Thanks to the long list of the FALSE prosecutions of Donald Trump by the Progressive Leftist’s, and the Lying Democrats Biden Administration and everyone connected with the Socialist Democrats we have seen the fast deteriorated of the United States
Be it China, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or even Venezuela .....nobody wants to do business with the United States any longer, so make no mistake about it, ever since Joe Biden took office as President of the United States the country has gone on a speedy downward spiral of corruption, censorship of Republicans, and conservatives. The lunacy being taught to the next generation, is weakness in the eyes of our opponents. They have seen the economic crash, the supply shortages, the empty selves in our Super Markets and the massive inflation of our goods and services. In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford the bare basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large holiday dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and astronomical prices mean many struggle, the lack of our citizens taking those yearly vacations, they simply cannot afford to carry on the usual family traditions. Many of them even struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week, and have enough left to pay their rent. . That family road trip that they took yearly may cost double or triple the price than it did before. The price of gas has doubled, or tripled. That electric bill has gone sky high. For many this Christmas, the tree will look smaller, and barer than in past years and even Santa Clause may have a tighter budget for the kids this year. . This will be the reality for many middle class families, not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, saved money for rainy days have found under Joe Biden, and the storm has no end in sight.
People are working at multiple jobs just to say above water.
And forget about putting away some money for a rainy day, because that Rainy day is now.. Under Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats prices have doubled, and even tripled, even are expected to quadruple in some cases! The rich and upper class elites who are often radical liberal won’t be affected. But, I’ll bet that Nancy Pelosi still can fill her luxury fridge full of the finest brands of Gourmet Ice Cream that money can buy.. Those on welfare or are here illegally will be provided everything they need free of charge so they’ll vote Democrat. The small business owners are letting employees go the big corporations are laying off employees . The supply train shortages etc. is hurting businesses . The Government is putting restriction after restriction on the trucking industry, shutting down domestically sourced pipelines, inflating prices on everything, all trickles down to how we can afford to live the lives we want, and frankly, have earned through our labors. Funny thing how under “America’s most Hated President” WE HAD ONE OF THE BEST ECONOMIES EVER!
The Left would blame conservatives for ruining the economy and keeping people at poverty level. They offer handouts to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants that they allowed in. Thank God that the ridicules student loan has been cancelled or we’d be even deeper in debt. But the welfare checks, keep on coming to the lazy non workers. Trouble is, it’s all a scam; encouraging dependency on the government makes us Putty in their hands Just vote how the Left tells you too no matter how damaging it is in the long run since we’re footing the bill! Their “solutions” are Actually bribery, and a band aid over a gaping wound without solving what’s really driving prices sky high. The elites tell us to adjust our standard of living. Settle for less while still working just as hard if not harder to get less than what you could get two years ago. Pay more for your electric bill while having to endure blackouts every week. Pay more to get less gas in your car. Pay more to buy half of what you need to feed your family. Your retirement has been pushed back ten years or is now only a pipe dream. Sending the kids to college? Beg the government to cancel their debt or go without. That vacation you saved for 10 years to celebrate your 50th anniversary? Forget it, It’s Just Not happening now! Is this acceptable to you? To see the sacrifices you’ve made towards your future fall short of what’s needed? To realize in a country the world envies for its wealth and standards of living you find yourself perilously close to the edge of poverty on a middle class salary? How does it feel as the main provider for your family to struggle to provide basic necessities, never mind any wants? Then welcome to the Socialist Democratic Party.
Thanks to the long list of the FALSE prosecutions of Donald Trump by the Progressive Leftist’s, and the Lying Democrats Biden Administration and everyone connected with the Socialist Democrats we have seen the fast deteriorated of the United States
American liberals or Dems, aren't "democratic socialists". How did the democratic party treat Bernie Sanders? Not good. They made sure their establishment cronies, Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had the Democratic Party nomination, not an actual Democratic socialist.
Bernie is a democratic socialist, but he's not much of a Marxist or socialist in the traditional sense of the word. Democratic socialism is part of the non-revolutionary, peaceful reformist revisionist current of socialism, which was often in bed with capitalists, against the actual revolutionary socialists who threatened the power of the capitalist class and can't be bribed or controlled. Socialism doesn't need to be identified as "democratic socialism" because it's already inherently democratic.
If American Democrats
(liberals), were actually socialists, they would nationalize all of the industries that are vital to our national infrastructure.
All of the heavy industries and major centers of economic power, like the banks, fossil fuel industry
(the energy sector), mining, defense, big pharma, all utility companies, telecom, and a few others, would be publicly owned and all of the revenue generated by those companies would be deposited in the public treasury. The fact Dems would NEVER do that is proof that they're not socialists. Even Bernie wouldn't do that, and that's why he's "socialist-light". Genuine Marxists would do all of the above.
