The people have spoken: the media is largely biased

I call bullshit. Who did you work for? What "liberal lies" did they gleefully put on the air to misinform viewers? You are so full of shit.

NATIONALLY, this is how the NEO CONS took over the media. With an all GOP GOVERNMENT FROM 2000-2006, the Democrats were helpless to stop this. Actually, Clinton signed the deregulations bill in the 90's. Which is funny because these right wing medias bashed Hillary so much, they probably helped Obama beat her. LOL. Serves the Clinton's right:

Previous to the Reagan Administration, our public airwaves were regulated by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) who enforced stipulations that were meant for the public good:

- The Fairness Doctrine required media outlets to provide equal time for opposing view points.

- Broadcast frequencies were assigned to companies - not to the highest bidder, but by what the FCC determined as the “best public use.”

- A corporation was only allowed to own a certain amount of radio, TV and newspapers in any geographical location; this was to keep any one company from monopolizing what was seen, heard or read in the area.

In 1982, 50 companies controlled half or more of the media business.

When the Reagan Administration took power in the early 1980’s, many of the doctrines of the FCC were considered outdated.

The FCC was revamped to promote a more “free market” approach to broadcast and print media.

In 1987 the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine.

In 1994, broadcast spectrums were auctioned to the highest bidder, regardless of “best public use;” this made only the largest and most powerful of corporations able to afford them.

Large media giants swallowed the smaller companies that could not afford to compete.

In 2003, the FCC Media Bureau produced a draft report analyzing the impact of deregulation in the radio industry.

The report stated that from March 1996 through March 2003, the number of commercial radio stations on the air rose 5.9 percent while the number of station owners fell 35 percent.

Today, most of what we see, hear and read is controlled by nine large media conglomerates; the largest five are Time Warner, Disney, Bertelsmann, Viacom, and Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (i.e. FOX News).

Now, take into consideration the fact that 1% of the population controls more than 50% of the wealth of this nation.

That 1% know each other very well!

Call them what you want, the illuminati or whatever, but these are the few families that chose the candidates that we are allowed to pick from.

These candidates, no matter who wins, are no more than puppets of the billionaire families that control the nation’s industry and money.

The way the electoral college is structured, the process only works if you have two serious candidates, and the powers that be make sure they own them both.

So, when Congressman Ron Paul (aka Dr. Paul) from Texas entered the Presidential race last year, he was pretty much written off by the mainstream media as an “extremist” due to his “unconventional” views.

Dr. Paul, did make sense to a lot who listened; his respect for the Constitution, his ideas of small government, a sane fiscal policy and civil liberties are popular ideas in today’s mass-deficit, intrusive totalitarian police state.

But, his ideas and platform challenge the power of the few who control the money, government and media; Congressman Paul’s ideas threaten the status quo.

Ten years ago, the media would have just ignored Dr. Paul until he faded away into obscurity.

However, he gained massive support through the unregulated internet.

So when Dr. Paul won most of the Republican Straw Polls, most of the post debate call-in and internet polls and raised more money in a single day than any other Presidential candidate, the main stream media could no longer ignore Dr. Paul.



Now, take into consideration the fact that 1% of the population controls more than 50% of the wealth of this nation.

That 1% know each other very well!

Call them what you want, the illuminati or whatever, but these are the few families that chose the candidates that we are allowed to pick from.

Spot on!

This is why I scoff at people who think we live in classless society without an elite which dominate our lives.

An American elite class has always controlled things and they always will.

And while the families names change somewhat over time, the fact is that in many cases the same family fortunes which dominate the scene in 2008, dominated it in 1908, and 1808, too.

No conspiracy is necessary for this kind of domination to occur, of course.

It's more like a clique than a conspriacy.

They go to the same schools, belong to the same clubs, attend the same univerities, the same churches, they take vactions in the same places, their children marry, their futures combine and they continue this domination generation after generation.

Take a look at how many people currently in Congress had fathers, uncles, grandfathers and so forth who were ALSO in Congress or Cabinet poistions, folks.

This is just the way it is so you might as well just get used to it, too.


Spot on!

This is why I scoff at people who think we live in classless society without an elite which dominate our lives.

An American elite class has always controlled things and they always will.

And while the families names change somewhat over time, the fact is that in many cases the same family fortunes which dominate the scene in 2008, dominated it in 1908, and 1808, too.

No conspiracy is necessary for this kind of domination to occur, of course.

It's more like a clique than a conspriacy.

They go to the same schools, belong to the same clubs, attend the same univerities, the same churches, they take vactions in the same places, their children marry, their futures combine and they continue this domination generation after generation.

