The son of the head of Chechnya, Adam Kadyrov, was awarded two more awards – the eighth and ninth in a month


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Law and justice in Putin's Russia!
The alleged crime of Nikita Zhuravel was 'Desecration of Quran' he had committed in an Russian city before
So, as punishment 'christian' Putin send him to Muslim Chechnya.
The son of its dictator Kadirow came to prison and severely beat infidel.
Now he is a Hero of Muslim Chechnya and 'Christian' Russia
You betcha the guy will be awarded with at least a hundred of orders yet

The son of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, 15-year-old Adam, was awarded two more awards – the Order of Labor Valor of Russia and the medal For Contribution to the Development of the Russian Special Forces University, 1st degree. This was announced by the Minister of Chechnya for National Policy and External Relations Akhmed Dudayev.
The award ceremony took place as part of an event organized by the All-Russian public organization “Labor Valor of Russia”.
“Also, for his courage in defending his faith and traditions, Adam Kadyrov received a video message and a letter of greeting from the Chairman of the central board of the All-Russian public organization of heroes, holders of state awards and laureates of state awards “Labor Valor of Russia”, honorary builder of Russia, Hero of Socialist Labor Alexei Levin,” – writes Dudayev.
For Kadyrov Jr., this is already the eighth and ninth award after beating Volgograd resident Nikita Zhuravel. Before that, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Chechen Republic, then he was given the second most important award of Tatarstan, “Duslyk”. The head of Karachay-Cherkessia Rashid Temrezov and Mufti Ismail Berdiev awarded Adam Kadyrov with two orders, the head of Kabardino-Balkaria Kazbek Kokov presented him with the Order of Merit for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, and last week the son of the head of Chechnya received the highest order of the parliament of the republic “Daimekhkan Siy” “(Honor of the Fatherland). In addition, the teenager was awarded the Order for Service to the Religion of Islam, 1st degree.
Present Time spoke with HRW Deputy Director Tanya Lokshina about why Kadyrov’s son is being made into a hero of Chechnya:



By the way I have a Déjà-vu

Law and justice in Putin's Russia!
The alleged crime of Nikita Zhuravel was 'Desecration of Quran' he had committed in an Russian city before
So, as punishment 'christian' Putin send him to Muslim Chechnya.
The son of its dictator Kadirow came to prison and severely beat infidel.
Now he is a Hero of Muslim Chechnya and 'Christian' Russia
You betcha the guy will be awarded with at least a hundred of orders yet



By the way I have a Déjà-vu


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