Most of these Democrats aren't for Medicare for all, or tuition-free college and vocational training, or for public-sector employment guarantees for all Americans, or for housing all of the homeless or for a long list of policies that Marxists would be in favor of. So how are they socialists? They're not.
Be it China, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or even Venezuela nobody wants to do business with the United States any longer, so make no mistake about it, ever since Joe Biden took office as President of the United States the country has gone on a speedy downward spiral of corruption, censorship of Republicans, and conservatives.
There's cronyism in both parties. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same stinky turd.
The lunacy being taught to the next generation, is weakness in the eyes of our opponents.
As a Marxist and scientific-materialist I have to agree with you here. The capitalist ruling class loves emasculating the working-class, turning strong, masculine men into subservient, "metro-sexual", effeminate employees and consumers.
Confusing little boys and girls as to their "gender identity" creates a lifetime of costly hormone treatments and surgeries. A very lucrative business for big pharma and the liberal-leaning, mammon worshiping, medical establishment in general. Look at the sources of funding for all of these "woke" organizations. It's a long list of very wealthy donors, with Soros and other billionaires at the top of the list. They're not Marxists, they're big-money capitalists.
They have seen the economic crash, the supply shortages, the empty selves in our Super Markets and the massive inflation of our goods and services.
Don't blame the socialists for the massive inflation, blame the greed of capitalists, who inflate prices in the middle of a worldwide pandemic
(the residue of that is still here with us today). The US government could very easily tell the fossil fuel industry to bring down prices and they would have to do it.
These American multibillion-dollar corporations receive tens of billions of dollars in yearly subsidies, contracts, tax breaks, and other benefits and perks from the government, so they have no excuse for inflated prices. They can bring it all down to a more reasonable price, but they refuse to do that because they're in business to make money. The bottom line of capitalist production is profits, not meeting human needs.
In a season where we ought to reflect upon being thankful for what we have, many fellow Americans are struggling to afford the bare basic necessities at reasonable prices. Forget a large holiday dinner to feed everyone around your table, the food shortages and astronomical prices mean many struggle, the lack of our citizens taking those yearly vacations, they simply cannot afford to carry on the usual family traditions.
Many of them even struggle to even buy enough groceries to last the week, and have enough left to pay their rent. . That family road trip that they took yearly may cost double or triple the price than it did before.
Yeah, blame the big-money capitalists for that, not the socialists. In capitalism, you can have warehouses full of food and people still go hungry. Under capitalism, you can have millions of vacant homes and apartments, and people are still homeless. Production is for the purpose of capital accumulation or "for-profit", not to meet human needs. Everything is produced to sell in a marketplace, not necessarily to be consumed and used. Millions of tons of potatoes, milk, and other food items, among other products as well, are thrown away, because it's unprofitable to give that away or sell it for a low price ("it hurts the market"), hence people have to starve.
Socialism for the rich, and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for the rest of us. That's how capitalism works. The capitalists get plenty of socialism, and we the working class are told we need to be "fiscally responsible and hard-working"..etc. The big-money rich capitalists are the first ones to rely on government subsidies and bailouts. Whatever the government does to help the people is labeled "socialism", while they're getting plenty of help and perks from the government. They have the nerve to throw away all of those resources
(food, clothing, electric appliances, you name it) in the garbage because it doesn't serve their financial interests.
The price of gas has doubled or tripled.
Under socialism, the American people would own the fossil fuel industry collectively and hence prices would be much lower.
Whenever industries vital to our national infrastructure are privatized, and placed in the hands of a few wealthy elites., we get in trouble. We see this with municipal, publicly-owned utility companies that once offered low prices and a much better service to the public, becoming more expensive with fewer benefits for the consumer, when they're privatized
(placed in the hands of a few rich folks).
If we're going to have a market economy, then we need to have some boundaries, as to what can and can't be privatized. Vital industries to our infrastructure should remain publicly owned, by the people, not placed in the hands of a few capitalists.
American socialists would make America 100% energy independent. We would transition gradually but surely, from fossil fuels to clean and safe nuclear energy. That's the actual socialist way of thinking. We love high-tech, clean, and safe nuclear energy. It's abundant, we'll never run out of electricity, and we can start using more electric vehicles, without further polluting the environment.
That electric bill has gone sky high.
Yep? Socialists would cut prices.
For many this Christmas, the tree will look smaller, and barer than in past years and even Santa Clause may have a tighter budget for the kids this year. . This will be the reality for many middle class families...
... not just who we usually think of as poor or needy. Families who have been smart, and saved money for rainy days have found under Joe Biden, and the storm has no end in sight. People are working at multiple jobs just to say above water.
