I posit that all of the various programs and social engineering schemes promoted by Progressives have one ultimate goal:
To make the American population completely unfit to self-govern due to lack of values, morals, and knowledge of history, law, and culture....
And then, to put the chains of slavery upon us all.
Thank you for proving how effectively Progressivism brainwashes Low Info Voters. The Prog agenda started in the late 19th century with its infiltration into Public Education.
Frankly, I think you just felt the need for some "light entertainment;" thus you posted that vacuous blurb as your way of inciting acrimonious "back and forth."
I'm all but certain you don't fully understand what Progressivism is, but I think you are aware of some of the bits and pieces of it. You write about "low information voters," yet there's no denying that among the lowest level pieces of information one might obtain is the point in time at which a sociopolitical movement begins, and re: that piece of information, you've misrepresented history.
Many of the catalysts of the Progressive movement issue from 19th century events and thought, but the Progressive movement is solidly a 20th century thing. One observes that calls for reforming American society predate the 20th century -- of course, if mere reform be all that's needed to call something Progressive (capital "P"), then the movement began at least by the 18th century with the Revolution, which was an ultimate type of reform -- but the specific movement called Progressivism, and thus its adherents being called Progressives, cannot be credibly noted as having begun in the 19th century.
That said, the
Progressive Era, primarily with regard to education, is dated at 1890 - 1919, but the driver to the 19th century start date is the movement's philosophical underpinnings developed, not the date the movement itself came to exist. In the 19th century, nobody called themselves "Progressives."
Be that as it may, I'm certain that you've not presented anything resembling a cogent argument supporting your hypothesis. I'm certain that the goals you've theorized are not the goals Progressivism and its adherent cite as sought goals. You'll find what are Progressives' stated goal in the documents listed below.