The Progressive War Against Christians


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I found this article interesting – and refreshing. It's title is: Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity. And, it makes one very strong point:

In yet another bizarre coincidence, America’s Progressives have also engaged in a religious war and they too have targeted Christians. You see, Christians have this freaky idea, rooted in who knows how many totally useless and forgettable tens-of-thousands of years of biology, that men and women somehow complement each other, and that faith and society thrive when they support that complementary quality.

I hadn't really thought of this marriage-equality push in this way before. The male-female coupling has been a basic instinct from the time we were either in The Garden of Eden or somewhere in Africa. Why does it have to change now?

Read the article @ Muslims aren t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity
I found this article interesting – and refreshing. It's title is: Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity. And, it makes one very strong point:

In yet another bizarre coincidence, America’s Progressives have also engaged in a religious war and they too have targeted Christians. You see, Christians have this freaky idea, rooted in who knows how many totally useless and forgettable tens-of-thousands of years of biology, that men and women somehow complement each other, and that faith and society thrive when they support that complementary quality.

I hadn't really thought of this marriage-equality push in this way before. The male-female coupling has been a basic instinct from the time we were either in The Garden of Eden or somewhere in Africa. Why does it have to change now?

Read the article @ Muslims aren t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity
the time we were either in The Garden of Eden

Ah,! the Babylonian creation myth :badgrin:

Right-wingers claim Obama and Democrats across the country are waging a war on religion -- and of course, conservatives are the civilian casualties.:badgrin:

5 Big Lies About the Phony War on Religion Alternet
White rightwing Christians across the country are paranoid. In their minds, there is an unmitigated war on Christianity, where Christians are becoming the most ostracized group in America. Essentially, crying "Christian oppression" :laugh2:
There has been an all out war against the Believers since Jesus Christ was crucified at Calvary. It isn't a new phenomena. Christians were fed to the lions by the Romans. Later hunted down again by the Romans and put to death in the Inquisitions which went on for 605 years led by the Vatican popes (80 of them in succession) and it has continued in many forms - on many fronts to this day - persecution has always been the mark of identification for Believers. Still the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues to go forth. To God be the glory!
I found this article interesting – and refreshing. It's title is: Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity. And, it makes one very strong point:

In yet another bizarre coincidence, America’s Progressives have also engaged in a religious war and they too have targeted Christians.y

How many Christians have died in this war by America's Progressives?

Pretty easy to measure the places in the world with a real war against Christians- you can count the bodies.

Here- 'war' means Christians being told to follow the law.
We are told to fight satan (the adversary) and everything destructive and death worship. We are told not to fall for the first fallen messiah aka lucifer the deceiver/deception that false prophet Rome lifts high to subvert and control us through his image they created.
Rome is merely hidden behind that mask speaking through the idol and collecting it's taxes through tithes to that idol. That is why the symbol for the devil is so clear.
Horns represented powers and Rome used the 2 horn system both political hidden behind the religious authority, the color of Rome being scarlet thus called the scarlet beast symbolized as the 2 horn red devil.
And as liberating inspired human beings it's our desire to oppose beong used abused supressed snd manipulated by subversive authorities and thus we've been in an age old battle against Rome who still lives on today through it's one world religion it left us and it's baal harvest seed scam that sucks money out of all your grandparents wallets and purses.
You realize that a lot of progressives ARE Christians, right?
I found this article interesting – and refreshing. It's title is: Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity. And, it makes one very strong point:

In yet another bizarre coincidence, America’s Progressives have also engaged in a religious war and they too have targeted Christians. You see, Christians have this freaky idea, rooted in who knows how many totally useless and forgettable tens-of-thousands of years of biology, that men and women somehow complement each other, and that faith and society thrive when they support that complementary quality.

I hadn't really thought of this marriage-equality push in this way before. The male-female coupling has been a basic instinct from the time we were either in The Garden of Eden or somewhere in Africa. Why does it have to change now?

Read the article @ Muslims aren t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity
Dude, only those who can't find a lost clue or a lost Cause think that way. Why not look for some honest Injeuns to help scout and flank the way for you?
When a Christian chooses not to engage in an activity that is counter to their faith, religion, morals, mores, etc. they are fined then sued then run out of business house and home.

There sure as fuck is a war on Christians in this country.
Let see

We have the
Illuminati war against the World
Islams war against the West
Progressives War against Christians
Atheists war against Christmas

Hmmm--maybe we atheists need to aim for a higher goal?;)

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