The rights only hope

I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades.

When they had the opportunity to fix the biggest concern of Latino's - the Dream Act - Democrats walked away from it, proving to Latinos that Democrats would rather have the ISSUE, one they can use to try to manipulate people with to get their votes rather than actually accomplish Latinos have been walking away from the Democratic Party.

Blacks have seen much of the same thing with the same reaction.

Both Latinos and Blacks have not only seen but have shared in the economic prosperity President Trump has delivered:
- Strongest Economy in Decades

- Lowest Unemployment in Decades

- Lowest Minority Unemployment IN RECORDED HISTORY
--- Obama gave Lip Service to blacks, hardly helped them at all, as unemployment and their numbers signing up for Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps soared...

And now everyone in the world just witnessed the Democrats attempt to destroy a US citizen for personal party gain by USING a woman as a political 'suicide bomber', betraying her Trust and throwing her under the bus just as fast as they tried to do to Kavanaugh.

No one buys the liberals' BS anymore as they keep accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they continue to demonstrate they are.
All you have to do is look at any chart on employment or profits and dam you find out the 82% of it was during the Obama administration and in fact by the chats they would be in same or better if no one was in office during scum bags presidency, You can't win this one. You live in a make believe world that you are required to hate to be in.
No chart shows any such thing sorry.

Your hatred proves you lead a hate party.

You have no evidence for any of your claim
Bullshit, that'View attachment 219057 View attachment 219058 View attachment 219059 View attachment 219061 View attachment 219063 You have everyone here rolling on the floor , I know these charts prove nothing , so you don't have to even say that to the laughter of the world
No you uneducated fool you are the laughing stock not one of these charts shows what you claimed about Obama and 82,%
maybe you would like to point at the spot on the chart when scum bag took over, dam the charts moved up at the same rate as what happened during the Obama administration. Scum Bag really contributed. What a hoot.

When they had the opportunity to fix the biggest concern of Latino's - the Dream Act - Democrats walked away from it, proving to Latinos that Democrats would rather have the ISSUE, one they can use to try to manipulate people with to get their votes rather than actually accomplish Latinos have been walking away from the Democratic Party.

Blacks have seen much of the same thing with the same reaction.

Both Latinos and Blacks have not only seen but have shared in the economic prosperity President Trump has delivered:
- Strongest Economy in Decades

- Lowest Unemployment in Decades

- Lowest Minority Unemployment IN RECORDED HISTORY
--- Obama gave Lip Service to blacks, hardly helped them at all, as unemployment and their numbers signing up for Welfare, Unemployment, Food Stamps soared...

And now everyone in the world just witnessed the Democrats attempt to destroy a US citizen for personal party gain by USING a woman as a political 'suicide bomber', betraying her Trust and throwing her under the bus just as fast as they tried to do to Kavanaugh.

No one buys the liberals' BS anymore as they keep accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they continue to demonstrate they are.
All you have to do is look at any chart on employment or profits and dam you find out the 82% of it was during the Obama administration and in fact by the chats they would be in same or better if no one was in office during scum bags presidency, You can't win this one. You live in a make believe world that you are required to hate to be in.
No chart shows any such thing sorry.

Your hatred proves you lead a hate party.

You have no evidence for any of your claim
Bullshit, that'View attachment 219057 View attachment 219058 View attachment 219059 View attachment 219061 View attachment 219063 You have everyone here rolling on the floor , I know these charts prove nothing , so you don't have to even say that to the laughter of the world
No you uneducated fool you are the laughing stock not one of these charts shows what you claimed about Obama and 82,%
maybe you would like to point at the spot on the chart when scum bag took over, dam the charts moved up at the same rate as what happened during the Obama administration. Scum Bag really contributed. What a hoot.
Except that they do not
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
All you have to do is look at any chart on employment or profits and dam you find out the 82% of it was during the Obama administration and in fact by the chats they would be in same or better if no one was in office during scum bags presidency, You can't win this one. You live in a make believe world that you are required to hate to be in.
No chart shows any such thing sorry.

Your hatred proves you lead a hate party.

You have no evidence for any of your claim
Bullshit, that'View attachment 219057 View attachment 219058 View attachment 219059 View attachment 219061 View attachment 219063 You have everyone here rolling on the floor , I know these charts prove nothing , so you don't have to even say that to the laughter of the world
No you uneducated fool you are the laughing stock not one of these charts shows what you claimed about Obama and 82,%
maybe you would like to point at the spot on the chart when scum bag took over, dam the charts moved up at the same rate as what happened during the Obama administration. Scum Bag really contributed. What a hoot.
Except that they do not
How stupid do you think you look when the charts are in front of everyone, That only supports the comment from my last comment. You are all liars
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
You have not given any proof.

