The Royal Koran-Nation


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Charles seems a fool who seems to enjoy making it known far and wide.

The tipping point is close.

In a meeting with various faith leaders (or self-appointed faith leaders, in some possible cases) in September, King Charles III reassured those gathered that he had recently acquired a self-created “additional duty” to his traditional role of royal regnant. From henceforth on, a key part of any new monarch’s role was now to be “protecting the diversity” of the U.K. and its current holy status as a “community of communities.”

“A community of communities,” eh? You know where else is one of those? Lebanon. And Burma. And Syria. And Iraq. And the Balkans, circa 1914. The descent of any formerly ethnically, politically, and religiously coherent nation into a state of utter disjointedness, mutual mistrust, and division is nothing to be celebrated and protected, like Charles fondly imagines; it is something instead greatly to be feared and avoided.


Amazingly, G.K. Chesterton once also wrote an even more prophetic (and consequently even more forgotten) novel on this very same theme, his 1914 satire The Flying Inn, about life in a future Islamized England—it’s a bit like Colin Jordan’s neo-Nazi sci-fi novella Merrie England: 2000 that I talked about on Takimag last month, only well-written and not (currently) illegal to possess a printed copy of.

It tells the story of a degenerate and quisling British elite who, through sheer ennui and self-hatred of their own culture, conspire to hand it over toward their ancestors’ age-old enemies on a plate, forging a fake pseudo-Islamic history for their own nation and pumping it into kids’ heads in schools to make them submit to forthcoming dhimmitude. Even GKC didn’t foresee what would one day become of Remembrance Day, however—probably because it didn’t even yet exist at the time he wrote his amazingly prophetic warning.

Even in the run-up to the deliberately ruined occasion there was already trouble brewing, with an elderly poppy-seller allegedly pushed to the ground and punched by a “pacifist” mob in Edinburgh—although Scottish police now say there is “no evidence” this actually happened (other than the poppy seller’s own specific testimony to the contrary, of course). Elsewhere, memorials to the dead of the two World Wars were vandalized with “FREE PALESTINE” graffiti; just imagine if a poppy seller had dared spray-paint “FREE BRITAIN” onto a mosque.

Panic on the Streets of London

Some commentators professed themselves to be “shocked” to see such things occurring on the streets of Great Britain. I don’t know why, precisely. Perhaps these people would be similarly shocked to observe lions eating antelopes, boxers punching each other, or cats chasing mice.

It is not particularly surprising to find that large numbers of Muslims bearing British passports do not particularly respect an occasion initially established to commemorate the sacrifices of the First World War: their war dead are not our war dead. The Allies and Islam were on opposing sides in that conflict; the Ottoman Empire fought alongside the initial aggressor nation of Imperial Germany. Many Western Europeans today may have forgotten this, or perhaps been systematically reeducated to forget, but many of the descendants of the Ottomans themselves certainly have not.

Left-wing Labour Party leader Keir Starmer recently courted trouble for “accidentally” removing his poppy prior to recording an election video aimed at his Party’s large Muslim client vote. Around 71 percent of Muslims voted Labour at the last 2019 election, but many Britain-based Mohammedans are now reconsidering their allegiances, with a new Party of Islam in the process of being established, although there is currently a delay, after its leaders apparently filled in its registration forms incorrectly—perhaps in Urdu or in Arabic by sheer force of habit?

Didn’t the British State once have more than enough of this kind of “community of communities” in Northern Ireland? Maybe we’ve since forgotten all about that, too. In 2018, Conservative MP Karen Bradley openly admitted she hadn’t realized people in Northern Ireland tend to vote along religious and sectarian lines. At the time, Ms. Bradley was Northern Ireland Secretary.

How do you expect such a cretinous, Chesterton-echoing ruling class to appreciate the interminable divisions between Shia, Sunni, Jew, and Christian in the Middle East, which they are now blithely importing wholesale into the West under the Panglossian assumption that history will somehow magically not repeat itself? Just as turkeys don’t often vote for Christmas, so Turks don’t often vote for Christians.

Young Turks, Old Grudges

An example of the reasoning behind many British Muslims’ dislike of Poppy Day can be found in this piece from last Nov. 11 by writer Abdullah Ibrahim, whose author bio informs us that “Growing up in as multicultural a place as the U.K. I became aware from a young age of the importance of claiming your identity…. I often weave the key theme of reclaiming our identity as Muslims in the West throughout my work.”

I must confess to being unfamiliar with Mr. Ibrahim’s wider oeuvre (apparently he also writes poetry), but to judge by his Poppy Day piece, his main idea of “reclaiming his identity as a Muslim” is to obsessively define himself against the very values, culture, and history of the wider parent society he now inhabits—specifically, by proudly refusing to wear a poppy (not even a black one?). As he says, “I take huge exception to the narrative that World War I was an honorable conflict. In truth, I have no wish to be associated with it.”

Said war, it seems, was fought in nothing but each participant nation’s “imperial interests,” adds Ibrahim. What, you mean like the “imperial interests” of the suggestively named Ottoman Empire? Next time you hear a Muslim malcontent moaning about “Western imperialism,” stop and consider whether his true problem is not with imperialism per se, but that it wasn’t “Eastern imperialism” that conquered half the globe instead.


Charles seems a fool who seems to enjoy making it known far and wide.

The tipping point is close.
Now you might start to regret not taking David Icke more seriously when he pointed out that most of our lovely Royal Family are shape shifting Reptilians .

Naturally you might find that information slightly surprising , but, strange as it might seem , David has an uncanny knack of getting almost everything else right which makes me reluctant to dismiss this one idea of his that our Charles is hiding his true light and deepest affiliations somewhere off - planet .
The bloody traitor .

Annoyingly none of the several Alien species pestering our planet have any good intentions and therefore we need to be well warned of Charlie Boy's split personality .

Just thought you would like to know, OP .
Your Tipping point is not the one he and his pals have in mind .
Cannot elaborate further as I am sworn to secrecy as I am sure you appreciate .

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