The Police Dept. in Westport, Connecticut Introduce Drones To Monitor Citizens... R U Kiddin' Meh?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
No, the Police Dept. in Westport, Connecticut one of the most useless in the state who literally have nothing to do. Folks, just a reminder, Westport infamous for having Harvey Weinstein as a former resident is one of the original epicenters of the vectors who brought the Kung Flu into Connecticut, but the local police and town officials refused to give any information as to the identities of the vectors, which is one reason it spread. It is ironic that Westport Parks and Recreation cut back on Lifeguards at the beaches to save a couple bucks and has a marine division of total douchebags. Was that the reason a kid drowned when the Longshore Sailing School boat capsized a while back not far from Compo Beach? The town kept the lawsuit quiet. Anyhoo, a drone would actually be very helpful from a lifeguarding perspective at beaches and respond to distress calls on nearby vessels to SAVE LIVES, not harass citizens.

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No, the Police Dept. in Westport, Connecticut one of the most useless in the state who literally have nothing to do. Folks, just a reminder, Westport infamous for having Harvey Weinstein as a former resident is one of the original epicenters of the vectors who brought the Kung Flu into Connecticut, but the local police and town officials refused to give any information as to the identities of the vectors, which is one reason it spread. It is ironic that Westport Parks and Recreation cut back on Lifeguards at the beaches to save a couple bucks and has a marine division of total douchebags. Was that the reason a kid drowned when the Longshore Sailing School boat capsized a while back not far from Compo Beach? The town kept the lawsuit quiet. Anyhoo, a drone would actually be very helpful from a lifeguarding perspective at beaches and respond to distress calls on nearby vessels to SAVE LIVES, not harass citizens.

Wow, somehow this doesn't surprise me too much. This IS a hideous BLUE state, run by Dim Dems.
Wow welcome to the surveillance State. Drones are very useful in special cases like the border or beach patrol, police foot pursuits, etc. Otherwise, open fire!
Folks, the current police chief in Westport is a fat midget. It is never a good idea to have casual conversations with cops ever when they are in uniform. But I mentioned to this douchebag when I happened to walk by when he was a second rate "dog handler," and no he can't swim, before they appointed him police chief and supporter of unconstitutional drone surveillance, how a resident violated certain laws and behaved in an erratic manner when I crossed the Post Road one time and he said, "Did you want to kill him?" I was like where in the fuck did that come from? And when I went to the Westport police for an identity theft issue, they did not say they would do a damn thing, which is the case no matter what police dept unfortunately, yes they are douchebags with no interest in things they can figure is the FBI's responsibility , they insisted they wanted any information I could give them, about me, under oath.

The fat midget is not even natural born in the USA. But he is making 6 figures and has a pension slightly less as most government parasites do. This turd should be delivering pizza, not making public policy.

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