The other side of the Transmadness....... the price of woke.

This is disgusting. I cannot believe this is actual reality and not a made up story.
This is happening, and not just in swimming.

This is just one price of woke.

Chics don't have dicks. Trannies have no place in a female locker room or bathroom. PERIOD.
This video needs to be plastered all over the internet and played in a loop on television.
It is well past time to stop the transmadness and concentrate on the many victims of this insanity.
And it is insanity.
Fascists need enemies.

In the eyes of conservatives, trans people are the newjews.
Deflect much?
Why... yes you do.
As always - the left are perfectly willing to sacrifice teen/young girls to the whims of "transgenders" - violate their privacy, expose them to naked men without their consent... you and the left couldn't give a flying donut as long as you can virtue signal about it.
Fascists need enemies.

In the eyes of conservatives, trans people are the newjews.
In the eyes of normal people, male born trannies simply have no place on female teams, in female locker rooms or bathrooms. Real females should not have to put up with it.
In the eyes of normal people, male born trannies simply have no place on female teams, in female locker rooms or bathrooms. Real females should not have to put up with it.
They don't care about them.
At all. Not even for a moment.
The narcistic faux morality pumping is all they care about. No matter who it hurts or harms... doesn't matter.
It is time to expose the madness for the harm it is doing
The OP writer should provide a real link to explain where and when this video was made and what actually occurred.

I myself am generally opposed to males transgendered to females competing in competitive female sports.

In some professional sports associations this is often the result of adopted “standards” based on “hormone levels” in the blood, rather than DNA testing or patent physical and historical evidence. IMO these “standards” should generally be changed. I can certainly understand the dismay of female competitive athletes who feel this is unfair to them, and agree that young “chicks with dicks” in changing rooms — especially public schools — should never be “sprung upon” unprepared young women athletes.

But there are practically no details provided about this particular case in the video, and no accompanying written link, which is very unfortunate. I’m not saying it is fake. Just saying the country needs a sober discussion of this growing problem.
The OP writer should provide a real link to explain where and when this video was made and what actually occurred.

I myself am generally opposed to males transgendered to females competing in competitive female sports.

In some professional sports associations this is often the result of adopted “standards” based on “hormone levels” in the blood, rather than DNA testing or patent physical and historical evidence. IMO these “standards” should generally be changed. I can certainly understand the dismay of female competitive athletes who feel this is unfair to them, and agree that young “chicks with dicks” in changing rooms — especially public schools — should never be “sprung upon” unprepared young women athletes.

But there are practically no details provided about this particular case in the video, and no accompanying written link, which is very unfortunate. I’m not saying it is fake. Just saying the country needs a sober discussion of this growing problem.
If you seriously don't know the swimmer they are talking about (Lia Thomas) then what news outlet have you watched in the past year???
Are you seriously going to say you don't know who Lia Thomas is??
And by the way - this girl has been called right wing extremist after she appeared on the news.
So not only the left doesn't care about her and her teammates... but just because she came out and expressed the horrors and extreme discomfort of having to share a locker room with a 6'2" large man with full male genitalia and stated he would often face the girls nude for longer period than was necessary... because she DARED speak out - she is the one they attack
The bare OP video featured a very upset young woman talking about a “male” in her locker room. She barely mentioned the last name of the man/transgender. Her own name was never mentioned, and she was certainly not a famous athlete.

The case of Lia Thomas in 2020-2021 was actually widely — and soberly — discussed in many liberal circles. The extreme right does not want a sober discussion of how to treat the really very few competitive trans athletes. Many angry right wingers here on USMB love to call people they do not agree with on this issue “faggots” and “groomers” and turn everything into a political circus, rather than look for solutions.

I personally do usually avoid these circus “rank-out” debates, but I am a bit familiar with the issue, and after doing more research am now more so. As I said, like many, probably the great majority of liberals, I do not agree with extremists in the “transgender community.”

Here are some quotes about practical approaches to dealing with the issue from a long, rather liberal Sports Illustrated article:

NCAA rules allow athletes to change gender categories, but Thomas needed a year of HRT before she’d be eligible to compete against other women in championship events….

On Dec. 5 [2021] … some Penn swim parents sent a letter to the NCAA asking that Thomas be ruled ineligible for women’s competitions. The arguments would soon become familiar … Science allegedly showed trans women had larger hands and feet, bigger hearts and greater bone density and lung capacity. “At stake here is the integrity of women’s sports,” read the parents’ letter, which was sent to Penn and the Ivy League and later made public. “The precedent being set—one in which women do not have a protected and equitable space to compete—is a direct threat to female athletes in every sport. What are the boundaries? How is this in line with the NCAA’s commitment to providing a fair environment for student-athletes?” …

USA Swimming released new guidelines Feb. 1, laying out a series of requirements and establishing a three-person medical panel to determine whether transgender women have “a competitive advantage over the athlete’s cisgender female competitors.” The new guidelines set a ceiling testosterone level of five nanomoles per liter—half the threshold used by previous Olympic rules—that transgender athletes would need to register, continuously, for 36 months before applying to swim as a woman.
Wikipedia adds:

In June 2022, the International Swimming Federation (FINA), an organization that administers international aquatic sports competitions, voted to bar all transgender athletes from competing in professional women's swimming, with the exception of athletes who "can establish to FINA's comfortable satisfaction that they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 (of puberty) or before age 12, whichever is later", barring Thomas from competing in the women's competition at the 2024 Paris Olympics as she had planned.