Covid and the bad policies of both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for all of these austerities. The American working class has been dismantled, along with our manufacturing base, going all the way back to the 1980s. The two full-time job phenomenon is nothing new. Stagnant wages and a higher cost of living, have been with us for decades, ever since both Republicans and Democrats became "supply-side", trickle-down economists. The trickle-down doesn't trickle.
In the golden age of our economy, in the 1950s and 60s, the highest tax rate was 90%, and the average CEO of a large company, was making 20 times the salary of the average blue-collar worker. Today the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies make 400 times the salary of an average worker in their company. Back then 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized and one breadwinner could support the whole family. Public colleges were practically, tuition free
(extremely affordable) and the likelihood of you, as a blue-collar worker, owning your home was much higher than it is today.
What we have today is gross inequality and yet the working class works even harder and produces more, with less pay, benefits, and leverage to negotiate their terms of employment with their powerful, wealthy employers. It's a non-unionized, highly exploited, and abused workforce.
Then the older generation wonders why their children and grandchildren don't want to "get a job", working under such dismal conditions. Why would anyone in their right mind want to subject themselves to that? This is one of the reasons there are so many people on anti-depressants and going crazy.
And forget about putting away some money for a rainy day, because that Rainy day is now.. Under Joe Biden, and the rest of the Democrats prices have doubled, and even tripled, even are expected to quadruple in some cases!
The primary culprit in these price hikes isn't the politicians, it's the capitalists. Capitalizing on a crisis, as much as possible, raising prices and increasing austerities for their employees, in order to cut costs. They're digging their own holes. The US federal government could very easily end inflation with price controls. All the authorities need to do is tell those greedy capitalists, "NO, can't do that".
The rich and upper class elites who are often radical liberal won’t be affected.
Some are social liberals, as opposed to being socially conservative, but they're all just capitalists pursuing their own financial interests. Vested interest rules their decisions, not what is best for the American public.
But, I’ll bet that Nancy Pelosi still can fill her luxury fridge full of the finest brands of Gourmet Ice Cream that money can buy..
Yeah, she can, and so can all of the wealthy Republicans in Congress as well.
Those on welfare or are here illegally will be provided everything they need free of charge so they’ll vote Democrat. The small business owners are letting employees go the big corporations are laying off employees . The supply train shortages etc. is hurting businesses .
All of this is created by late-stage, full-blown capitalism, not socialism. Socialists would throw employers in prison who hire illegal immigrants. Socialists would lift all economic sanctions currently being imposed upon Latin American countries, allowing those countries to develop and improve the lives of their citizens. That alone would greatly reduce all of the illegal immigration.
American Marxists would make sure every American is employed and earning a living wage, under a market economy like ours. If politicians were actually socialists, none of this would happen. It happens because our politicians aren't socialists.
The Government is putting restriction after restriction on the trucking industry, shutting down domestically sourced pipelines, inflating prices on everything...
The higher prices aren't due to any government-imposed restrictions, but capitalists capitalizing on a crisis and cutting down their overhead as much as possible, wherever they can, to increase their profits. Any company that is already making billions in profits yearly, has no excuse for raising prices.
all trickles down to how we can afford to live the lives we want, and frankly, have earned through our labors. Funny thing how under “America’s most Hated President” WE HAD ONE OF THE BEST ECONOMIES EVER!
Trump inherited an economy from the Obama administration that was expanding, and it continued to do so during the first three years of his presidency. While real wage growth was
slow or stagnant for most Americans, and had been under Obama, unemployment continued to trend downward and GDP continued to grow.
As the pandemic raged in the U.S., however, Trump consistently downplayed its severity. Instead of focusing on getting the virus under control, he concentrated on reopening the economy and several surges in the virus followed, including the most severe as he left office in 2021.
The lack of leadership during the health crisis was not only deadly with thousands of Americans dying every day, but also disastrous for the economy. Other countries such as China and South Korea were better able to control the spread of the virus. As a result, Chinese GDP is
forecasted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to increase by 1.8%, and Korean GDP is forecasted to fall by only 1.1% , considerably less than the 3.7% drop forecast for the U.S.
The Chinese Communist Party's ironclad pandemic response was notably much stricter than many democratic nations including the U.S. The U.S.'s GDP forecast is on par with G20 nations, which altogether are forecast to have a 3.8% drop in GDP.
“There are many countries that have made mistakes, but there are some countries that have done it right,” (Jeffrey Frankel, James W. Harpel Professor of Capital Formation and Growth at Harvard University's Kennedy School)
Heidi Shierholz, a former chief economist at the Department of Labor and the current senior economist and policy director at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute think tank in Washington, D.C., states:
"The utter lack of a coherent, effective response to COVID has just done enormous damage to the economy."
The Left would blame conservatives for ruining the economy and keeping people at poverty level. They offer handouts to the Millions of Illegal Immigrants that they allowed in.
