The real question is will transgenderism become more popular in the future?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The real question is will transgenderism become more popular in the future? Will men adopt the female style of clothing and give up the manly tough guy outward emotions as we grow in intellect as a people? Looking back through history from our hunter gathering days we've become more like our women with more colorful clothes and adopted alot of the female life style. The outwards display of Violence and aggressive behavior doesn't work anymore within our society and ends up lowering our chances of reproducing the next generation as we will end up in prison.

I think it depends on what culture wins in the long term as ours is moving towards equaliness between the sexes and that means there's no advantage of violence...American college culture or european culture in general = very likely. We'll all just accept that we're the same and choose teh pretty colors of teh female style and act as women.
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There's a huge difference between gender identity and gender roles.

I think all gender roles should be eliminated, with the obvious exceptions being childbirth and breastfeeding. Why should men wear ugly, hot,confining suits and why should women wear skimpy skirts and high heels that permanently damage their feet?

Gender identity isn't a matter of popularity, so I don't expect ever-increasing numbers. I'm sure more people will legally change their name.
The real question is will transgenderism become more popular in the future? Will men adopt the female style of clothing and give up the manly tough guy outward emotions as we grow in intellect as a people? Looking back through history from our hunter gathering days we've become more like our women with more colorful clothes and adopted alot of the female life style. The outwards display of Violence and aggressive behavior doesn't work anymore within our society and ends up lowering our chances of reproducing the next generation as we will end up in prison.

I think it depends on what culture wins in the long term as ours is moving towards equaliness between the sexes and that means there's no advantage of violence...American college culture or european culture in general = very likely. We'll all just accept that we're the same and choose teh pretty colors of teh female style and act as women.
no because there are just as many transmen as their are transwomen.

Trust me. I know.
There's a huge difference between gender identity and gender roles.

I think all gender roles should be eliminated, with the obvious exceptions being childbirth and breastfeeding. Why should men wear ugly, hot,confining suits and why should women wear skimpy skirts and high heels that permanently damage their feet?

Gender identity isn't a matter of popularity, so I don't expect ever-increasing numbers. I'm sure more people will legally change their name.
She's right/ it's not an epidemic.
How does a mental illness get more popular as we get smarter? That doesn't even make sense.
There's a huge difference between gender identity and gender roles.

I think all gender roles should be eliminated, with the obvious exceptions being childbirth and breastfeeding. Why should men wear ugly, hot,confining suits and why should women wear skimpy skirts and high heels that permanently damage their feet?

Gender identity isn't a matter of popularity, so I don't expect ever-increasing numbers. I'm sure more people will legally change their name.
I'm all about saying fuck you o society but you can't deny nature.
Men are better than women at some things and vice versa. That's life. Gender roles are there for a reason
Something else for the OP to consider as we get "smarter"..
Dual bathrooms were a thing 1500 years ago. If you think we are getting smarter, why would we be debating actual regressive policies?
your body is simply a vehicle...why not modify it to your takes a lot to do this....people act like its just a simple its not...

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