These debates and changes in sports policies continue, and there is no reason they cannot resolve most practical issues that would arise if more transgenders seriously enter sports.

Social faddishness about sex “changing” on one extreme and social bigotry on the other should also fade over time — though of course there will always be some who try to use this kind of controversy to divide the country. Many do so to make their political careers, or sell their media, or because they just can’t control themselves.
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Fascists need enemies.

In the eyes of conservatives, trans people are the newjews.
You libtards need enemies which is why your politics is always to find things by which to divide us. Race. “Class.” Levels of wealth or levels of income.

Your hypocrisy is astounding but not at all unexpected, manboob.
Now. On to “fair” taxes. Make the corporations the bogeyman.

Listen, Potato. Corporations will only pass along the additional costs (which is the way a 15% minimum tax on corporate taxes will be treated) to the consumers.

He is so thoroughly dishonest.
Now. On to “fair” taxes. Make the corporations the bogeyman.

Listen, Potato. Corporations will only pass along the additional costs (which is the way a 15% minimum tax on corporate taxes will be treated) to the consumers.

He is so thoroughly dishonest.
This is totally off topic. Probably you meant it for another thread.

The fact that a medical condition that afflicts roughly 0.52% of American adults and 1.43% of youth 13 to 18, has assumed greater political importance than the economy, gun violence, crime immigration and decaying infrastructure.


The inability of people to consider anything beyond the extremes when considering rights and treatment for this tiny group of people.

Examples of Transmadness:

Trans women are women.

Fact is that physically they aren’t and while treatment will change the body to more closely align with identity, biology still plays a role.

Fact is that psychologically, emotionally and in how they identify, they are. That is as legitimate as physical biology.

So why are the only two options considered is they must be men or they must be women?

Sports. Trans women should not compete in women’s sports against biological women. Biology matters as was evidenced by the differences in a recent a athlete’s swim record as a male and later as a trans woman. Surely we can accept this and come up with reasonable alternatives. We are only talking about an even tinier percentage of a tiny percentage of Americans.

Bathrooms and Locker Rooms. I understand the issues on both sides. What is a reasonable compromise here? Install more unisex bathrooms and closed stalls in locker rooms? Again, this is a miniscule number of people!


The utter cruelty of the political move to deny life saving treatment to this tiny group of people.

My state of West Virginia is now marching lockstep with a movement that they openly admit is politically based.

They have just passed a bill criminalizing what is broadly considered the most effective treatments for transgender youth. There was not a single expert witness called by the Republican super majority. One Republican state representative was busy googling during discussions because he didn’t know anything about the issue. Republican state senate leader openly said if you don’t vote for it, you will be voted out. When pressed on whether any WV had ever done sexual reassignment surgery on a minor, he finally had to admit he couldn’t think of a single instance. The bill, which started as banning surgery only, was expanded to include medical treatment as well. This bill bill did not originate in WV. It is not a grass roots movement either. It is part of a well funded national political “legislation mill” producing pre-packaged legislation. This is the political side of Transmadness.

Then there is the medical side.

When you need your appendix removed, do you go to a guy that googled it and is now an expert or do you go to a board certified physician?

When your child suffers from depression do you go to a board certified specialist in child psychiatry or a politician?

This is Transmadness.

American Association of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Medical Associaton (AMA)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES)

Have all made statements concerning the most effective treatments for gender dysmorphia in youth based on the best available research and practices. Those include extensive counseling, puberty blockers and hormones.


This is often brought up as a reason NOT to pursue therapy. What is the data here?

Detransition surveys include in that grouping in those who pause their transitions or don’t complete them for various reasons including lack of social or family support, financial or satisfied with the point they are at as well as those who genuinely regret it it and transition back. The proportion of those who have any kind of regret (adverse outcome) is tiny, estimated to be 1 to 1.5%. Is that enough to ban treatment when compared to the adverse effects of no treatment or inadequate treatment?

Data indicates 82% of transgender people have considered suicide, 40% have tried it, with rates among youth being the highest. This is a disease with a superiors mortalit…

Source: Suicidality Among Transgender Youth: Elucidating the Role of Interpersonal Risk Factors - PubMed

DISCLAIMER: we are not talking about gender reassignment surgery, which is very rarely done to minors and far more controversial.

So, who should determine the best care for YOUR child?
You in consultation with your child’s doctor?
Your politician in consultation with his political base, without you?
The google guy?

The Republican Party of Smaller and Less Intrusive Government has been passing more and more legislation mandating that our personal and family medical decisions are now to be determined by a politician, not a doctor.
This is totally off topic. Probably you meant it for another thread.
Wrong. It was one of the stupid lines in the Potato’s state of the union. He says that corporations should be taxed to pay their “fair” share. He cites examples of successful and profitable corporations earning a lot but paying no taxes; and potato claims that “it’s not fair!”

He is full of shit.
Wrong. It was one of the stupid lines in the Potato’s state of the union. He says that corporations should be taxed to pay their “fair” share. He cites examples of successful and profitable corporations earning a lot but paying no taxes; and potato claims that “it’s not fair!” …

I am trying real hard to be patient with you …

This is NOT a thread about either Biden or the STATE OF THE UNION !
I am trying real hard to be patient with you …

This is NOT a thread about either Biden or the STATE OF THE UNION !
Oh. You’re “trying.” Poor you.

Lighten up, Francis. You appear to have been right. My wires got crossed.

Be very very patient. 🤣😂

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