Both the Republicans and the Democrats are responsible for ruining our economy and keeping Americans impoverished and struggling. Both parties are guilty, not just one.
Republicans as well as Democrats, impose sanctions on poor, Latin American countries and sponsor coups whenever one of the leaders of these countries decides to pass policies that serve the interests of their own country, helping their people improve their lives, rather than the vested interest of American and European corporations. It's not socialists doing this, it's both Republicans and Democrats. This increases illegal immigration.
Thank God that the ridicules student loan has been cancelled or we’d be even deeper in debt.
We would not be deeper in debt as a nation if we canceled the student debt of our children. It would be an investment in our nation's future and it would greatly stimulate the economy. The so-called "national debt" is a paper tiger, due to the fact that we have a sovereign, fiat currency, exclusively issued by our federal government and our national GDP is now around 24 trillion dollars. So canceling the student debt would simply lift the burden off our children and allow them to improve their standard of living, increasing their ability to own a home and save money.
But the welfare checks, keep on coming to the lazy non workers.
The lazy non-workers are the big-money capitalists who rely on the working class for their incomes (on those who actually do the work), and seek bail-out money from the government whenever their businesses fail. They privatize their profits and make the public liable for their losses (socialism for the rich).
Trouble is, it’s all a scam; encouraging dependency on the government makes us Putty in their hands Just vote how the Left tells you too no matter how damaging it is in the long run since we’re footing the bill!
The government foots the bill for the capitalists and yet conservatives keep perpetuating the same corrupt system, blaming the poor and working class for all of the problems in our economy, rather than charging the actual culprits, namely the wealthy elites.
Their “solutions” are Actually bribery, and a band aid over a gaping wound without solving what’s really driving prices sky high.
Capitalism. Hello.
The elites tell us to adjust our standard of living. Settle for less while still working just as hard if not harder to get less than what you could get two years ago.
You recognize that and that's great, but you're so brainwashed by your capitalist masters, that you fail to identify the true source of the problem. It's not the poor or working class, it's the big-money capitalists. It's not the mom & pop Pizzeria owner on the corner, it's not the little capitalists (small business owners), it's the big boys. The bankers (banksters), wall street, the fossil fuel industry, the military-industrial complex, big pharma, the insurance companies, and a few other big money interests. They're destroying our country. Blame them.
As a socialist, I have nothing against the mom-and-pop store on the corner. Good for them. I support policies that empower small businesses. They're not spending an average of $1000 monthly per employee, on healthcare insurance. Medicare for all will eliminate that expense for small businesses, allowing them to hire more people and expand. As a socialist, living in a market economy, I'm for that. Whatever helps local, small businesses and workers, is good for the economy and our country.
Pay more for your electric bill while having to endure blackouts every week. Pay more to get less gas in your car. Pay more to buy half of what you need to feed your family.
Yeah, I agree. It's screwed up. As far as utility companies, that should be in the hands of the people. All electric plants should be publicly owned and if we did that, prices would be much lower. Utilities should be owned and managed by local municipalities.
Your retirement has been pushed back ten years or is now only a pipe dream.
Thank the politicians in the pockets of capitalists for that. Cronyism is inevitable in capitalism, and part of that is privatizing all government entitlements and making it more difficult for working-class people to collect their pensions. It's not socialists doing that, it's big-money interests. We have Social Security benefits thanks to the Socialists who pushed FDR in the 1930s, to enact the Social Security Administration. True leftists, genuine socialists, organize labor, in unions and in other ways, to fight for these rights. Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits are thanks to leftists organizing the working class to fight for their rights.
Sending the kids to college?
College in all public universities should be tuition free. It's an investment in our future. A nation with a well-educated and skilled citizenry creates a better economy and society in general. Investing in people's education has a 1000-fold return (ROI).
Beg the government to cancel their debt or go without.
Don't blame the working class for wanting some relief, blame the big money. These wealthy elites are constantly begging the government to cancel their debts, tax breaks, contracts, subsidies, and bailout money. It's not the working class and their children who are the problem, it's the wealthy parasites who depend upon the labor of others to hoard capital.
That vacation you saved for 10 years to celebrate your 50th anniversary? Forget it, It’s Just Not happening now! Is this acceptable to you?
To see the sacrifices you’ve made towards your future fall short of what’s needed? To realize in a country the world envies for its wealth and standards of living you find yourself perilously close to the edge of poverty on a middle class salary?
The world doesn't envy us anymore. It pities us. I live half of the year in Western Europe and workers there have it much better than we do here. They don't envy us at all. They think we're stupid.
How does it feel as the main provider for your family to struggle to provide basic necessities, never mind any wants? Then welcome to the Socialist Democratic Party.
Welcome to late-stage, full-blown capitalism.