The real architect of the GOP government shut down plan

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Approved by both houses of Congress (by one party only)
Signed by the President
Upheld by the Conservative Supreme Court (changed it to a tax, from a mandate)
The only option the GOP has left if to hold the country hostage. Desperation is once again imperiling the future of the GOP.

Sticking up for the majority of Americans who want it changed.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:,,,,,of course

Do these people understand that a govt. shut down does not stop the ACA?

is the ACA not funded by the govt? a shutdown stops all govt spending, including obozocare.

the house bill does not shut down anything but the failed bill known as ACA. it keeps every other function of govt running and fully funded.

If there is a shutdown it will be because obama and reid put more importance on ACA than on keeping the country functioning.

a shutdown will doom ACA, obama, and the dems in 2014----------bring it on.

The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.
Do these people understand that a govt. shut down does not stop the ACA?

is the ACA not funded by the govt? a shutdown stops all govt spending, including obozocare.

the house bill does not shut down anything but the failed bill known as ACA. it keeps every other function of govt running and fully funded.

If there is a shutdown it will be because obama and reid put more importance on ACA than on keeping the country functioning.

a shutdown will doom ACA, obama, and the dems in 2014----------bring it on.

The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.
The extremists are all ready in power with Senator Harry Reid and President Obama.
Tea Party are not the extremists.
Tea party wants economic freedom.
Smaller Government, less taxes and less regulations. This is mainstream and will help America.
The Frazier Institute has released it's report on Countries that have more Economic Freedom and they are doing very well.
Honkong and Singapore are number 1 and 2 in the world.
America is 17th and Venezuela is dead last.
Venezuela has the very same ideology as the left in this country has. Big Government, social programs, big regulations and high corporate tax. INTL.pdf

Corporate taxes in this nation are low after the tax deductions are taken, many companies pay less in taxes than many individuals and some even get a tax refund.

We are number 1 in the world at 39% after Japan lowered theirs. It was at 35% and this administration raised it to 39%

The lower the Corp tax is, it strengthens & grows the Economy.

Hong Kong's Corp Tax 16.5%
Singapore's - 17%
This is exactly why they are number 1 and 2 in the world and we are at 17.

I see, so why don't we simply remove all taxes from Corporations? I'm sure corporate ethos would save the day and everyone would have a well paying job with good benefits, don't you think? And because of their great concern for The People - being that they are a people too - we should all be happy to provide tax money to improve the roads they use for commerce and provide police and fire protection for them and their property; and least we not forget much of our foreign policy is based on protecting corporate interests around the world.

Maybe we should allow corporate officers to give members of Congress money and provide jobs for members spouses and children and them too when they leave public 'service'. Clearly CU v. FEC didn't go far enough. Maybe the Roberts Court will one day find the crime of Bribery no longer a criminal act and consider it simply one more form of free speech?

BTW, parroting the propaganda and talking points provided by Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing media doesn't work to gain you credibility.

Not sure if you're aware of this...but the Government isn't shut down. This is like the 20th thread saying the Government is shut down when it is not.

Remember the Democrat bullshit on Sequestration? The sky is falling, everyone will die, it's a major crisis!!!!

Nothing happened, and it is the only positive thing that has happened to the budget since Obama has been in office. So just chill. It's all gonna be okay.

Here is the bullshitter in thief.

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The GOP will not work with dems to fix what is wrong.They've had 3 years to prove that.

The Senate has voted down every single one that they had and Sen. Reid has sat on many of the bills that were passed by the House.
Harry Reid and President Obama has refused any fixes that Repubs wanted.

Dem's also voted down every single bill that the Repubs had in forming the Health Care Bill.
is the ACA not funded by the govt? a shutdown stops all govt spending, including obozocare.

the house bill does not shut down anything but the failed bill known as ACA. it keeps every other function of govt running and fully funded.

If there is a shutdown it will be because obama and reid put more importance on ACA than on keeping the country functioning.

a shutdown will doom ACA, obama, and the dems in 2014----------bring it on.

The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.
is the ACA not funded by the govt? a shutdown stops all govt spending, including obozocare.

the house bill does not shut down anything but the failed bill known as ACA. it keeps every other function of govt running and fully funded.

If there is a shutdown it will be because obama and reid put more importance on ACA than on keeping the country functioning.

a shutdown will doom ACA, obama, and the dems in 2014----------bring it on.

The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

No, all that I am seeing it the facts being reported. Rather than pass a clean bill, the GOP has for the last couple years blackmailed the country with their "wish list" of things they want. This is their last option since the Tea Baggers are forcing lunatic candidates on the GOP, which leads to continual loses in national races.

And it seems that now that Cruz is the face of the GOP, that will not change in the near future.
Corporate taxes in this nation are low after the tax deductions are taken, many companies pay less in taxes than many individuals and some even get a tax refund.

We are number 1 in the world at 39% after Japan lowered theirs. It was at 35% and this administration raised it to 39%

The lower the Corp tax is, it strengthens & grows the Economy.

Hong Kong's Corp Tax 16.5%
Singapore's - 17%
This is exactly why they are number 1 and 2 in the world and we are at 17.

I see, so why don't we simply remove all taxes from Corporations? I'm sure corporate ethos would save the day and everyone would have a well paying job with good benefits, don't you think? And because of their great concern for The People - being that they are a people too - we should all be happy to provide tax money to improve the roads they use for commerce and provide police and fire protection for them and their property; and least we not forget much of our foreign policy is based on protecting corporate interests around the world.

Maybe we should allow corporate officers to give members of Congress money and provide jobs for members spouses and children and them too when they leave public 'service'. Clearly CU v. FEC didn't go far enough. Maybe the Roberts Court will one day find the crime of Bribery no longer a criminal act and consider it simply one more form of free speech?

