The same day Trump Warns Mueller About Digging into his Finances, that's Exactly What He Does.

Once Mueller gets ahold of Trump tax returns you'll be changing your tune.
They have already been audited.

spewing an alternative fact i see.
Alternative facts are facts nonetheless. In fact, Trump was audited every fucking year that Obama was in office.

and your proof of that?
It's common knowledge. And he will be audited the next 8 years too because the President is automatically audited by the IRS.

he has been audited because of all his bankruptcies & various court cases....
They have already been audited.

spewing an alternative fact i see.
Alternative facts are facts nonetheless. In fact, Trump was audited every fucking year that Obama was in office.

and your proof of that?
It's common knowledge. And he will be audited the next 8 years too because the President is automatically audited by the IRS.

he has been audited because of all his bankruptcies & various court cases....

no one has ever seen proof of an audit.

and if he was then it's SOP for large business concerns... especially when it looks like they launder money
Yeah.., Trump really intimidated Bob Mueller..

The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe.

FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.

The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Trump is Bob Mueller's bitch.

All of this could have been avoided if Trump started out transparent, instead he has done everything he can to block , interfere, and deny since day one, he has brought this on himself..

Again, you guys are the ones who loves Russia, since you seem to like their methods.
If a cop came to your door and started asking questions about your finances, relationships, information about your career.....would you comply?
So in your book, all the government needs is accusation...and if you don't comply - you aren't being transparent. guys are the ones that are acting like Russians.

bullshit. watching pauly walnuts & drumpf jr in a public setting will just be the beginning.... & i can't wait for preet bharara to spill what he knows.... under oath..... as a private citizen..... :woohoo:
Not only Preet but Mike Flynn too. That fucker is going to jail and he'll give up Trump in a heartbeat..
That's why DT worked on Comey so hard to drop the investigation. He's scared shitless Flynn will reveal all of Trump's dirty secrets.

flynn flipped. that's why he hasn't been heard from or about in quite awhile. he doesn't have immunity that we know of ... but perhaps he's been promised a reduced sentence.
spewing an alternative fact i see.
Alternative facts are facts nonetheless. In fact, Trump was audited every fucking year that Obama was in office.

and your proof of that?
It's common knowledge. And he will be audited the next 8 years too because the President is automatically audited by the IRS.

he has been audited because of all his bankruptcies & various court cases....

no one has ever seen proof of an audit.

and if he was then it's SOP for large business concerns... especially when it looks like they launder money

i think it's just common sense for him to be audited. he's a world class cheater--- both in his personal & business life. the IRS would be foolish not to.
Why? Because he's doing his job too well?
You trumpwhores crack me up.


Because he has been compromised.

Piece of Clinton scum leftover
I know you don't know shit but you can't find A dem or republican inCongress that has anything bad to say about Mueller. He has a stellar reputation which scares the shit out of you and Trump.

President Trump should tell traitor Mueller

How about "You're fired!" :clap: :biggrin:
What makes Mueller a traitor?
This should be good.

Mueller has issues with Comey......they are great friends Red Flag right there, ...but what Trump really has to do is to clean house and fire all the Obama and Bush leftovers.

Hope he is listening. He has to do that now, Hurry Mr President! ...drain the swamp!

rosenstein... after the keebler elf recused himself.... appointed mueller. comey had zero to do with it.
As you said, it's not a crime to meet. The crime occurs when one lies on the disclosure. And it would also be a crime to accept value, but I don't recall anyone alleging that about Obama.

Thank You!!....your making my point again.
Of course no one asked that with Obama!!! They didn't ask a f*cking thing for 8 years!!
Where have you been?
And yes I notice all of you will not even talk about the IRS scandal that was so eloquently brushed under the rug. REAL campaign laws broken. REAL indisputable ties to Obama cabinet members...REAL cooperation between the IRS and officials. And no outrage. You don't even care.
How do you know those questions were not asked of Former President Obama?

Trump didn't threaten or try to intimidate the special prosecutor. He merely said that he would be crossing a red line if he went into the finances of his family. What other prosecutor in freaking modern history has examined the finances of the family of U.S. Presidents or even the finances of the Presidents? Barry Hussein's wife lost her freaking law license for reasons not made available to the general public and Barry was in a partnership with a freaking domestic terrorist. Imagine what a special prosecutor could have done with the strange relationship between Barry Obama and Bill Ayers.
Trump didn't threaten or try to intimidate the special prosecutor. He merely said that he would be crossing a red line if he went into the finances of his family. What other prosecutor in freaking modern history has examined the finances of the family of U.S. Presidents or even the finances of the Presidents? Barry Hussein's wife lost her freaking law license for reasons not made available to the general public and Barry was in a partnership with a freaking domestic terrorist. Imagine what a special prosecutor could have done with the strange relationship between Barry Obama and Bill Ayers.

if drumpf's kid admits to having business deals with russia, then of course that is open to investigation. kushner who FAILED to disclose that he had met with a russian banker that not only was an intel officer ( SPY) ... but was sanctioned. so yaaaaaaaa................... those are huge red flags.

there hasn't been a prosecutor in the past that examined past prez's finances because they have all submitted their tax returns as usual protocol. but NOT TRUMP.

oh & that's complete bullshit that michele obama lost her license to practice law.

why are you making shit up? if you can't defend your orange overlord with the truth, then you lost buddy.
Robert Mueller:

Born in New York City in 1944, Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity. He left the post in 2013, but returned to the spotlight four years later as special counsel in charge of investigating Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to associates of President Donald Trump.

The perfect man for the job to bring down the Trump crime family.
Skye calls this guy a traitor....not because he is one, but because she's terrified he'll find all the dirt on her orange messiah.
Robert Mueller:

Born in New York City in 1944, Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity. He left the post in 2013, but returned to the spotlight four years later as special counsel in charge of investigating Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to associates of President Donald Trump.

The perfect man for the job to bring down the Trump crime family.
Skye calls this guy a traitor....not because he is one, but because she's terrified he'll find all the dirt on her orange messiah.

oh how the poorly educated forget that this is a nation of laws & the intel community is faithful to the constitution. NOT the president.
Given that practically everything Trump does is motivated by greed, his finances should be the first place the investigators look.

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