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The Results of Conservative Republican Policy

Actually Blacks are worse off today comparatively than under Kennedy, despite spending trillions of dollars on social welfare programs. Those programs have been shown to be expensive failures, doing nothing but substituting Ole Massa Federal Government for Ole Massa Johnson and assuring the Democratic Party reliable votes.

No heart and now a racist, you are too much of an idiot, but please give us some proof of your inane comment. I'll wait.
Right here:http://www.humanevents dot com/article.php?id=16860

Go right ahead and tell me how biased the article is. Then go on about my racism because I actually mentioned that there are Black people in this world and some of them are poor.
Yeah...It's a crying shame that a war that got 58,000+ young men killed and countless thousands maimed with no results to show for it ruined his presidency. Of course we can also mention a "war on poverty" that has flushed in excess of $7 TRILLION down the dumper with no resultant positive results, insofar as eradicating poverty is concerned.

Do you actually run these party man hack-in-the-box responses around in your pin head before typing them, or is this a stream of consciousness thing??

You sound like a fool, but as I asked the Rabbi, provide some proof of the 7 trillion wasted? Give it a try, nothing real will come but try.

Some of Johnson's excellent work. Find a conservative republican who did this much?

"* The Wilderness Protection Act saved 9.1 million acres of forestland from industrial development.

* The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided major funding for American public schools.

* The Voting Rights Act banned literacy tests and other discriminatory methods of denying suffrage to African Americans.

* Medicare was created to offset the costs of health care for the nation's elderly.

* The National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities used public money to fund artists and galleries.

* The Immigration Act ended discriminatory quotas based on ethnic origin.

* An Omnibus Housing Act provided funds to construct low-income housing.

* Congress tightened pollution controls with stronger Air and Water Quality Acts.

* Standards were raised for safety in consumer products."

Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" [ushistory.org]
Right here:http://www.humanevents dot com/article.php?id=16860

Go right ahead and tell me how biased the article is. Then go on about my racism because I actually mentioned that there are Black people in this world and some of them are poor.

Human Events and Corsi - please, a real source not this crap. You are a rabbi surely you are more intelligent than this shit or maybe not.

HE is the only American publication I have seen that actually listed books that should be banned.

Corrected link.
Democrats' War on Poverty Has Failed - HUMAN EVENTS
Yeah...It's a crying shame that a war that got 58,000+ young men killed and countless thousands maimed with no results to show for it ruined his presidency. Of course we can also mention a "war on poverty" that has flushed in excess of $7 TRILLION down the dumper with no resultant positive results, insofar as eradicating poverty is concerned.

Do you actually run these party man hack-in-the-box responses around in your pin head before typing them, or is this a stream of consciousness thing??

You sound like a fool, but as I asked the Rabbi, provide some proof of the 7 trillion wasted? Give it a try, nothing real will come but try.

Some of Johnson's excellent work. Find a conservative republican who did this much?

"* The Wilderness Protection Act saved 9.1 million acres of forestland from industrial development.

* The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provided major funding for American public schools.

* The Voting Rights Act banned literacy tests and other discriminatory methods of denying suffrage to African Americans.

* Medicare was created to offset the costs of health care for the nation's elderly.

* The National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities used public money to fund artists and galleries.

* The Immigration Act ended discriminatory quotas based on ethnic origin.

* An Omnibus Housing Act provided funds to construct low-income housing.

* Congress tightened pollution controls with stronger Air and Water Quality Acts.

* Standards were raised for safety in consumer products."

Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" [ushistory.org]
None of which are within the federal gubmint's realm of enumerated powers.

The Shrub did lots of bureaucracy expanding spending on worthless domestic programs, too....Just like LBJ.
He also started another "war" that has equally infinitesimal of a chance of being won.

