The REAL reason Republicans want to crush and destroy Unions



For one, 40% of union households voted for Mitt Romney.

Most of the reason is money.

Unions give to Democrats. Destroying unions would go far in putting elections into the hands of big business.

Safety laws can be set aside saving a lot of money for corporations.

Business can lower wages.

Business can get rid of benefits.
First of all the Republicans can't destroy the Unions.

Second the government could but I see no sign that they are killing the Unions directly.

Thrid, the Unions are destroying themselves by becoming little more then the coporations they say they hate. They weild their power in only one way, it is not wonder that anyone other then democrats even recognize Unions.

Unions have seceded their usefulness to the government. Safety, Healthcare, retirement all what made the Unions useful are now handled by the government. The only places where the Unions hold on is where they have a death grip on the throats of either the government or industry.
First of all the Republicans can't destroy the Unions.

Second the government could but I see no sign that they are killing the Unions directly.

Thrid, the Unions are destroying themselves by becoming little more then the coporations they say they hate. They weild their power in only one way, it is not wonder that anyone other then democrats even recognize Unions.

Unions have seceded their usefulness to the government. Safety, Healthcare, retirement all what made the Unions useful are now handled by the government. The only places where the Unions hold on is where they have a death grip on the throats of either the government or industry.
You can destroy anything if you pass the right laws. Scott Walker already found that out.
How about the fact that unions take money from their members (under threat of termination), and turn it over to the Democrats without the member's consent...

Not a Democrat??? Too bad... support them financially, or be fired!!!

If unions were to try that for Republicans, Obama would have their leadership in jail within 24 hours.....
First of all the Republicans can't destroy the Unions.

Second the government could but I see no sign that they are killing the Unions directly.

Thrid, the Unions are destroying themselves by becoming little more then the coporations they say they hate. They weild their power in only one way, it is not wonder that anyone other then democrats even recognize Unions.

Unions have seceded their usefulness to the government. Safety, Healthcare, retirement all what made the Unions useful are now handled by the government. The only places where the Unions hold on is where they have a death grip on the throats of either the government or industry.
You can destroy anything if you pass the right laws. Scott Walker already found that out.
1. What did Scott Walker destroy?
2. Mind readers of the world unite!

Normally, when the opposition says something like "the real reason", it's anything but.
Look at the bright side, rdean...

if you save up the money you waste on unions dues, it won't take as long to get the professional help you obviously need.


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How about the fact that unions take money from their members (under threat of termination), and turn it over to the Democrats without the member's consent...

Not a Democrat??? Too bad... support them financially, or be fired!!!

If unions were to try that for Republicans, Obama would have their leadership in jail within 24 hours.....
Which unions? Since non-public unions only comprise 7% of the workforce, and many states have passed laws restricting union dues...
Reagan already crushed the unions. The only one left with any real clout is the Longshoremans' Union. All the other ones.......Pffftttt!
For one, 40% of union households voted for Mitt Romney.

Most of the reason is money.

Unions give to Democrats. Destroying unions would go far in putting elections into the hands of big business.

Safety laws can be set aside saving a lot of money for corporations.

Business can lower wages.

Business can get rid of benefits.

Thanks for the advice.
Reagan already crushed the unions. The only one left with any real clout is the Longshoremans' Union. All the other ones.......Pffftttt!

Reagan didn't crush anything. What's going on with unions is what they did to themselves.

Businesses warned that if unions don't back off, the business will be forced to leave. Unions didn't care. They didn't back down an inch and in many cases, demanded even more.

You can talk about the greedy corporations all you want, but nobody is more greedy than the unions. They not only disregarded their members, but the entire country itself.
Reagan already crushed the unions. The only one left with any real clout is the Longshoremans' Union. All the other ones.......Pffftttt!

Could you please tell me how Reagan crushed "the" Unions? Please do. Do a google, do whatever it takes. The Air Traffic Controllers were not "the" Unions.
Reagan already crushed the unions. The only one left with any real clout is the Longshoremans' Union. All the other ones.......Pffftttt!

And it's no coincidence wages are stagnant.

Nor is it a coincidence that wages are stagnant with all the illegals doing our jobs?

93 million Americans not working; the most since the early 70's. How do you suppose these people are supporting themselves? The only way to support yourself outside of a paycheck is with an alternative. Alternatives like HUD, SNAP's cards, Obama phones, Obama Care.......

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
Reagan already crushed the unions. The only one left with any real clout is the Longshoremans' Union. All the other ones.......Pffftttt!

And it's no coincidence wages are stagnant.

Nor is it a coincidence that wages are stagnant with all the illegals doing our jobs?

93 million Americans not working; the most since the early 70's. How do you suppose these people are supporting themselves? The only way to support yourself outside of a paycheck is with an alternative. Alternatives like HUD, SNAP's cards, Obama phones, Obama Care.......

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Too much cheap labor certainly doesn't help, but lack of unions hurting more. Unions created the middle class. No country has a strong middle class without unions.
First of all the Republicans can't destroy the Unions.

Second the government could but I see no sign that they are killing the Unions directly.

Thrid, the Unions are destroying themselves by becoming little more then the coporations they say they hate. They weild their power in only one way, it is not wonder that anyone other then democrats even recognize Unions.

Unions have seceded their usefulness to the government. Safety, Healthcare, retirement all what made the Unions useful are now handled by the government. The only places where the Unions hold on is where they have a death grip on the throats of either the government or industry.
You can destroy anything if you pass the right laws. Scott Walker already found that out.

Damn, and we thought you were pro-choice, that's what Walker gave the folks in WI.
It's true that unions give to democrats but why couldn't union workers still contribute to democrats if unions didn't exist? The short answer is that union workers pretty much hate democrat politicians but they are forced to pay union dues and have no choice when union bosses are promised golden parachutes if the union dues contribute to democrat politicians.
Public sector unions should be abolished. As far as private sector unions go, if people want to form one, fine, but nobody should be forced to join it.

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