy. The only true happiness, as Shin described, came from the possibility of extra food.


And eventually, the idea of escape.

Working with another prisoner who detailed to Shin what the world was outside the walls of the camp (a world which Shin, who was born in the camp, had never seen, nor dreamed of) he escaped. It was not easy.

When the guard was far enough away from the pair doing his patrol, they made a dash. The other man attempting to escape with him was immediately electrocuted at the fence line. Shin was only able to cross the fence line by climbing over the other man's body, and still received heavy electrical current through his legs. He estimates that he ran for two kilometres before realising how bad his wounds were.

He spent the next month attempting to get to China, where in Shanghai, he was accidentally discovered by a journalist, who helped him seek asylum in the South Korean embassy.


Today Shin lives in South Korea, where he is a human rights activist. He and his friends have said that he will not rest until everyone who is a prisoner in the labour camps in North Korea have been set free.

Shin has written a memoir in Korean and had a biography written about him in English entitled "Escape From Camp 14"

More people need to know about and discuss the human rights violations going on in North Korea. The North Korean people, both inside and outside of these camps are suffering from fear and sometimes famine.

"High school students in America debate why FDR didn't bomb the rail lines to Hitler's camps. Their children may ask, a generation from now, why the West stared at far clearer satellite images of Kim Jong Il's camps, and did nothing."
“At the time, I remained relatively calm before that spectacle of horrors, which is perhaps the most telling indication of just how desensitized I had become. The more I witnessed such atrocities and rubbed shoulders with death, the more I desired to stay alive, no matter the cost.”
― Kang Chol-Hwan, The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag
I read the book - [ame=] Escape from Camp 14: One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom inthe West eBook: Blaine Harden: Books[/ame]

An amazing story.
A story that should be made into a movie so everyone in America and the world can see what goes on DAILY in North Korea.
China needs to face the brunt of what is going on. They protect N. Korea.
This is one country in which I would have no issue with a military takeover and the world share the expense of rebuilding the nation.
When I was in Gitmo, I spoke with some of those who managed to escape Castro's regime. Unbelievable stories.

Not every escapee was lucky enough to make it to our side of the fence. Every once in a while you'd hear a loud explosion and see a mushroom cloud as a mine exploded.

I guess the communists got tired of all the escape attempts. They began building another fence inside the fence. I went up on a hill overlooking the construction one day and a young Marine in the watchtower looked sick. He told me one of the Cuban soldiers building the new fence had made a break for it. He began running toward our side.

The other Cuban soldiers ran to their truck and pulled out some AK's and shot him. Chopped him down. Right in front of the US Marine.

The rules of engagement prevent us from aiding any escapee until they get to our side, whereupon we officially "capture" them. Until then, there is nothing we can do. That Marine could easily have taken out the Cuban soldiers, but all he could do was stand and watch it all unfold just feet in front of him.

That Marine was just a kid. He was probably in high school just a few months before that incident.

He learned some realities that day.
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It's what Dems have in mind ultimately for anyone who disagrees with them.

But good OP.

I wondered which of the turnips would be the first to relate this back to dems/libs/progressives/blah blah....

Thanks for being the lead turnip Rabbi.

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