the real reason Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News: he accused the CIA on air of killing John F Kennedy, according to JFK biographer David Talbot

i'm building the case! I'M BUILDING THE CASE. READ AND LEARN!
No you are not.

You are posting studff you have heard (unsupported by any source or link ) none of which relates to Kennedy.

You have failed MASSIVELY to show any sort of connection to Kennedy's actual death
Hermann Schmitz,the CEO of IG Farben,the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for the production of the gas used in Hitler's death camps,was one of Allan Dulles clients

After D-Day, many IG execs went into panic mode, worrying about their personal survival IG Farben CEO Hermann Schmitz (Carl Bosch’s successor) contacted OSS head Allen Dulles with a peace proposal Before the war, Dulles was at Sullivan & Cromwell, and had represented IG
Are you acquainted with Robin Winks's Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939-1961?
Cloak and Gown is mentioned here. Scroll to Nambase entry for Frank Gardner Wisner
'Wisner was transferred to the OSS station in Wiesbaden in Germany. He served under Allen W. Dulles.'
I respect the hell out of the work of David Talbot and I post this thread about a possibility of why Tucker Carlson had to go

Yeah, okay. They waited five months to fire Carlson over that, eh?

Get real, man.
There was a theory that JFK was assassinated by the gay mafia.
RFK Jr knows much more than you and he knows your grandpa Dulles was involved in killing his uncle.

Oswald was a CIA asset. No doubt grandpa knew him well.

Junior does not know more he si a politician and full of shit

Oswald was not CIA at all and had no connection to the CIA

Your lying ass has never offered proof of any such connection
No it does not

The burden always lies on the one asserting a positive.

For example an atheist has no burden to prove their is no god the believer has to prove that their is one
As you well know Allen, Oswald never fired a gun that day.

If only grandpa hadn’t murdered JFK, we’d be a much better country.

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