The Russian Connection with a U.S. Presidential Candidate


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yes, some very strong ties are well known.

And let's not forget about Obama's hot mic moment where he promised to be more flexible after his second election. Imagine if Trump had been caught uttering those words.

"Who received $35 million from a Russian investment fund started by Vladimir Putin? Not Trump, but Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.

Who received $500,000 from a company linked to Russian intelligence agencies to give a speech in Moscow? Not Trump, but Bill Clinton.

Who facilitated the sale of 20 percent of America's uranium to the Russians? Not Trump, but Hillary Clinton.

Who received millions of dollars in donations from Russian oligarchs? Not Trump, but the Clinton Foundation.

While congressional Democrats and the media desperately try to connect Russia and Trump, the Clinton connection to Russia has been completely ignored. Why? Because these inconvenient facts don't help the liberal narrative."

Ahead of Comey testimony, video emerges showing PROOF of Russian connection; liberals in UPROAR
The war for the liberals is all because of Trump standing up for the Christian's again in this nation, and they see that as him being against everything they believe in now, and against every lifestyle they live now. When it comes right down to it, I say that anyone regardless of being a great American citizen for whom believes that the Bible is the inspired written words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that these words are a road map to a better more peaceful life is now the enemy of the left, and to the left-wing media...., Christian's have become the enemy to the new left who with all their brainwashed groups, and with all their followers have been culturally attacking the Christian's for quite sometime now. These people who think like this will destroy this nation if they are allowed to because of their hatred of Christianity. It all leads back to religion's and culture's that are at the center of these struggles or battles. The lines have been blurred so badly, that the confusion is empowering multi-cultural battlefields that have no end to the chaos that has spread like a wild fire through the ranks, and therefore has exposed the weaknesses that is now found within.
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Whose top advisor knew of illegal (key word there ass wipe) Russian hacking of political opponents, and publicly acknowledged he did, 6 weeks before it was made public?
Donald Trump's

Who is an egomaniac that has to control everything and everyone around him? Donald Trump.

Who obviously (allegedly) knew about the hacking through his advisor? Donald Trump?

Is knowing about a crime and not doing anything about it a crime in and of itself? Dunno. Is this what we want from our President--someone who conspires with a foreign government (especially an enemy nation) to win--no. Does it rise to the level of impeachment? Probably not. A censure seems as though this is where it is going.

Are Trump supporters going to care if Trump gets censured? Get serious. If he wanted to molest a child in the crib, the line to hold the flashlight for him would extend from Texas to Florida
Yes, some very strong ties are well known.
I think a lot of the hoopla has to do with the ties not being as well understood -- known to exist is not at all the same as well understood -- as they should be and when solicited for myriad details, the actors involved fail to provide them and credible information that establishes their veracity. Quite frankly, I don't think we'd still be talking about anyone's ties with Russia and its officials and/or spies were it not that:
  • Trump refused to release his tax returns.
  • Multiple Trump Administration individuals denied having contact with Russian officials and later it was discovered that they did indeed have contact with one or more or them.
  • Multiple Trump Administration officials, in violation of the Logan Act, engaged in policy discussions with Russian officials.
  • Voters demanded a comprehensive clear and unequivocally verified detailing of Trump and his cohorts' interactions with Russian officials prior to voting for him.
  • Russia were an ally instead of an adversary.
  • Russia annexed part of Ukraine, against the wishes of the Ukrainians.
  • Russia were not a military trading partner with North Korea.
  • Trump were, rather than keep mum, to have criticized Putin/Russia for any and all its actions.
  • Michael Flynn were not found to have utterly lied about his own interactions with Russian officials.
  • There is a veritable "spiderweb" of ties between and among multiple Trump Administration officials and Russian officials, and not nearly, if any at all, such a well developed "spiderweb" of associations with officials of America's genuine and long term allies.
Existentially, however, all of that is so. Thus, there is the "Russia" conversation, issue and investigation, as well there should be.
This is about Herr Schrumpf not Clinton or Obama or Mickey Mouse.
This is about Herr Schrumpf not Clinton or Obama or Mickey Mouse.
. This is about the hatred for a once majority minded Christian nation in which we once all accepted and enjoyed, and this by the radicalized brainwashed left/Demon-crats who want to transform every last sector or area where any such things still exist.
I hope you independents are paying attention, liberals HATE anyone who does not share their world view you got the message now?
This is about Herr Schrumpf not Clinton or Obama or Mickey Mouse.
. This is about the hatred for a once majority minded Christian nation in which we once all accepted and enjoyed, and this by the radicalized brainwashed left/Demon-crats who want to transform every last sector or area where any such things still exist.

Yeah, them.

But also the 12-year old basement-blogging phony "mainstream republicans" who seem the most virulent.

Say, how does one remotely turn off a sump-pump?

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