BTW, parroting the propaganda and talking points provided by Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing media doesn't work to gain you credibility.

How about listing to truth rather than attacks?
Lower Corporate taxes work not zero taxes.
The numbers come for the Frazier Institute from Canada, not right wing media.
Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report
Not Limbaugh, I don't listen to Limbaugh.
The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

bs, liar ..they don't want to shut it down, they want this bloated OVER BEARING government and all it's out of control AGENCIES, like the IRS, EPA, ETC cut down to sensible size...we could cut out half of the lowlifes in congress for starters...Your hateful elected master go around putting down the Tea party, so here you sheep are following the meme and march in their hateful footsteps

you people just HAVE TO's shameful
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The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

bs, liar ..they don't want to shut it down, they want this bloated OVER BEARING government and all it's out of control AGENCIES, like the IRS, EPA, ETC cut down to sensible size...we could cut out half of the lowlifes in congress for starters...

you people just HAVE TO's shameful

Sorry Steph....but YES, they DO want to shut it down because of one thing. Obamacare. Period.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

bs, liar ..they don't want to shut it down, they want this bloated OVER BEARING government and all it's out of control AGENCIES, like the IRS, EPA, ETC cut down to sensible size...we could cut out half of the lowlifes in congress for starters...

you people just HAVE TO's shameful

Sorry Steph....but YES, they DO want to shut it down because of one thing. Obamacare. Period.


you all can run with that lie, you will anyway
We are number 1 in the world at 39% after Japan lowered theirs. It was at 35% and this administration raised it to 39%

The lower the Corp tax is, it strengthens & grows the Economy.

Hong Kong's Corp Tax 16.5%
Singapore's - 17%
This is exactly why they are number 1 and 2 in the world and we are at 17.

I see, so why don't we simply remove all taxes from Corporations? I'm sure corporate ethos would save the day and everyone would have a well paying job with good benefits, don't you think? And because of their great concern for The People - being that they are a people too - we should all be happy to provide tax money to improve the roads they use for commerce and provide police and fire protection for them and their property; and least we not forget much of our foreign policy is based on protecting corporate interests around the world.

Maybe we should allow corporate officers to give members of Congress money and provide jobs for members spouses and children and them too when they leave public 'service'. Clearly CU v. FEC didn't go far enough. Maybe the Roberts Court will one day find the crime of Bribery no longer a criminal act and consider it simply one more form of free speech?

BTW, parroting the propaganda and talking points provided by Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing media doesn't work to gain you credibility.

How about listing to truth rather than attacks?
Lower Corporate taxes work not zero taxes.
The numbers come for the Frazier Institute from Canada, not right wing media.
Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report
Not Limbaugh, I don't listen to Limbaugh.

You offer no evidence to the truth of this statement: " Lower Corporate taxes work not zero taxes", it is a talking point pushed by the right. Given recent history, wherein corporate officer's annual compensation has grown enormously and the middle class has stagnated one must assume additional corporate revenue will go to the few and not the many.
The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

bs, liar ..they don't want to shut it down, they want this bloated OVER BEARING government and all it's out of control AGENCIES, like the IRS, EPA, ETC cut down to sensible size...we could cut out half of the lowlifes in congress for starters...Your hateful elected master go around putting down the Tea party, so here you sheep are following the meme and march in their hateful footsteps

you people just HAVE TO's shameful

I would take offense at your allegation, but knowing how partisan and stupid you are I simply pity you.
The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

No, all that I am seeing it the facts being reported. Rather than pass a clean bill, the GOP has for the last couple years blackmailed the country with their "wish list" of things they want. This is their last option since the Tea Baggers are forcing lunatic candidates on the GOP, which leads to continual loses in national races.

And it seems that now that Cruz is the face of the GOP, that will not change in the near future.

Dem's do not want to cut anything or balance the Budget.
The Senate has not had a balanced budget in four years.
They finally passed a ridiculous one to raise taxes by 1 trillion dollars they knew would not pass the House in March of this year.
Who raises taxes by 1 trillion when we are in a slow economy. :cuckoo:

They had to be forced even with the sequester.
The only reason President Clinton got the credit for lowering the budget is because Repubs forced him with a shut down.
The GOP shutdown of government does not stop ACA your homework.

And it will not doom the Dems today anymore than it did during Clinton's term when the VAST majority of voters put the blame squarely on the GOP. Read your history.

The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

No they don't. The Tea Party are being realistic, just like other countries of this world, who are doing really good economically with the same type of ideology.
Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report
Read page 21.
This is a report from Canada.
The RINO's are no different that the Dems. Big Government and more borrowing is really harming us.
The GOP are not wanting to shut down the Government.
The Dem's and mainstream news are saying that.

Half true; the radical tea party members want to shut government down; RINO's are common sense main stream citizens who are not callous conservatives but realistic ones.

No they don't. The Tea Party are being realistic, just like other countries of this world, who are doing really good economically with the same type of ideology.
Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report
Read page 21.
This is a report from Canada.
The RINO's are no different that the Dems. Big Government and more borrowing is really harming us.

Greed is what is harming us, greed and the selfish disregard for others; this statement is likely too abstract for you and other callous conservatives, but it is the root of myriad problems facing our nation today.

You and others like you have been convinced the national debt is a product of Democratic irresponsibility and somehow the Tea Party/Conservative Caucus has discovered the panacea to all the problems which face us. That all we need to do is to cut 'welfare' and cut entitlements and taxes and all will be well.

Efforts to post informative articles on what's really wrong with health care or foreign policy, gun or energy policy results in a stupid "MSM" comment, yes the same crap Limbaugh has babbled on for years.
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