Take a look at how many people currently in Congress had fathers, uncles, grandfathers and so forth who were ALSO in Congress or Cabinet poistions, folks.

This is just the way it is so you might as well just get used to it, too.

I think Thom Hartmann wrote something about how Corporations never die so they never pay the death tax. This is how rich people pass on their family fortunes without paying the death tax. Of course they have their own private wealth and that gets taxed, and that's why they are trying so hard to get rid of the death tax.

It's been a long time, but I guess the richest 20 or 30 families in America were the ones paying politicians large sums of money to try to get rid of the death tax. If anyone calls bs on this, I'll try to find details. Again, that was like back in 2002 or 2003. Anyways, goodnight.
Only slightly. The original poster acted like it was 'FOX News,' the network. It wasn't. It was an affiliate, which is why most of us never heard of this:

Broadcasting law

Now that's funny.
So not only is it not Fox news, it's just an affiliate...which means, probably, it's run by lefties.
Sealy, it will be much appreciated if you post a link for cut and pastes like this, and the information will be considered more reliable if it comes from a general media source instead of a radical left or right wing site or from a message board blog.

the mainstream media isn't going to tell you this. that's kind of my point. but its public knowledge. ie akre vs fox news. look it up yourself.

I hate it when ppl just disregard facts because it didn't come from the mainstream media, which has been purchased and corrupted by neo cons like rupert murdoc.

and if most media is "liberal", please tell me which sources you find aceptable. give me 5 examples of sources you approve of.
It was a paper, not a station. The people I worked with, when I worked with them for 3 years 20 years ago, and when I worked with them 18 months ago, are no longer there. Though the two worst are editors of award-winning newspapers now themselves.

And no, thank you, I don't want you calling around to my ex-bosses and freaking out on them.

Posing the first question in a Denver town hall meeting yesterday, a Vietnam veteran challenged Sen. John McCain on his Senate voting record regarding veteran’s issues, remarking he had voted against increasing vets health funding four years in a row. Ignoring the veteran’s point, McCain testily — and repeatedly — insisted that he had “received every award from every major veteran’s organization in America”:

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve received every award from every major veteranÂ’s organization in America. The reason why I have a perfect voting record from organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and all the other veteranÂ’s service organizations is because of my support of them.

VETERAN: You do not have a perfect voting record by the DAV and the VFW. ThatÂ’s where these votes were recorded. These votes were proposals by your colleagues in the Senate to increase health care of the VA in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. And you voted against those proposals. [Â…]

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve been endorsed in every election by every veterans organization that do that, IÂ’ve been supported by them, and IÂ’ve received their highest awards from all of those organizations. So I guess they donÂ’t know something you know.

Watch the video, via AHiddenSaint:

McCain has made the exact same claim before — and it is just a false today as it was then. As ThinkProgress documented, McCain’s so-called “perfect” record has been roundly criticized by prominent veterans groups: He received a grade of D from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and a 20 percent vote rating from the Disabled Veterans of America; Vietnam Veterans of America noted McCain had “voted against us” in 15 “key votes.” FYI, Obama votes with the vets 80% of the time and he got a B+ rating.

As for the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars — with whom McCain claims to have a “perfect voting record” — both groups vigorously supported Sen. Jim Webb’s (D-VA) GI Bill that McCain tirelessly opposed. It is also important to note that when Bush signed this bill, he mentioned McCain by name when praising and thanking Congress for passing the bill. So McCain thinks he can have it both ways.

Later in the town hall, McCain admitted he does “not have a perfect voting record,” but then declared that questions about veterans issues were off limits: “I will be glad to debate a lot of things, but not that one,” McCain said.
and not to mention it's an infringement on copyright laws....

Posing the first question in a Denver town hall meeting yesterday, a Vietnam veteran challenged Sen. John McCain on his Senate voting record regarding veteran’s issues, remarking he had voted against increasing vets health funding four years in a row. Ignoring the veteran’s point, McCain testily — and repeatedly — insisted that he had “received every award from every major veteran’s organization in America”:

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve received every award from every major veteranÂ’s organization in America. The reason why I have a perfect voting record from organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and all the other veteranÂ’s service organizations is because of my support of them.

VETERAN: You do not have a perfect voting record by the DAV and the VFW. ThatÂ’s where these votes were recorded. These votes were proposals by your colleagues in the Senate to increase health care of the VA in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. And you voted against those proposals. [Â…]

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve been endorsed in every election by every veterans organization that do that, IÂ’ve been supported by them, and IÂ’ve received their highest awards from all of those organizations. So I guess they donÂ’t know something you know.

