The Solution...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
There is no doubt that Israel will cease to exist unless her neighbors accept her in a Peace deal...Revive the Arab League Peace Offer...

...Bernie Sanders I m not a great fan of Benjamin Netanyahu -

: Tell me your feeling about whether there should be a two-state solution should Palestine be given statehood?

(Bernie)SANDERS: Absolutely. What you have in that part of the world is an unspeakable tragedy. And it seems like it’s never-ending and it seems like it every year gets worse and worse and more killing and more bombings and everything else. And again, Diane, if I had the magical solution to that problem I would be in the president’s office today giving it. I don’t have it. But clearly the goals are two-fold: number one the Palestinian people, in my view, deserve a state of their own, they deserve an economy of their own, they deserve economic support from the people of this country. And Israel needs to be able to live in security without terrorist attacks. Those are the goals of I think any sensible foreign policy in that region.
The solution will never be peaceful co-existence with the muzbots.

The muzbots are not interested in peaceful co-existence, they're dedicated to destroying Israel. (Us too.)


The only solution is for one side or the other to annihilate the other.

I'm rooting for Israel.
There is no doubt that Israel will cease to exist unless It makes peace with it's neighbors
True story

The only way they could ever do it would be by commiting mass suicide.

I prefer they kill the muzbots off.

By not making Peace with their Neighbours, they are committing mass suicide

Their relations with their neighbors aren't all that bad, since they all have a common enemy with Iran.

The arabs really don't give a shit about the palestinan parasites, it's just a wedge issue they use to keep the radicals within their own borders content. The Egyptians and Saudis are more likely to go to war with ISIS than they are Israel.

Yes the Palestinians need & well deserve their own Palestinian State with self determination free of Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to provoke the Palestinians. Question is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands? Any suggestions?
Yes the Palestinians need & well deserve their own Palestinian State with self determination free of Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to provoke the Palestinians. Question is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands? Any suggestions?


If the Europeans hadn't colonized Palestine with the help of the British, there would not be a problem today. I'm rooting for the Christians.

If you're for the Christians, then you should be on Israel's side. Despite threats from Muslims, Israeli Christians are volunteering in droves for the IDF. Pete even thanked you because he thought that's what you meant.
If the Europeans hadn't colonized Palestine with the help of the British, there would not be a problem today. I'm rooting for the Christians.

If you're for the Christians, then you should be on Israel's side. Despite threats from Muslims, Israeli Christians are volunteering in droves for the IDF. Pete even thanked you because he thought that's what you meant.

The Palestinians are Christians. A few dozen Christians have volunteered for the IDF, and they are mostly offspring of former Lebanese Christians of the SLA, not Palestinian Christian
If you're for the Christians, then you should be on Israel's side. Despite threats from Muslims, Israeli Christians are volunteering in droves for the IDF. Pete even thanked you because he thought that's what you meant.

It should be pretty obvious to anyone that prefers not to be killed by savage zealots of a 1400 year old cult of slavery and death, that Israel isn't the problem. They existed in that region long before a phony prophet of a moongod started having seizures and telling his band of thieves that he was talking to God.

The jews built the city of Jerusalem, and as far as I'm concerned they should be able to keep it, especially since they made the effort to reconquer it.

I did have sympathy for the paliscumians before I saw them dancing in the streets to celebrate 9/11.

Now they can kiss my infidel ass.

Yes the Palestinians need & well deserve their own Palestinian State with self determination free of Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to provoke the Palestinians. Question is where to put it as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands? Any suggestions?


Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
You should choose Your battles carefully.

montelaci wrote:
"If the Europeans hadn't colonized Palestine with the help of the British, there would not be a problem today. I'm rooting for the Christians."

Your statement is identical to Bin Laden's justification of 911.

Now let's see what arabs had on the menu for jews BEFORE 1948:

1066- Granada massacre- killing 1500 families in A DAY
1066 Granada massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

1679—1680- Mawza Exile- most jews expelled from Yemeni towns to dry desert to die.
Mawza Exile - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

1840- Damascus Affair- spreading christian anti-semitic lies to justify torture, death and ruin.
Damascus affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Following the Damascus affair, Pogroms spread through the Middle East and North Africa:
Aleppo (1850, 1875),
Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890),
Beirut (1862, 1874),
Dayr al-Qamar (1847),
Jerusalem (1847),
Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02),
Mansura (1877),
Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07),
Port Said (1903, 1908),
Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891),
Istanbul (1870, 1874),
Buyukdere (1864),
Kuzguncuk (1866),
Eyub (1868),
Edirne (1872),
Izmir (1872, 1874).

Baghdad massacre
1867- Barfurush

1839- Allahdad riot- FORCED CONVERSION
Allahdad - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Contrary to popular belief, the Qur'an did not allow Muslims to force Jews to wear distinctive clothing. Obadyah the Proselyte reported in 1100 AD, that the Caliph had created this rule himself:

The Caliph of Baghdad, al-Muqtadi [1075–1094], had given power to his vizier, Abu Shuja, [who] imposed that each male Jew should wear a yellow badge on his headgear. This was one distinctive sign on the head and the other was on the neck … a piece of lead of the weight of a silver dinar hanging round the neck of every Jew and inscribed with the word dhimmi to signify that the Jew had to pay poll-tax. Jews also had to wear girdles round their waists. Abu Shuja further imposed two signs on Jewish women. They had to wear a black and a red shoe, and each woman had to have a small brass bell on her neck or shoe, which would tinkle and thus announce the separation of Jewish from Gentile [Muslim] women. He assigned cruel Muslim men to spy upon Jewish women, in order to oppress them with all kinds of curses, humiliation, and spite. The Gentile population used to mock all the Jews, and the mob and their children used to beat up the Jews in all the streets of Baghdad. When a Jew died, who had not paid up the poll-tax [jizya] to the full and was in debt for a small or large amount, the Gentiles did not permit burial until the poll-tax was paid. If the deceased left nothing of value, the Gentiles demanded that other Jews should, with their own money, meet the debt owed by the deceased in poll-tax; otherwise they [threatened] they would burn the body."

Yellow sign for Jews??? Prior to 1939? So they had a lot in common.

Now the icing on the cake:

Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941)
after becoming the Mufti of Jerusalem and organizing those riots.


If you were aware that the British had a plan (in writing) to settle Europeans to form a colony, on the land your people had inhabited for many generations, evict your people and create a state of a different religion than any of the religions of your people, would you have supported Britain or the enemies of Britain?
Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

I really don't care about giving them a state, or even a ranch. If they ever manage to act like human beings I might reconsider but as far as I'm concerned they belong in a zoo. Something to be observed by kids as how not to live. They were in charge for centuries and did absolutely nothing to improve the place. If it wasn't for Israel it would still be a barren shithole full of rock farmers and goat fuckers.


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