The Saudis also spat on America

Playing Hardball

Russia has by far the largest diamond reserves, five times that of South Africa. It also has the fifth-largest gold reserves, but only a fourth of what the United States has.
I hope I wont get a midnight visit from the Biden Deep State or a lynch mob of biden voters outside my home for saying this,
But the russian people are generally talented and russia could be a 1st world country with good leadership

but they are like the dumb girl who keeps hooking up with bad boyfriends
Crazy Saudis attacked us on 9-11 not crazy Iranians
It was the Taliban. On the same day, the leader of the anti-Taliban resistance, Shah Massoud, was killed. But there is information that the Saudis were involved there.
I dont blame the whole nation for what a few wackos did
In any case, you can’t talk about the whole nation, not everyone voted for Biden, and not all leftists understand what they are voting for. How can they be responsible for his policies?
Listen to what I say, every word I say. If you want to survive as a nation you need Reagan.

Not Democrats and not RINO Trumpsters, but Reagan.

Abandoning the dollar means the end of not only American dominance, but even respect for America. Europe and Russia have already done this de facto.

The Saudis are negotiating with China to trade oil in yuan. This is a clear sign that the United States is coming to an end.

When the end comes to you, you will no longer be asked about your attitude to same-sex marriage and gender equality
We need Reagan for what? To sell more weapons to terrorists or make ketchup a vegetable?
In any case, you can’t talk about the whole nation, not everyone voted for Biden, and not all leftists understand what they are voting for. How can they be responsible for his policies?
Nations can have differences while maintaining common goals

America has far more in common with Saudi Arabia than Iran
The government wasn't involved, and they kicked Bin Laden out years ago.

Recently declassified information shows that may not be true

Even at that they were complicit in the anti West rhetoric that led to 9-11
Uncle Joe is a moron who is choosing the crazy iranians over the saudis
One Man's Mede Is Another Man's Persian

Churchill, who fought in Afghanistan, wrote that Moslems hate each other's sects even more than they hate infidels. Of course, our Diploma Dumbo "intelligence" agencies have never taken advantage of this. These are the same clowns who created the Communist Monolith myth, even though the Chinese Communists had hated the Russian Communists since the 1930s. Mao was always another Trotsky.
In general, here you can argue like this: Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and the Arab Caliphate. The Arab caliphate was the same totalitarian regime in Asia as the Inquisition was in Europe. The Arabs are the center of Islam, and all the forces that want to revive the Caliphate in order to gain power over the Asian peoples are somehow connected with the Arab Wahhabis of Arabia. America is the country of antitotaliarianism , so americans are their main enemies. Their and leftist's Europe of Eurocentrists.

So yes, that's what it all comes down to.
It was the Taliban. On the same day, the leader of the anti-Taliban resistance, Shah Massoud, was killed. But there is information that the Saudis were involved there.
The Saudi Pillar of Wisdom

That was then, this is now. The Saudi Crown Prince is one of the few people who recognize that the Iranians have been encircling Mecca while Dumbo Dubya had us tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nations can have differences while maintaining common goals

This is bullshit that you can't proof

America has far more in common with Saudi Arabia than Iran

Again, empty words, I think that now America is against Iran solely for the sake of the pro-Israeli lobby. I don't see any connection here at all.
I am deaf but thanks for trying, will look this claim up later.

Try clicking on the link

The Biden administration has declassified a 16-page FBI report tying 9/11 hijackers to Saudi nationals living in the United States. The document, written in 2016, summarized an FBI investigation into those ties called Operation ENCORE.

The partially redacted report shows a closer relationship than had been previously known between two Saudis in particular — including one with diplomatic status — and some of the hijackers. Families of the 9/11 victims have long sought after the report, which painted a starkly different portrait than the one described by the 9/11 Commission Report in 2004.
Try clicking on the link

The Biden administration has declassified a 16-page FBI report tying 9/11 hijackers to Saudi nationals living in the United States. The document, written in 2016, summarized an FBI investigation into those ties called Operation ENCORE.

The partially redacted report shows a closer relationship than had been previously known between two Saudis in particular — including one with diplomatic status — and some of the hijackers. Families of the 9/11 victims have long sought after the report, which painted a starkly different portrait than the one described by the 9/11 Commission Report in 2004.
Something is not clean here. Biden does not need this, besides, 2004 is the time of Bush.

Most likely, Biden is simply trying to cover up the Taliban traces, this may be a fiction.

I have no doubt that it was the Taliban.
They called it "Al Qaeda", but it seems that "al Qaeda" is just the crypto name of the same Taliban.
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