Much like the women accusing Kavanaugh.

You are the proven liar here.

No attacks or insults against Dr Ford during her testimony.
No chart shows any such thing sorry.

Your hatred proves you lead a hate party.

You have no evidence for any of your claim
Bullshit, that'View attachment 219057 View attachment 219058 View attachment 219059 View attachment 219061 View attachment 219063 You have everyone here rolling on the floor , I know these charts prove nothing , so you don't have to even say that to the laughter of the world
No you uneducated fool you are the laughing stock not one of these charts shows what you claimed about Obama and 82,%
maybe you would like to point at the spot on the chart when scum bag took over, dam the charts moved up at the same rate as what happened during the Obama administration. Scum Bag really contributed. What a hoot.
Except that they do not
How stupid do you think you look when the charts are in front of everyone, That only supports the comment from my last comment. You are all liars
Unlike you they can read them.

They do not support your claim and you know it
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
and yet, you are also given proof, yet you say it's fake as well.

that mirror you argue with must be tired of you.
What is the right wing is made up of These and the sick people who support these pigs
trump suporters.png

This is what the world knows and this is your hate party epitaph.
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
Come get us troll.
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
You have not given any proof.

Much like the women accusing Kavanaugh.

You are the proven liar here.

No attacks or insults against Dr Ford during her testimony.
The hired a pig prosecuting Lawyer as their bulldog , they are just as guilty of how the Lawyer treated Dr Ford .Not only obnoxious but straight out stupid questions. And what a bunch of wimps , worthless wimps at that . To afraid to ask there own questions.

JFC, Mitchell arguing that Ford not credible because she occasionally flies even though she hates doing so. This is just atrocious examination.

— bmaz (@bmaz) September 27, 2018
The prosecutor is insufferable. She’s methodically trying to pick apart her story but it’s not working and also makes the R Senators look ineffective. Any time Grassley interjects it’s a reminder these old guys are just lurking and afraid to question Dr Ford themselves.

— Aminatou Sow (@aminatou) September 27, 2
Rachel Mitchell questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her mental health is one of the ugliest and most shameful things I've ever seen. Women deserve better, crime victims deserve better, and a prosecutor should know better.

— P
I feel like Rachel Mitchell is trying to catch Dr. Blasey Ford in some contradiction and to make it a technical conversation, rather than admit to the deep emotion of a sexual assault. #KavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
amela Colloff (@pamelacolloff) September 27, 2018
Why are any of Rachel Mitchell’s questions relevant? She just wants to poke holes in testimony. She is not really interested in the actual assault. #kavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
Increasingly, it’s clear that Republican leadership simply does not believe that anyone matters outside of their base. And getting Kavanaugh confirmed, so gerrymandering holds up in court, is part of making sure of that.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) September 27, 2018
My quick take at this #KavanaughHearings break. Mitchell is taking her time in laying the groundwork…for what? To get new facts? Format so far seems only to serve to protect Republican male senators from saying something foolish they will regret.

— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) September 27, 2018
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
You have not given any proof.

Much like the women accusing Kavanaugh.

You are the proven liar here.

No attacks or insults against Dr Ford during her testimony.
The hired a pig prosecuting Lawyer as their bulldog , they are just as guilty of how the Lawyer treated Dr Ford .Not only obnoxious but straight out stupid questions. And what a bunch of wimps , worthless wimps at that . To afraid to ask there own questions.

JFC, Mitchell arguing that Ford not credible because she occasionally flies even though she hates doing so. This is just atrocious examination.

— bmaz (@bmaz) September 27, 2018
The prosecutor is insufferable. She’s methodically trying to pick apart her story but it’s not working and also makes the R Senators look ineffective. Any time Grassley interjects it’s a reminder these old guys are just lurking and afraid to question Dr Ford themselves.

— Aminatou Sow (@aminatou) September 27, 2
Rachel Mitchell questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her mental health is one of the ugliest and most shameful things I've ever seen. Women deserve better, crime victims deserve better, and a prosecutor should know better.

— P
I feel like Rachel Mitchell is trying to catch Dr. Blasey Ford in some contradiction and to make it a technical conversation, rather than admit to the deep emotion of a sexual assault. #KavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
amela Colloff (@pamelacolloff) September 27, 2018
Why are any of Rachel Mitchell’s questions relevant? She just wants to poke holes in testimony. She is not really interested in the actual assault. #kavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
Increasingly, it’s clear that Republican leadership simply does not believe that anyone matters outside of their base. And getting Kavanaugh confirmed, so gerrymandering holds up in court, is part of making sure of that.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) September 27, 2018
My quick take at this #KavanaughHearings break. Mitchell is taking her time in laying the groundwork…for what? To get new facts? Format so far seems only to serve to protect Republican male senators from saying something foolish they will regret.

— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) September 27, 2018
She was polite and respectful.

She did her job well.

You are a complete liar
I love this, the hate party thinks it won at the hearing, read my lips , I just raise my number way over the 2 million I said this creep would cost his hate group
kaufan weomen.png
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
see what i mean?

demonize the other party from the actions of a very small few. but when done to your side, look how emo you get.

i rest my case. this one was too easy.
Wait a second tell me what you should call a party that elects a dangerous hate candidate. The hate party of course , which then makes them a hate group. Maybe you want to tell me that I can't hate my countries biggest threat and enemy of my country, Yup I'm talking about your God and Leader president scum bag
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.

Racist are contemptable, their statements are contemptable, their lives are comtemptable. Golly gee you are contemptable and what you have to say is contemptable. Go crawl back in your hole.
I'm talking about the hate party program across the country taking away the votes of Democrats. Demographics will throw these right wing pigs out, the haters can't do anything about that fact. There's no way that the right will get the votes of minorities after shitting on them for decades. They need to be able to tell their people to hate this group and say they are the cause of all the problems in this country , so they can't turn the minority's and the browning of America. So they are going to do everything they can to take away the votes of the people who care more about the people around them then just themselves, the Democrats. These right wing haters have to go.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
see what i mean?

demonize the other party from the actions of a very small few. but when done to your side, look how emo you get.

i rest my case. this one was too easy.
Wait a second tell me what you should call a party that elects a dangerous hate candidate. The hate party of course , which then makes them a hate group. Maybe you want to tell me that I can't hate my countries biggest threat and enemy of my country, Yup I'm talking about your God and Leader president scum bag
what a dick.
well good thing the left would never try to say the right is ONLY a bunch of nazi racists.
Ya don't you just hate that when the hate party calls all Democrats anti American and Communist ten time as much as the left call the haters Nazi's . I'll admit that a good description of your group would be Nazi, No time in history has a party and president been supported by the KKK, the Nazi's and the white supremacist, gee I wonder why.
There is also no evidence to support your claim about the KKK or nazis
Of course not if I gave you total proof you would say it's a fake. This is what I think, you have a president that lies non stop, all you haters support those lies , so all you hater are liars yourself , so tell me why any one should care what anyone of you think , It would just be a lie.
You have not given any proof.

Much like the women accusing Kavanaugh.

You are the proven liar here.

No attacks or insults against Dr Ford during her testimony.
The hired a pig prosecuting Lawyer as their bulldog , they are just as guilty of how the Lawyer treated Dr Ford .Not only obnoxious but straight out stupid questions. And what a bunch of wimps , worthless wimps at that . To afraid to ask there own questions.

JFC, Mitchell arguing that Ford not credible because she occasionally flies even though she hates doing so. This is just atrocious examination.

— bmaz (@bmaz) September 27, 2018
The prosecutor is insufferable. She’s methodically trying to pick apart her story but it’s not working and also makes the R Senators look ineffective. Any time Grassley interjects it’s a reminder these old guys are just lurking and afraid to question Dr Ford themselves.

— Aminatou Sow (@aminatou) September 27, 2
Rachel Mitchell questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her mental health is one of the ugliest and most shameful things I've ever seen. Women deserve better, crime victims deserve better, and a prosecutor should know better.

— P
I feel like Rachel Mitchell is trying to catch Dr. Blasey Ford in some contradiction and to make it a technical conversation, rather than admit to the deep emotion of a sexual assault. #KavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
amela Colloff (@pamelacolloff) September 27, 2018
Why are any of Rachel Mitchell’s questions relevant? She just wants to poke holes in testimony. She is not really interested in the actual assault. #kavanaughHearings

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) September 27, 2018
Increasingly, it’s clear that Republican leadership simply does not believe that anyone matters outside of their base. And getting Kavanaugh confirmed, so gerrymandering holds up in court, is part of making sure of that.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) September 27, 2018
My quick take at this #KavanaughHearings break. Mitchell is taking her time in laying the groundwork…for what? To get new facts? Format so far seems only to serve to protect Republican male senators from saying something foolish they will regret.

— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) September 27, 2018

If she was asked more pointed questions you would have bitched about that. Your the type who is looking and looking for something to bitch about. its pretty clear after reading this thread. No matter how Ford was asked, you wouldnt have been happy about it.

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