BTW, here's a nice independent and extensively linked piece on the idiotic "Great Society" boondoggle, which backs up the $7 trillion figure: http://perspicuity.net/civics/poverty.html

The only fool here is you, hack-in-the-box boy.
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when conservative polities are enacted, we will see the results, till then, we have nothing to see.
Right here:http://www.humanevents dot com/article.php?id=16860

Go right ahead and tell me how biased the article is. Then go on about my racism because I actually mentioned that there are Black people in this world and some of them are poor.

Human Events and Corsi - please, a real source not this crap. You are a rabbi surely you are more intelligent than this shit or maybe not.

HE is the only American publication I have seen that actually listed books that should be banned.

Corrected link.
Democrats' War on Poverty Has Failed - HUMAN EVENTS

Ha. I knew it. When faced with the proof, attack the source. If the article is so terrible then it would be easy for you to spot the errors.
Go ahead.
It cannot be the policy of failure, seeing as it hasn't ever really been tried in earnest.

And all I'm "admitting" here is that those who have been identified by you as "conservatives" are fakes.

But you keep on tryin' to peddle that Hegelian bullshit...Eventually someone along the line will be as gullible as you and lap it up.

and if you notice....Midcant is just that.....GULLIBLE....and a hypocrite on top of it....he believes what he says is the facts....EVERYONE else....and i mean EVERYONE else.....well we are all in the dark compared to this "enlightened" ballsack........
Conservatives are so funny. They say that "real" conservative polices just haven't been "enacted". And "IF they ever get the chance, then we will see what conservative policies can actually do".

Well, they had control of the government for many years and "never" thought of enacting any of those policies? Seriously?

This is the problem. Conservatives "imagine" how things should be. But it's people that screw up those imaginings. It's not their policies, it's the people not displaying the proper "thanks".

Take Iraq, we liberated those people, we did the hard work getting rid of Saddam, and how do they show their thanks? They throw shoes at our Republican "God-speaking" prophet, George Bush and wipe out their own Christians. Does that sound anything remotely like "thanks"? And yet, conservatives see it as the fault of the ungrateful Iraqis.

Now, we have some conservative leaders who firmly believe that studying science can lead to "metal illness" which, of course, sounds "crazy". Yet, still, conservatives want to force unwelcome mysticism into public schools and offer "alternatives" to accepted science based on data. They can do this, because once again, they have a "vision" of how the world should be and want to force an ungrateful world into that narrow mold.

I wonder if this song was written for conservatives?

Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all.........
I'm not a "conservative", numbnuts.

And they haven't enacted s single one of the bureaucracy cutting policies they campaign on -save for a a few measly tax cuts- in my lifetime.

As has been already pointed out, the Shrub was no more "conservative" than LBJ.
I'm not a "conservative", numbnuts.

And they haven't enacted s single one of the bureaucracy cutting policies they campaign on -save for a a few measly tax cuts- in my lifetime.

As has been already pointed out, the Shrub was no more "conservative" than LBJ.

Sure they have. They have removed regulations governing clean air and clean water. They removed regulations so house loans could be moved away from Freddie and Fannie, handed out like candy corn, bundled together and sold to unsuspecting foreign bankers. Smooth.

Get me started on conservative successes and I could go on all night.

What I said about conservative polices apply to conservatives regardless of who "identifies" with what.
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First of all, that's not ABOLISHING entire regulatory agencies, like they've been promising to do since Christ was an altar boy....Timidly nibbling around the edges doesn't count by a dam sight.

Secondly, which environmental regulations did they remove altogether, and were they even relevant to begin with?
A failure - and yet there are many who still argue for policies that move us closer to third world status.

"The trends were comparably daunting for children in poverty. When Clinton left office nearly 11.6 million children lived in poverty, according to the Census. When Bush left office that number had swelled to just under 14.1 million, an increase of more than 21 per cent."

'Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy' by Ronald Brownstein

"It's not a record many Republicans are likely to point to with pride.

On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked. By contrast, the country's condition improved on each of those measures during Bill Clinton's two terms, often substantially.

