The poor are not responsible for our ills


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
In response to all the threads wanting to take away voting rights and reproductive rights of the poor I have this to say. What is everyone thinking? I can't believe that some people would even consider removing the rights that make us not only US citizens but human beings. Have the poor become the whipping post for all of our ills in the US? Here are some things to consider before you go signing on to limit fellow citizens rights.

1) The poor don't outsource jobs
2) The poor don't create jobs, as is always pointed out, so where are the jobs? ask the rich.

1) The poor don't hide their money in offshore accounts
2) The poor don't run up 5-6 digit tax debts and then wait to settle for next to nothing

Gas prices:
1) The poor don't set oil production
2) The poor don't own gas stations
3) The poor don't speculate on oil

1) The vast majority of the poor have been here awhile, and do not contribute to illegal immigration

1) The poor have medicade / medicare so they don't contribute to the uninsured population
2) The poor don't own the medical insurance companies
3) The poor don't set insurance premiums

1) The poor don't hold public office
2) The poor don't set local, state, federal, or foriegn policy
3) Less than 1/2 the US population votes in any election, they are not all poor people voting

Overcrowded prisons:
1) There are no debtors prisons, so they do not contribute to overcrowding
2) Prisons are loaded with people from all economic backgrounds, i.e. Bernie Maddoff

The housing crisis / govt. bailout
1) The homeless did not purchase any homes
2) The poor did not get any TARP money, nor did they get any stimulus funds

Reproduction / drugs / natural disasters / social issues
1) The conservative, religious, right wing Republicans want to do away with abortion, and planned parenthood, ensuring that the population of the poor will increase.
2) Drugs, including alcohol, minus marijuanna, plague all economic classes. They turn the non poor into the poor.
3) The poor do not cause tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, or fires yet these natural disasters add to the poors ranks
4) The poor have no energy to spend on social issues, as food/shelter/clothing monopolize their time.

The poor are the result of political and social agendas of both parties. I do recognize that there are people who are milking and scamming the system for all it's worth, I also recognize that all of those people are not poor either. Taking our frustrations out on a class of people who have no powers to fix any of our problems is counter productive. The poor cannot solve anything, the rich and politicians can, yet we would rather take it out on the poor for some reason. I think it is because we as people like watching shit roll down hill, and we like watching people suffer so we can preach "personal responsibility" and smirk at them, making ourselves feel better.

What the poor provide however, is periodic global change. When the poor have nothing left to be taken they resort to revolution. (see the French revolution, and Arab spring) Let us not forget that they out number the rich. (ask the British about the Zulu)
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Some people just love to call the working poor leeches, freeloaders; etc.
The working poor aren't responsible for their flat wages and with flat wages these folks can't contribute to the economy. Because of flat wages, which in many cases are just the minimum wage and thusly the working poor need public assistance programs. Because of the working poor need public assistance, they are looked at as a problem for society and thus the derogatory comments by some people.
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GOOD GRIEF, are the POOR Responsible FOR ANYTHING?

Why can't they go out an BECOME unpoor like MOST people DID.

and who the fuck wants to take away their right to vote or their right to go out and get knocked up then go have a friggen ABORTION. it's just we the workers bees don't CARE to pay for their little children being sucked down a drain. the baby has a daddy for that.

what a bunch of BS..
GOOD GRIEF, are the POOR Responsible FOR ANYTHING?

Why can't they go out an BECOME unpoor like MOST people DID.

and who the fuck wants to take away their right to vote or their right to go out and get knocked up then go have a friggen ABORTION. it's just we the workers bees don't CARE to pay for their little children being sucked down a drain. the baby has a daddy for that.

what a bunch of BS..

Later Trader:
Which people living in the USA should have WHICH rights denied?


Which ones get ALL the rights and powers and privileges all the time, anywhere, any time>

Which ones, which groups, individuals, which classes or categories of human beings should give up a little for some reason, and what is the reason that should give it up?

I'll start:

Convicted criminals......give it up, unless they can prove their innocence on appeal, or somehow get a second well-earned chance

Murder? if intentional, never released, never get to vote,

People to get all rights? everybody else, no exceptions.

Look for this thread, or Kaz and his should wellfare recipients have the right to vote thread.
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GOOD GRIEF, are the POOR Responsible FOR ANYTHING?

Why can't they go out an BECOME unpoor like MOST people DID.

so you believe most people in america grew up poor and the became unpoor...really ?

and who the fuck wants to take away their right to vote or their right to go out and get knocked up then go have a friggen ABORTION. it's just we the workers bees don't CARE to pay for their little children being sucked down a drain. the baby has a daddy for that.

yes the money is much better spent on banker bail out and political shenanigans

what a bunch of BS..

The poor are not responsible for our ills

Bullshit. Every single American be they poor, rich, black, white, gay, what ever who have been voting in these ass clown politicians who have been making bad decisions for our nation over and over and over are responsible for our ills.
The poor are not responsible for our ills

Bullshit. Every single American be they poor, rich, black, white, gay, what ever who have been voting in these ass clown politicians who have been making bad decisions for our nation over and over and over are responsible for our ills.

It seems to me you have a problem with the politicians that are being voted in. So your beef is with the people who are voting them in. Less than half of the eligible voters actually vote in this country. Some are poor and some are not. It seems you should be more upset with those who refuse to exercise their right to vote as opposed to those who do vote.
Have the poor become the whipping post for all of our ills in the US?

It would seem so.

And for conservatives, only property owners should be allowed to vote – what you might call a conservative utopia.
"The poor are not responsible for our ills."

That's true! Our nanny state politicians have been. And guess who voted them in??? Doh!!! We did! Now we can't pay for the behemoth we have created. We are on the verge of bankruptcy.
And for conservatives, only property owners should be allowed to vote – what you might call a conservative utopia.

pfeeesh, back with this stupid shit..
Don't forget, you all say it was ANY person who is a Republican is Responsible for all OUR ILLS. sheesh, can you all keep it straight.

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