Watch the video, via AHiddenSaint:

McCain has made the exact same claim before — and it is just a false today as it was then. As ThinkProgress documented, McCain’s so-called “perfect” record has been roundly criticized by prominent veterans groups: He received a grade of D from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and a 20 percent vote rating from the Disabled Veterans of America; Vietnam Veterans of America noted McCain had “voted against us” in 15 “key votes.” FYI, Obama votes with the vets 80% of the time and he got a B+ rating.

As for the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars — with whom McCain claims to have a “perfect voting record” — both groups vigorously supported Sen. Jim Webb’s (D-VA) GI Bill that McCain tirelessly opposed. It is also important to note that when Bush signed this bill, he mentioned McCain by name when praising and thanking Congress for passing the bill. So McCain thinks he can have it both ways.

Later in the town hall, McCain admitted he does “not have a perfect voting record,” but then declared that questions about veterans issues were off limits: “I will be glad to debate a lot of things, but not that one,” McCain said.


Spot on!

This is why I scoff at people who think we live in classless society without an elite which dominate our lives.

An American elite class has always controlled things and they always will.

And while the families names change somewhat over time, the fact is that in many cases the same family fortunes which dominate the scene in 2008, dominated it in 1908, and 1808, too.

No conspiracy is necessary for this kind of domination to occur, of course.

It's more like a clique than a conspriacy.

They go to the same schools, belong to the same clubs, attend the same univerities, the same churches, they take vactions in the same places, their children marry, their futures combine and they continue this domination generation after generation.

Take a look at how many people currently in Congress had fathers, uncles, grandfathers and so forth who were ALSO in Congress or Cabinet poistions, folks.

This is just the way it is so you might as well just get used to it, too.

Do you see the people that wanted me to "prove" what I was saying are now calling me out for copywrite infringement? They don't want proof. They can't handle the proof. LOL.
Posing the first question in a Denver town hall meeting yesterday, a Vietnam veteran challenged Sen. John McCain on his Senate voting record regarding veteran’s issues, remarking he had voted against increasing vets health funding four years in a row. Ignoring the veteran’s point, McCain testily — and repeatedly — insisted that he had “received every award from every major veteran’s organization in America”:

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve received every award from every major veteranÂ’s organization in America. The reason why I have a perfect voting record from organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and all the other veteranÂ’s service organizations is because of my support of them.

VETERAN: You do not have a perfect voting record by the DAV and the VFW. ThatÂ’s where these votes were recorded. These votes were proposals by your colleagues in the Senate to increase health care of the VA in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. And you voted against those proposals. [Â…]

MCCAIN: IÂ’ve been endorsed in every election by every veterans organization that do that, IÂ’ve been supported by them, and IÂ’ve received their highest awards from all of those organizations. So I guess they donÂ’t know something you know.

Watch the video, via AHiddenSaint:

McCain has made the exact same claim before — and it is just a false today as it was then. As ThinkProgress documented, McCain’s so-called “perfect” record has been roundly criticized by prominent veterans groups: He received a grade of D from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and a 20 percent vote rating from the Disabled Veterans of America; Vietnam Veterans of America noted McCain had “voted against us” in 15 “key votes.” FYI, Obama votes with the vets 80% of the time and he got a B+ rating.

As for the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars — with whom McCain claims to have a “perfect voting record” — both groups vigorously supported Sen. Jim Webb’s (D-VA) GI Bill that McCain tirelessly opposed. It is also important to note that when Bush signed this bill, he mentioned McCain by name when praising and thanking Congress for passing the bill. So McCain thinks he can have it both ways.

Later in the town hall, McCain admitted he does “not have a perfect voting record,” but then declared that questions about veterans issues were off limits: “I will be glad to debate a lot of things, but not that one,” McCain said.

Once again, you haven't cited your source. It means nothing to me....

I'm not going to debate actual quotes and or events that are reported on. If it's true then it's true, but the problem, is that you act like McCain and republicans are the only one's who do things such as this. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED... not me. The fact that you think the dems are the uncorrupt party proves this. Both parties do the same kind of crap whether you recognize it or not. Take a class on American politics and you'll discover it quickly....hell, even history will learn you some facts...
As I have said in the past the major bias in the media is not left or right. It is towards bad news, as it sells better than good. Body counts get better ratings then feel good stories.
As I have said in the past the major bias in the media is not left or right. It is towards bad news, as it sells better than good. Body counts get better ratings then feel good stories.

Yep, and don't get me started on the celebrity star f*ck*ng the news stations do, local and national.

Who gives a hairy rats ass what Christy Brinkley and her hubby are doing, or Lindsey's last drug overdose? The sad thing is, America EATS IT UP, just like they are addicted to reality shows and trashy magazines.

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