The Census' final report card on Bush's record presents an intriguing backdrop to today's economic debate. Bush built his economic strategy around tax cuts, passing large reductions both in 2001 and 2003. Congressional Republicans are insisting that a similar agenda focused on tax cuts offers better prospects of reviving the economy than President Obama's combination of some tax cuts with heavy government spending. But the bleak economic results from Bush's two terms, tarnish, to put it mildly, the idea that tax cuts represent an economic silver bullet."

Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy - The Atlantic Politics Channel

Yes, and Clinton rode in on Reagan's coat tails and sailed through 8 more years of economic prosperity. Reagan inherited a disaster from Jimmy, 22% unemployment rate, 13% inflation, 21 % interest rates. Reagan took 8 months to formulate an across the boards tax cuts that stimulated this economy for the remainder of his term and Clinton's term. Don't kid yourself. George Bush inherited a recession from Clinton, passed some tax cuts and then 9-11. The difference, Neither Reagan or Bush ever one time blamed the previous administration.

How's that hope and change working out for ya now that we are at 9.7% unemployment and raising?
A failure - and yet there are many who still argue for policies that move us closer to third world status.

"The trends were comparably daunting for children in poverty. When Clinton left office nearly 11.6 million children lived in poverty, according to the Census. When Bush left office that number had swelled to just under 14.1 million, an increase of more than 21 per cent."

'Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy' by Ronald Brownstein

"It's not a record many Republicans are likely to point to with pride.

On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked. By contrast, the country's condition improved on each of those measures during Bill Clinton's two terms, often substantially.

The Census' final report card on Bush's record presents an intriguing backdrop to today's economic debate. Bush built his economic strategy around tax cuts, passing large reductions both in 2001 and 2003. Congressional Republicans are insisting that a similar agenda focused on tax cuts offers better prospects of reviving the economy than President Obama's combination of some tax cuts with heavy government spending. But the bleak economic results from Bush's two terms, tarnish, to put it mildly, the idea that tax cuts represent an economic silver bullet."

Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy - The Atlantic Politics Channel
Thanks for creating such an awesome and informative thread.

See the link in my siggy for more of the same info. And it was written by a conservative.

Shrub and the bureaucracy expanding spendthrift congress during his tenure were NOT, in any way shape or manner, "conservative".

Yet all the Republicans, self-proclaimed conservatives and neo-cons were all in lock goose-step with Herr Bush all the way. Spare me the lies.

Labels are meaningless, but so-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) loved the Shrub.

Must be nice to live in a vacuum of your own making.

LOL - but 'conservative' has substance today even though that substance meant failure and still today is about nothing but whining and saying 'no' to anything that helps people. You 'conservatives' were going to fix the world, what happened!
They lied, people died.

I'm not a "conservative", numbnuts.

And they haven't enacted s single one of the bureaucracy cutting policies they campaign on -save for a a few measly tax cuts- in my lifetime.

As has been already pointed out, the Shrub was no more "conservative" than LBJ.
You're worse...a neo-con.
Democrats have started far more wars in the last 110 years than have Republicans. It wasn't Nixon's war it was LBJ's. when Kennedy was assassinated we had around 25 k troops in Viet Nam. At the end of Johnson's grossly fiscally irresponsible reign we had nearly 600k troops in Viet Nam, the ground work laid for an ever growing deficit. Nixon did everything the Democrats had been wanting to do for years except put a D after his name Ford wasn't significantly better. And Carter, for shear pigheaded incompetence beat them all and still does.

And Bush didn't start war one. We were already at war with Saddam when he took office, and the support of Al Queada by the Taliban was an act of war in and of itself.
I do not know one conservative who truly loved GW Bush. We just despised Gore/Kerry More. Bush pissed ost of us off thoroughly on more than one occassion. The tax cuts worked. It was the huge increase in spending that screwed everything up. And most of that spending was social spending not on the war.

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