The origins of human genocide


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The first case of near human genocide dates back to about 40,000 years ago. The indigenous Neanderthals of Europe were nearly eradicated by violent hordes of Cro-Magnons migrating out of Africa. This has been continually happening throughout history for tens of thousands of years. There may have been a few brief times when Neanderthals have subjugated Africans, such as slavery in South and North America, except it is the Neanderthals that have been mercilessly slaughtered for millennia and are nearly extinct today. The Neanderthals finally started fleeing as soon as they had ships capable of travel to other continents. Even today, they flee in what is called "white flight" to suburbs.

The descendants of Neanderthals today are not only being crossbred out of existence with the push for multiculturalism, the remaining descendants today have only a few percentage of their original Neanderthal DNA left that made them unique. Take a look at the damage that has already been done even if the genocide were stopped immediately. Neanderthal Lives Matter.

Neanderthals mixed with us in Europe

"Modern humans and Neanderthals interbred in Europe, an analysis of 40,000-year-old DNA suggests.

The study suggests an early Homo sapiens settler in Europe harboured a Neanderthal ancestor just a few generations back in his family line.

Previous work has shown our ancestors had interbred with Neanderthals 55,000 years ago, possibly in the Middle East.

The new results reveal there was additional mixing once modern humans pushed north into Europe.

An international team of researchers has published its analysis of the ancient European genome in Nature journal.

The group successfully extracted and sequenced genetic material from a jawbone found in 2002 inside the cave system of Peștera cu Oase in south-west Romania.

The ancient man was found to be more closely related to Neanderthals than any other modern human (Homo sapiens) who has previously been analysed.

Between 6% and 9% of the Oase individual's genome is from Neanderthals - an unprecedented amount. By comparison, present-day Europeans have between 2% and 4%."

Neanderthal - Wikipedia

"With an average cranial capacity of 1600 cm 3, the cranial capacity of Neanderthals is notably larger than the 1400 cm 3 average for modern humans, indicating that their brain size was larger."

Neanderthals 'could speak like us'

"An analysis of a Neanderthal's fossilised hyoid bone - a horseshoe-shaped structure in the neck - suggests the species had the ability to speak.

This has been suspected since the 1989 discovery of a Neanderthal hyoid that looks just like a modern human's.

But now computer modelling of how it works has shown this bone was also used in a very similar way."
Probably caused from a religious disagreement or the fact that someone was of a different color.
Things are simple in the leftists' child-like understanding of the world, aren't they? Genocide is caused by "hate" which is caused by racism or religious intolerance. I learned that on Sesame Street, too.

So that must be why the black animist-Christian Hutus slaughtered the black animist-Christian Tutsis.

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